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Awesome work mav, way to stay on top of those measurements! I've been the same weight for about three weeks, around 162, but have been centering my training around my races instead of fat loss so theres no wonder there. Of course I still may be losing fat considering i'm running and swimming now instead of just biking. Triathlon next week!!!

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I have tried and tried to lose weight with never much success. I started a new job 1/17 of this year and after almost two complete months of me actually working on my own I have lost 20 pounds. I'm a meter reader and I am obsessed with how much weight I will have lost as summer approaches. I was at 260 and am now down to 238.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, since you want to keep it going I am now down 40 of my 50lb goal with a month and a few days to go. Only setback is a nasty sinus infection that got into my lungs and has required a round of Prednisone which has made me hungry as a bear. But I can till do this. 10 lbs in 33 more days.

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Guest Broomhead

I'm down to 245 now. That's 101 pounds!

Unfortunately, I have been having major problems with my back (numb areas in my legs, hips, and lower abdomen, increased pain in back and legs) and haven't been able to do even the walking I'm supposed to. It is frustrating to say the least.

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Good deal guys. I hope the numbness and pain is nothing serious. Have you seen your doctor about it?

I haven't posted in a while mainly due to nothing really happening. I decided to give my body a break and go off of my weight gain routine for a while. I also wanted to see if I would lose any weight by going back to my normal diet. I was trying to determine whether my weight gain was water weight. The good news is that I have been off my diet for almost a month, and I have lost only 1 pound and all measurements stayed the same of increased slightly. Based on those results, I would say that the weight I gained was quality weight.

I will be doing some training with Randy Harris this weekend, and starting Monday I will go back on my weight gain diet. Since I have been off the diet for almost a month, I should be able to shock my system as I did previously and put on the weight fairly rapidly. I am anticipating hitting my goal by the first or mid June.

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Guest db99wj

I've lost 7lbs, bounced up a little this weekend. Haven't been running, either been storming or working. I've had an incredibly busy few weeks at work,which is a good thing, and we have been out of town, and I haven't been able to run consistently. As soon as Friday is here, my work load will slow down a bit, or at least hopefully not be all due at once. I have to lose about 2 more pounds to get in my range, but I need to lose a total of 7 to get to my ultimate goal of 160. At 167 today. I started at around 184. I like this thread, gave me some motivation!

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Well... I started back on my diet yesterday. Getting back into the habit of eating something or drinking a protein shake every two hours sucks. By next week it won't seem like the chore it is now.

During my chest workout today I did something that I haven't done in almost 14 years. I got some reps on incline bench press using the 100 lb dumbbells (200 lb total). I didn't get many (6 reps). While it might not seem all that much to some of you guys (it felt heavy as s**t to me), I was rather proud of myself that I was able to do it. I don't know why, but 2x100 lb dumbbells seems a lot harder than 200 lb on a bar.

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I was rather proud of myself that I was able to do it.

Congrats, you should be proud!

I don't know why, but 2x100 lb dumbbells seems a lot harder than 200 lb on a bar.

Because it is harder - you can't 'share the load' across the chest and you have to work much harder to stabilize the weights. Dumbells are superior in almost every way, imo.

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Guest db99wj
Congrats, you should be proud!

Because it is harder - you can't 'share the load' across the chest and you have to work much harder to stabilize the weights. Dumbells are superior in almost every way, imo.

That is true. From what I remember when I did weights.

Today I ran a 5k, not a race, in 27 minutes, or an 8:42 mile. I actually ended up running 3.5. Great run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well.... another two weeks has passed and another 6 pounds was gained. My current weight is 194. I only have 6 more pounds to go.

I sort of feel like the odd man out. Everyone is trying to lose weight, and I am the only one who is trying to put it on. :)

My cardio has went to crap during this diet. I haven't ran since last year, and I decided to go run last week just to see what it would be like considering I am a little bit heavier. I ran 3 miles and it was tough. After 1.5 miles my legs were killing me, but I was determined to make it the entire 3 miles without walking.

I made the entire 3 miles without walking with a time of 27m11s. I won't be doing that again any time soon.

Edited by mav
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Well.... another two weeks has passed and another 6 pounds was gained. My current weight is 194. I only have 6 more pounds to go.


I sort of feel like the odd man out. Everyone is trying to lose weight, and I am the only one who is trying to put it on. :)

Not any more - I've literally not dropped one pound in 10 weeks of P90x, though my body has changed dramatically. Best estimate is about 25# of fat lost, but that means I've gained approximately that much muscle over that time. I no longer care about my weight, I'm focused on overall health and strength training. As of right now I can lift a tone and run forever, so I'm pretty happy. Step on the scales maybe once every few weeks...

And suck down whey protein like there's no tomorrow!

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Just found this thread. Well here's my goal. You all need to by my conscience and motivation. I'm 6'3" and weigh 300 lbs. I've completed 6 half marathons in the past three years, completed Tough Mudder and Ragnar relay race from Chattanooga to Nashville. I used to be a serious 10K competitor when I was in the USAF. I've Signed up for my 7th half marathon in October, second Ragnar relay race in November, and my first Full Country Music Marathon next year. In order to successfully complete the Full Marathon, I must drop my weight to below 225 lbs. I'm publicly announcing this goal because it will make me accountable to you all. At least that's my thoughts. Thanks all!

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Just found this thread. Well here's my goal. You all need to by my conscience and motivation. I'm 6'3" and weigh 300 lbs. I've completed 6 half marathons in the past three years, completed Tough Mudder and Ragnar relay race from Chattanooga to Nashville. I used to be a serious 10K competitor when I was in the USAF. I've Signed up for my 7th half marathon in October, second Ragnar relay race in November, and my first Full Country Music Marathon next year. In order to successfully complete the Full Marathon, I must drop my weight to below 225 lbs. I'm publicly announcing this goal because it will make me accountable to you all. At least that's my thoughts. Thanks all!

Man, that is simply amazing. I would say that the vast majority of adults (overweight or not) couldn't run a mile, and to run several half marathons at 300 lbs, wow. When you hit your goal of 225 or below, you will be able to fly.

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Just found this thread. Well here's my goal. You all need to by my conscience and motivation. I'm 6'3" and weigh 300 lbs. I've completed 6 half marathons in the past three years, completed Tough Mudder and Ragnar relay race from Chattanooga to Nashville. I used to be a serious 10K competitor when I was in the USAF. I've Signed up for my 7th half marathon in October, second Ragnar relay race in November, and my first Full Country Music Marathon next year. In order to successfully complete the Full Marathon, I must drop my weight to below 225 lbs. I'm publicly announcing this goal because it will make me accountable to you all. At least that's my thoughts. Thanks all!

Fantastic - if you can run a half-marathon, you have the mental toughness to accomplish whatever you want - losing 75 lbs will be easy if you set your mind to it. Keep us updated and good luck!

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Guest Bronker
Fantastic - if you can run a half-marathon, you have the mental toughness to accomplish whatever you want - losing 75 lbs will be easy if you set your mind to it. Keep us updated and good luck!

Novel idea...:rolleyes:

Something must be in the water.

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Guest mustangdave

Haven't posted n this thread in a LOONG time...not that I shuld have...just no real "news" to crow about...until recently....the weight is down some...and the BMI % is down to 31.5 from 35...so I'm still allowing the pool and bicycle to kick my butt...and the moderated diet seems to actually be working...am contemplating trying a new exercise routine called CROSS-FIT...have been told it will SERIOUSLY kick my butt or even KILL me.... www.crossfit.com...check out the workout called "fight gone bad"....designed for BJ Penn

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  • 1 month later...
Guest db99wj

Old thread, still relevant.

I done went and signed up for another half marathon, St. Jude Memphis Marathon/Half/5K. I ran this in 2009 with a time of 2:05. My wife has been running consistently for about 3 months, lost about 35lbs and a friend asked her to run it with her, she thought about it prayed about it and I told her if she did it, I would too and would train some with her. But if she didn't do it, it didn't matter, I would support her in whatever she wanted to do, but I had faith in her that she could do it. So she did, so I did....sign up.

I've started getting up at 5am with her and running some during the week and we go out on the weekends too. Her pace is slower than mine, but I'm running an hour with her typically. I'm only running 3-4 days a week, she is running 5 days a week. I'm in my primary goal weight 160-165, but am going to loose another 5-10 for the race, want to be at or close to 150 on race day.

Ran 4 miles Saturday, ran 4 miles Monday and 3.1 miles this morning. It's nice running with her, and fairly easy due to her pace. I will work on my own running at my pace and getting my race pace down. A lot of the training is basically just easy runs anyway so that the body gets use to running that long of a distance. As it gets closer, there are more race pace runs thrown in, and some long runs.

I've already got a goal for next year and that is to swim/bike/run a triathlon! Not an olmpic length but one of the others, a sprint triathlon 400 meter swim, 5 mile mountain bike, 2.5 mile trail run. It is in September, too soon this year, plus the whole half thing.

Bikes are expensive by the way, I have one, it is an older Diamond Back with front suspension. It's old and was sold when they were still only in real bike shops. At some point, maybe at the end of the year or so, I will buy a new one, I'm eyeballing a Trek 4300 at this point.

Hows everyone else doing?

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Round two of P90x here, still loving it. My body has responded nicely - still would like to lose about 10# of body fat but I'm pretty trim and my muscular development has come back nicely despite not lifting for quite some time.

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