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At work with a gun questions

Guest rocktheglock

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Guest rocktheglock

i have been using a holster from comp-tac, i sometimes carry my mid size glock and it is still hidden.

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Theres not much you can do if someone grabs it the wrong/right way. Ive got my pocket gun made out to look like a wallet but if you grabbed it just so, it would be pretty clear that something is going on. Or if you hit it hard it could drop the mag with a nice metallic click. No system is perfect when you are being grabbed or bumped into a lot, unless you bury it deep enough that you cant get at it in time. I would say it was just bad luck.

Guest friesepferd

1) if there is no sign, its not illegal

2) you most certainly can get fired for it

3) if you dont care about getting fired, and you want to carry, well... your not breaking any laws, so go for it

4) find a more concealed way to carry, or don't let your coworkers feel you up. still the manor in which you got 'caught' surprises me

5) if your coworker asks, tell him you dont anymore, and do your best to make sure nobody else finds out and you will be less likely to get caught and fired

6) what would I do? I have never had a job that I actually didn't care at all whether or not I had, but I suppose if I did, then I would do what you are doing. but since I don't want to lose my job, I dont carry at work.

Guest 270win

You're not breaking the law by carrying at work. You probably are breaking some kind of policy. If you don't care about getting fired, I'd carry on. I know I would if it is some extra money job and even some real job, depending on circumstances. Can't provide if some thug has hurt or killed you. Get you a good quality holster to hide your gun. I am always prepared to tell anyone that may bump my gun that it is some other sort of object. No way would I even admit it is a gun.

Most of these jobs don't care about your safety, especially side jobs that don't pay a lot. Most real jobs don't care about your safety. You are just a number sadly and they just use insurance to pay out in the event of something bad happening. Pathetic of how the corporate world is but that's how it is. I'm worth more than some insurance settlement money so I keep my handgun on me and also work for myself.


I work for the people who issue the handgun carry permits, yet I am not allowed to carry at work. How nuts is that??!!??

Guest carter

hum...yea if its just a part time gig for extra money and not your real job...do it... as stated before...they dont care about your safty.u have to do that yourself.... its like that most places... o and they did just pass a law btw that sts handgun carry permit holders do NOT create a hazardious work place... Tennessee Senate passes measure to OK guns at work

Guest ArmyVeteran37214
Last time I checked, they can't give the reason for firing you to a potential employer. They MAY be able to say you were fired for cause. I'll have to check with the HR folks in my company to see if it's law or just our policy. I don't work for walmart.

I know my employer will only state that I was an employee (current or past) and will not say any thing else.

Guest aaron a

I carry at work but I do work for a small company. But I do a lot of driving into VA and NC from TN

Guest tnxdshooter
Last time I checked, they can't give the reason for firing you to a potential employer. They MAY be able to say you were fired for cause. I'll have to check with the HR folks in my company to see if it's law or just our policy. I don't work for walmart.

Far as I know they can only verify yaye or nay that you worked there and nothing more.

Far as I know they can only verify yaye or nay that you worked there and nothing more.

Yea, most of the other info would be considered off limits. A smart employer knows only to ask 1 question. "Would YOU hire so and so again?"

Yea, most of the other info would be considered off limits. A smart employer knows only to ask 1 question. "Would YOU hire so and so again?"

Proof of employment and the dates according to our HR director. If the company volunteers other info that's ok.

Especially sad about Wal-Mart is that they don't even seem to want employees to be able to defend their own lives even when they are in intimate danger (given a recent news story)...I can understand you carrying to protect yourself but given their attitude, I certainly would never risk my life to protect their money/property.

My Dad is a Co-Manager at the Wal-Mart in Chattanooga and he says that if he were even to come into the Wal-Mart he works at with a firearm when he was off that he could be fired.

Yea, most of the other info would be considered off limits. A smart employer knows only to ask 1 question. "Would YOU hire so and so again?"
Proof of employment and the dates according to our HR director. If the company volunteers other info that's ok.

A smart employer asks everything. There are very few things an employer can’t ask.

For example, if you apply to be a cop most departments will do a full background on you that will include everything. They will start by asking you to put it all down on paper. Getting fired for carrying a gun (with a permit) against company policy might not kick you out of the running; but trying to cover it up would.

I guess if you are hiring minimum wage workers or illegals it’s not important; but for many jobs you don’t want any surprises.

Guest ForPointSix
Posted (edited)

My advise would be to carry as usual, until management says something to you.

I work 2 different jobs and take my M&P to both of them. My first job is a waiter in a Nashville restaurant. I am always squeezing by and bumping into people, and not one time have I been called out for carrying and firearm. The owner is very HCP friendly and prefers at least one person every shift carry.

I am a mechanic at my 2nd job and just put my gun in the tool box. The owner never asked and I never told him. Other employees know that I carry but they could care less.

Edited by ForPointSix

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