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Yup...it left a mark - Soldiers test 40mm riot grenade


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Guest mustangdave

SON OF AH!!!!...boy talk about Taking ONE for the TEAM


That takes a combination of tough and stupid that I'm very glad I don't have....

It also looks like a real good way of drawing an article 15. :D

Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

He's just lucky his "friend" didn't decide to drop the muzzle a bit and hit him in the jewels. That would be a...career ender...for the recipient.

  Jamie said:
That takes a combination of tough and stupid that I'm very glad I don't have....

It also looks like a real good way of drawing an article 15. :D

Yep, and supply the evidence for the whole world to see.


Yikes! Ouch!

On a much smaller scale, it reminded me of a friend of mine that once said this... "I've been working out. Go ahead, hit me in the stomach as hard as you can." It didn't leave a mark anything like that and I'm sure it didn't hurt as much but the reaction looked very much the same.

  Motasyco said:
Yikes! Ouch!

On a much smaller scale, it reminded me of a friend of mine that once said this... "I've been working out. Go ahead, hit me in the stomach as hard as you can." It didn't leave a mark anything like that and I'm sure it didn't hurt as much but the reaction looked very much the same.

Yea, unfortunately taking a punch has very little to do with working out. There's a technique there and it has nothing to do with tensing up your ab muscles.

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  Motasyco said:
Yikes! Ouch!

On a much smaller scale, it reminded me of a friend of mine that once said this... "I've been working out. Go ahead, hit me in the stomach as hard as you can." It didn't leave a mark anything like that and I'm sure it didn't hurt as much but the reaction looked very much the same.

Little known fact - that's how Harry Houdini died.

  MacGyver said:
Little known fact - that's how Harry Houdini died.

Fortunately, my friend lived but he never asked me to hit him in the stomach again. :D

  KahrMan said:
He will be lucky if that didn't crack or break a rib. It is gonna hurt like hell when he has to sneeze.

I'd be more concerned with possibly having a bruised or ruptured liver and internal bleeding, if I were him.

The shot missed his ribs by a couple of inches, but it's centered pretty well over the mid-point of his liver. Not good.


Oh man, I got hit with a bean bag shotgun round in practice. But that......

It hurt watching!

I'm too old for that crap anymore.

Guest Sgt. Joe

I sure cant blame the guys for trying to have a little fun in the field, but I certainly could think of a whole lot of other cray stuff to do other than that.

And for the Love of God and All that is Good :D.....When will they learn to NOT take pictures and videos of such things.

If their Commanding Officer sees that someone will certainly be in some sort of trouble, hopefully not an Article 15 but it could mean some special kind of fun type extra duty at minimum, burning the latrines or some other fun stuff.:D

If the Commander sees it, and chances are high his hands are pretty well tied to do something about it.

J. is also right, there is no way to know about internal injuries, and if there are any and the soldier avoids going to be checked out something like that could actually kill him, it sure would not be funny then.

On top of all that the round dont seem to be all that effective to me, it is still gonna hurt but it sure did not incapacitate the individual for very long.

I am mighty grateful for what they do but darn guys STOP with the video evidence:screwy:


That's GI's for you in their downtime. That is definitely a LOD with a NO marked in the box.

As a 1SG for quite a few years I have dealt with some unbelievable stuff.

  Sgt. Joe said:

On top of all that the round dont seem to be all that effective to me, it is still gonna hurt but it sure did not incapacitate the individual for very long.

I dunno Joe... That fellow seems like a very fit, well-conditioned individual, and it dropped him like a bad habit... And he didn't exactly jump back to his feet and ask to do it again. :D

I think the average :poop:head rioter or gangbanger would probably still be curled up in the fetal position, crying for their mama... which is probably the intended effect. :D

As far as I can see, the only real way to make it any more effective will involve making a 40mm hole all the way through whoever gets in front of it... and that kind'a screws up the whole "less lethal/non-lethal" part of the program. :screwy::P


I also wonder how effective it would be on a massive riot.

Every weapon has it's intended use. I believe that would be ineffective on a large crowd, say 1,000's. Small Gang where you could take out the leader or members new each other it would have more effect when they see the impact on the individuals and the effect would not be lost in the crowd.


I'll bet 20 soldiers armed with those things could do a number on even a large group of people... especially if they were also employing gas grenades and flashbangs.

Just nail the obvious agitators with the solids first, then switch to other rounds for the rest. Pretty soon everybody would be remembering appointments elsewhere, or generally just not want to play anymore.

And if things go completely pear-shaped... well, that's what live ammo's for. :D

  Jamie said:
I'll bet 20 soldiers armed with those things could do a number on even a large group of people... especially if they were also employing gas grenades and flashbangs.

Just nail the obvious agitators with the solids first, then switch to other rounds for the rest. Pretty soon everybody would be remembering appointments elsewhere, or generally just not want to play anymore.

And if things go completely pear-shaped... well, that's what live ammo's for. :)

And let's not forget nothing says "F YOU!" like a hornet's nest grenade!

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