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The Open Carry Thread

Guest Overtaker

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Guest aaron a

Welcome to TGO, I guess.

- OS

What is that mean am i "weard" because i keep mine coverd. I look at it this way if you see my gun than you are most likely going to be looking down the barrel.

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Guest aaron a

The way I look at it its just a easy way for someone to see Im not some crazy with a gun. But like i said i keep mine hidden most of the time..... and why should I know better than to carry a badge sometimes when my firearm is showing???

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Guest aaron a
I carry concealed. Like a lot of others I don't want to give away any advantage and I don't want to be targeted because I carry.

That is what i am saying the few times i do OC it is because i am not wearing a button up or jacket to cover it and i am a small guy so the in side the pants dont work for me and i carry a PT940 most of the time.

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Hay Mike I dont guess any of them are special I am just an instructor so mine has instructor on it..

I would argue that all of them are special. JMO.

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The way I look at it its just a easy way for someone to see Im not some crazy with a gun. But like i said i keep mine hidden most of the time..... and why should I know better than to carry a badge sometimes when my firearm is showing???


Some people believe that badges should only be used by Law Enforcement Officers. The arguement is that someone could think that you are impersonating an officer which is a crime. That certainly wouldn't cast a good light on gun owners. I'm not saying that is your intention, just throwing that out there to let you know why the vast majority of people on this forum are opposed to HCP badges of any sort. Personally, I just don't OC very often and that way I don't have to worry about it. I'm not against OC in the right circumstances, it's just that it's usually easy to conceal. One thing though, I personally don't get really caught up with "perfect" concealment either. What I mean by this is that If I want to carry OWB under a t-shirt and you can see a little bit of a black holster on my belt I don't think most people notice. All last summer I carried my Glock 26 in a pocket holster pretty much everywhere. It prints but it is so blocky and square who's to say it isn't a phone or a wallet or anything else. So many people carry large phones and other items on their belt or in their pockets that people just don't notice unless they are really looking. This works for me most of the time, but there are always social functions where I definitely wouldn't want to "make a scene". For those instances I do take a little more care to make sure concealed really is concealed.

Edited by JReedEsq
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I was at the dump over the past weekend. Carrying like I normally do, the .32 at 4:30 inside waistband.

I was dumping used motor oil in the collection tub and when I was done the guy behind me was grinning at me like a hyena. I did not think nothing of it really until I stepped up into the truck and realized the pistol was in plain view as the waist band on my sweatshirt had totally ridden up my back.

I bet if I had my ccw badge he would not have been smiling :)

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Guest m&pc9
The way I look at it its just a easy way for someone to see Im not some crazy with a gun. But like i said i keep mine hidden most of the time..... and why should I know better than to carry a badge sometimes when my firearm is showing???

How do they know your not a crazy with a gun and a badge?

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I don't OC but I don't hide it either. I wear a full size 1911 in a OWB holster on the front of my right hip and I have a button up shirt tucked in. Over that I have a sport coat that is rarely button up. The gun is very easy to see by anyone who faces me. I have only had one person freak out and it really wasn't a freak out. The lady, who was working a gas station, saw it then backed up while pointing at my pistol. She asked if it was a pistol and I said yes. She asked if I was LE and I said no. At that point she acted a bit more nervous and I told her I was allowed to carry it. She took a moment and continued to ring me up but she never seemed comfortable. Over time though she woudl see me regularly and now she doesn't give it a second glance.

Other than that instance I haven't had anyone say anything or do anything out of the ordinary.


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Guest Overtaker

OC'd to Wal-Mart, Lowe's, and Cheddar's restaurant. Nothing unusual except for one person in Lowe's who went bug eyed for a moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Overtaker

OC'd all last week while walking our dog. The only comments I got were compliments about the dog. Nice friendly neighborhood where everyone waves back. One of our young neighbors recently got his license. He was a little surprised as he drove by and literally stuck his head out of the window as he drove by for a better look (he passed his house). I gave him a wave as he returned to his house and he waved back.

Also OC'd to Cheddar's and Zaxby's.

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Guest highvoltage

the only time i have open carried is when i have to tuck in a shirt which has been 2 times. no one seemed to notice i was in a walmart and a couple of other stores. i do not care for open carrying myself. i would rather keep the advantage of someone not knowing i have a gun if i need it to defend myself. i have no problem with anyone else doing it that's there right. i like the surprise factor if i am put in a situation i have to use it. i would never use one of those badges.

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Guest EyeOfMidnight

I prefer not to open carry when I'm around town simply for the reason that I don't want local businesses to start posting. If our law was something like Kentucky's or Georgia's where signs carry no legal weight, I'd probably open carry 100% of the time.

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Guest Overtaker

OC'd to Kroger (where a cashier now recognizes me) and The Fresh Market, which you should visit if you like dark chocolate or candy.

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OC'd to Kroger (where a cashier now recognizes me) and The Fresh Market, which you should visit if you like dark chocolate or candy.

Which Kroger? I've OC'd to Kroger once and I swear it did not seem like a single soul noticed.

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Guest Overtaker
Which Kroger? I've OC'd to Kroger once and I swear it did not seem like a single soul noticed.

Kingston Pk location west of downtown after you pass through the residential area.

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Guest justaman30
Personally, I'm only comfortable with open carry in three places: 1) my house/yard, 2. my office, 3. In backwoods areas for hiking/camping etc...

Me too. I am a minister, and in my profession I have encountered some who think it is completely unethical or unspiritual to carry a firearm as a citizen, or mainly, as a pastor. So, I always carry concealed unless in the above-quoted situations, and only in the office rarely.

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