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This is just too cool! Lewis & Clark Air Rifle

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Yes. That is very interesting! I read "Undaunted Courage" by Stephen Ambrose. It is a great book and is a must read for all Americans.

Only one reply so far today? Lewis and Clark's scientific expedition is one of the greatest feats in American history. One of the last great explorations. They didn't even know about the Rocky Mountains! It insured our manifest destiny: to have one country from sea to shining sea.

Edited by Will Carry
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How is it Ive never seen the likes of this contraption before? I dont remember Lewis & Clark being taught to me in skool. I started out like most here with some sort of BB/Air gun as a kid etc. Im pissed.

Seriously cool rifle except for pumping it 1,500 times :popcorn:

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I dont remember Lewis & Clark being taught to me in skool.

Apparently, there is another thing you don't remember. :popcorn:;)

Seriously, I remember the Lewis and Clark expedition being taught in grade school, and when I took American History in college. They never said anything about the air rifle, though. That was a great video. I wish they would have showed the pump that was used to compress the air.

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Saw it last year when we visited the museum and IMO it was by far the most interesting piece there (the museum was totally awesome! You should go if you haven't been). I too was stunned that I never had heard about this rifle given that I've been a gun nut since the age of 5 or so. I was very excited to learn about it though.

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Apparently, there is another thing you don't remember. :popcorn:;)

Seriously, I remember the Lewis and Clark expedition being taught in grade school, and when I took American History in college. They never said anything about the air rifle, though. That was a great video. I wish they would have showed the pump that was used to compress the air.

Probably because they wanted you to think that if it wasn't for the indian chick Lewis & Clark never would have made it.

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