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The Open Carry Thread

Guest Overtaker

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Question for you guys. Do you have different holsters you use for different carry methods? Like one holster you generally use for open carry and one holster for concealed. I do but its mainly for appearance standards. I use a nicer looking leather holster when I'm plain clothes ex. court or administrative duties. I use closer riding Matrix holster a lot when off duty trying to conceal my Glock. Just wondering if I was the only odd bug out there that did this.

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I'm from Montana...15 years ago the whole state was open carry. But NO concealed permits. PERIOD. I got stopped by the MHP in 1977 for a loose tail light. First thing I said to the officer. "I have a gun...it's loaded and on the seat next to me." He said. "Thanks. You have a flickering tail light" I got out and fixed it on the spot. He followed me to the next rest area and we talked guns for about an hour.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Overtaker

OC'd to Home Depot, Michaels, OfficeMax, Kroger, Shell, and Staples today. No comments, mean looks, or anything else.

Edited by Overtaker
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Guest archerdr1

I was just reading about the oc thing in California. I am in agreement that it should not be done to "Make a point", but if I was in CA and the only way I could carry, I would do it.

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I guess the common theme I've seen is how FEW people notice, not that I eyeball everyone around me.

I'm getting more and more comfortable with open carry. Today I open carried at the Subway next to the Nashville Airport.

I've only ever known three folks who noticed my Glock 23. The policeman talking on a cell phone leaning against the outside of a Target in Hendersonville (who never stopped talking on his phone but my wife said his eyes were doin' a Roger Rabbit), the manager of a Lenny's sub shop in Gallatin, and a fellow customer in Petco in Madison who talked with me briefly on how he didn't realize TN had open carry. None were negative encounters.

Other places I've carried is NCG Cinema, Kroger, Publix, Walmart.

As a pilot I travel a lot and have open carried in Wisconsin, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Montana, and Wyoming. I visited Yellowstone National Park and Gallatin National Forest this past year, open carrying.

I like the comfort of it and the freedom to do it. As an instructor (flight) I enjoy the opportunity to educate interested people I encounter. I dress neatly and am super polite. I'm not one to really push boundaries, though (as I see it, of course): if I think the sight of my weapon is going to get me asked to leave I don't mind covering.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe in carrying. I don't how it's done, so long as its safely done and within legal guidelines. With that being said, I typically CC. I'm open to OC. I believe the most important thing a person OC'ing should do is not dwell on the fact that they are carrying. If one were to carry them-self in the same manner when OC'ing vs unarmed hardly anyone would notice, those that do notice would not care as they'd be comforted by the demeanor of the person carrying.

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Saw a guy OC at Rural King in Clarksville a few days ago, had a nice rig. I KNEW he had a gun and it certainly didn't bother me. He did NOT know I was carrying a gun therefore he wasn't bothered one bit either LOL. But there are those among us who are ignorant on the subject and somehow seem to be willing to show that ignorance at every available opportunity. I really don't want to have to deal with any of that ignorance pointed in my direction, so I guess I'll stay concealed (for now). My CC rig is quite easlily accessed if needed without any attention when not needed. But I must say I sometimes feel like I am "hiding" something even though I am within my legal bounds. May have to at some point take on some OC "therepy" to help me deal with that syndrome.

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When I lived in Virginia they have an open carry law, as long as your 21 years of age its legal ('cept for the typical places, banks etc...). Only time I ever did it was when I was building a house in the fall (in heavy woods) and time to time I'd go to some suppler or a convenience store. If anyone ever said anything about it it was to ask me how I liked it or tell me about theirs. Funny how guns CAN bring people together!

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Guest NYCrulesU

I OC everywhere, all the time. If guns aren't welcome in a certain business or place, then either am I. I've never CC'd before. Though I may try it this Sunday at church. I OC at my church but this will be a first time trip to a new church and on Mother's Day to boot.

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I don't open carry much. Mostly at gas pumps I'll have my tshirt on the inside instead of draped over. Even then I only do it for the entertainment value. It gets interesting in places of ethnic diversity.

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Guest TackleberryTom
Saw a guy OC at Rural King in Clarksville a few days ago

I was just there a few days ago too. Was it a 1911 with black pancake holster? That would have been me.

I don't always OC, but when I do I drink dos..wait wrong commercial. I OC fairly often, but my CC of a full size 1911 on the waist is not really "concealed" just out of sight.

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Guest Bronker
No, it was a big nickel revolver with a double speed loader set up. SHINY SHINY ! couldn't help but notice.

Short older guy with a long gray beard? I've seen him too. Really.

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Guest whoa5oh
Saw a guy OC at Rural King in Clarksville a few days ago, had a nice rig. I KNEW he had a gun and it certainly didn't bother me. He did NOT know I was carrying a gun therefore he wasn't bothered one bit either LOL. But there are those among us who are ignorant on the subject and somehow seem to be willing to show that ignorance at every available opportunity. I really don't want to have to deal with any of that ignorance pointed in my direction, so I guess I'll stay concealed (for now). My CC rig is quite easlily accessed if needed without any attention when not needed. But I must say I sometimes feel like I am "hiding" something even though I am within my legal bounds. May have to at some point take on some OC "therepy" to help me deal with that syndrome.

was he wearing a camo boonie hat with a polished glock. if so it was probably me.

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Guest Overtaker

At Kroger last week, as I was checking out the cashier leaned over the counter towards me and started looking around. Confused, she asked the bagger, a young lady perhaps in her teens, what it was that she was staring at. The bagger's eyes were wide open and she pointed to my hip and said "the gun!" The cashiers response: "Ohh! It's just a gun." The bagger in the lane behind me also told her with a smile on his face "Yea it's just a gun. Nothing to worry about!" The bagger at my lane then said that "it's awesome!" and I paid and left.

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Guest Overtaker
Overtaker, my GF said some guy was OCing while at the car wash yesterday. First person I thought of was you.

:( Wasn't me, but I'm glad I'm not alone out here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kirkosaurus

It's strange how polite and helpful people are when they see you with a gun.

OC'd today in Home Depot. More than the usual smiles and "may I help you's".

Same with Ace Hardware. Had two gentlemen help me find stems and internals for my bathtub faucets. Don't think I've ever got that much help there.

The guy at the dump actually smiled and asked how I was doing. That's never happened before.

Bought some shoes at Outland USA in Nolensville. The guy gave me a 10% discount for being patient with him (they were having connection problems with their credit card machine) and there really was no wait at all.

Very helpful people at Mt. Juliet beer store. Stayed there for quite awhile talking about beer and beer making equipment, then bought some home brew supplies. Talked with my buddy out in the parking lot who runs Tucc's kitchen (best hot dogs and meatballs in town), a cart right outside the beer store.

Never once had anyone mention my firearm.

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It's strange how polite and helpful people are when they see you with a gun.

OC'd today in Home Depot. More than the usual smiles and "may I help you's".

Same with Ace Hardware. Had two gentlemen help me find stems and internals for my bathtub faucets. Don't think I've ever got that much help there.

The guy at the dump actually smiled and asked how I was doing. That's never happened before.

Bought some shoes at Outland USA in Nolensville. The guy gave me a 10% discount for being patient with him (they were having connection problems with their credit card machine) and there really was no wait at all.

Very helpful people at Mt. Juliet beer store. Stayed there for quite awhile talking about beer and beer making equipment, then bought some home brew supplies. Talked with my buddy out in the parking lot who runs Tucc's kitchen (best hot dogs and meatballs in town), a cart right outside the beer store.

Never once had anyone mention my firearm.

I agree with you on how polite people are. I just got my permit yesterday and carried into three stores (Kohls, Target, and Walmart) and I usaually dont get asked how im doing or if im finding everything ok but yesterday everyone seemed to want to be on my good side lol couldnt have had anything to do with the G22 strapped to my side I wouldnt reckon.

Even had a cashier compliment my gun and chatted about it while he checked me out.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego
It's strange how polite and helpful people are when they see you with a gun.

OC'd today in Home Depot. More than the usual smiles and "may I help you's".

Same with Ace Hardware. Had two gentlemen help me find stems and internals for my bathtub faucets. Don't think I've ever got that much help there.

The guy at the dump actually smiled and asked how I was doing. That's never happened before.

Bought some shoes at Outland USA in Nolensville. The guy gave me a 10% discount for being patient with him (they were having connection problems with their credit card machine) and there really was no wait at all.

Very helpful people at Mt. Juliet beer store. Stayed there for quite awhile talking about beer and beer making equipment, then bought some home brew supplies. Talked with my buddy out in the parking lot who runs Tucc's kitchen (best hot dogs and meatballs in town), a cart right outside the beer store.

Never once had anyone mention my firearm.

Wonder if people are nicer because they assume you are an LEO.....

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