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I was on Facebook looking at at my kids stuff and I saw this thread on my youngest daughter's wall and I thought this one guy was a moron. So I wrote you are a moron. I mean he has a right to know doesn't he? Well my daughter deleted me from her friends list lol. I still have plenty of spys. :)

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Guest Sgt. Joe
When I lose the right to stop spying on my kids facebook, room and cellphone they lose the right for me to stop paying for them.:)

Exactly what I was thinking.

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Guest mustangdave

I do the same thing to my "grown" kids...if you're going to publish your social life on the internet for all the world to read and comment on...best be prepared for some "parental communication" to remind you that you're still a child and need correcting...FACEBOOK can be fun

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Guest friesepferd
When I lose the right to stop spying on my kids facebook, room and cellphone they lose the right for me to stop paying for them.:up:


This is how I would do it if I had kids.

If I can't keep track on their internet usage and what they are doing online, then they can't have the internet. Simple as that.

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Guest KimberChick
When I lose the right to stop spying on my kids facebook, room and cellphone they lose the right for me to stop paying for them.:up:


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My wife and I went to Pigeon Forge for a few days last Fall. We stopped in Crossville at the VF Outlet and as I was waiting for her outside one of the stores, I decided to check FB. Lo and behold, my barely 21-yr old son, who was house sitting, had posted the following as his status:

"Have the house all to myself for a few days. Let me know if you wanna hang out"

To which one of his buddies replied:


To which I replied:

"I don't think so"

He got a follow up call and I emphasized that there would be NO PARTIES in my house, and that he should change his status RIGHT NOW or I was turning around and coming home.

The house was like we left it when we returned and nothing was missing. Facebook can be a good "surveillance" tool.

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Guest db99wj
When I lose the right to stop spying on my kids facebook, room and cellphone they lose the right for me to stop paying for them.:D

Yep, this. I know passwords, and I will demand access at any given point from her iTouch and whatever. It's fun to sneak up behind them while on Skype. Pick my nose or scratch my butt, or something.

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Guest Moody
:D Honestly - this just made my day (because I'm having a crappy one). Deleted from your daughter's friends list? "Aw, daaaaaaaaad!!!!" That will be me in a few years, when my oldest is using Facebook, or whatever is out at the time.
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Guest mustangdave

Originally Posted by db99wj viewpost-right.png Yep, this. I know passwords, and I will demand access at any given point from her iTouch and whatever. It's fun to sneak up behind them while on Skype. Pick my nose or scratch my butt, or something.

You do that anyway!

At least he's consistent...right?

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Guest nicemac

House rule (inclusive of my son in college): If you have a Facebook/ email/ whatever account, I have your password. If I am excluded from what you are doing, you don't do it. When you leave my house and stop depending on my support, you may do as you choose. In the meantime, follow my house rules.

My 14 year old told me last weeK: "Hey dad, I'll wash the car for $10."

"Great" I replied. "By the way, supper tonight is $10 per person."

Caster, agreed. Facebook, what a waste of time.

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Guest db99wj
You do that anyway!
Originally Posted by db99wj viewpost-right.png Yep, this. I know passwords, and I will demand access at any given point from her iTouch and whatever. It's fun to sneak up behind them while on Skype. Pick my nose or scratch my butt, or something.

At least he's consistent...right?

Well, yea. :D

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