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mav, do you mind saying what you're doing to see that kind of gain in a couple weeks? I saw you said you upped your caloric intake to roughly 5,000 calories, 150 grams of protein, and a couple servings of creatine per day but what kind of exercises and how much/often are you lifting? I'm assuming you're lifting weights in some form, just wondering how much.

Sure, I have no problem with telling you what I am doing. It will be a long post, so I will have to wait till I get off work to write it.

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Guest db99wj

I've slacked off due to an unbelievable schedule as of late. End of basketball with two kids and tournaments, Volleyball tournaments on the weekends we didn't have basketball, death of my step father, and an unbelievably busy work schedule, I've done nothing but gain the 5 lbs that I had lost to start the year. So, I'm starting over, Wednesday is the beginning of Lent and I am giving up deserts/sweets and adding a healthier eating lifestyle. My wife is wanting to not "lose" a certain amount, she is wanting to live healthier. We eat decent meals, it's the other crap that is killing us. My wife has issues with lunch, due to working in a large medical office and lunches being brought in everyday, many times they are not the lowest calorie/healthiest selections.

I will lose 15 lbs, That would get me to 160. At that point, will not be as aggressive, hopefully my running will be way up and consistent, then eventually lose another 5 to get around 155. My 20year class reunion is this year, so I need to get down to my ideal weight!!!

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Just now saw this thread. Great idea Mav. I started a workout routine last week and have been sticking to it pretty well so far. Doing a protein shake after every workout. Definitely feeling better since last week and like the routine. Body is responding well so I'm hoping I can cut up to about 190 in the next few weeks. I'm at 6'3 and 180 right now.

Never have desired alot of bulk and I like the lean, cut look better on myself. Mainly going for strength ultimately. Would like to quit smoking but the stress of a marital separation isn't making that one real easy lol

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Guest mikedwood

Nice thread Mav and grats on your gains. Impressive.

Since we moved we now have an excersize room and I got a nice sets of olympic weights and bench so I'm loving that. My initial goal was to bench my body weight 165 and I'm there so next goal is to bench (my friend) bubbas body weight, but he has to go on a diet cause he weighs 294 and I don't think I can get there. I'd like to get 245 or so. Currently max is 180 and a week off after the flood cause the workout room got wet. Started back yesterday.

Also until last week the wife and I were doing the Slim in 6 series (not P90X but it still works that a$$) and some yoga. I freaking love the yoga. After 40 my movement is getting stiff and the yoga really helps a lot.

I have a 40 pound punching bag as well and enjoy working with it but I can only go about a minuite 30 and I'm gasping bad. Goal is 3 mins.

I don't really care if I get bigger or smaller atm but I want gains in strength and flexability.

And creatine will add water weight and a tad of mass and strengh.

Edited by mikedwood
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mav, do you mind saying what you're doing to see that kind of gain in a couple weeks?

Of course not.

First, I would like to correct some possible misconceptions that I may have conveyed in my posts. What I am currently doing is nothing new to me. I have been going to the gym fairly regularly for almost 20 years. However, there have been periods during those years were I have laid off from the gym for several months at a time with the last period being Oct. - Dec 2010. Being naturally ectomorphic, I pretty much lose most of what was gained, and each time I have had to work my butt off to rebuild it.

During those 20 years, I have really learned how to manipulate my body. I have learned how my body responds to certain exercise routines and/or diets. Depending on how I am training or what I am training for, it is not out of the ordinary for my bodyweight to fluctuate between 165 - 185 lbs, and my year-round body fat % is typically around 6-7% (clean diet and good genetics). My best results that I have ever achieved was when I first got serious about weight training during my freshman year of college. I went from 145 to 190 in a few months. I maintained that weight for a couple of years while dropping my body fat % to a measured 2%. That was the best shape, muscle-wise, that I have ever been in. I don't really count these years as a part of my fitness lifestyle for two reasons. The results I achieved were with pharmaceutical assistance, and in my senior year, I got really sick and was unable to workout for almost a year. I lost everything that I had gained. What a pi$$er.

I only mention all of this because the results I have achieved since I have altered my diet pale in comparison to what some of you have done and are doing. So, good job and keep it up.

Okay, now that that has been said, lets talk about my diet. I probably have one of the most boring diets out there. I pretty much eat the exact same thing everyday for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is always a little different. My diet is very low fat (well below the recommend daily allowance for a 2,000 calorie diet). I also supplement my diet with CellTech (creatine) and MuscleMilk. Both of these products, especially the CellTech, have been around for a long time.

There are probably better products on the market, but I like these for several reasons. The taste, both have a lot of calories, and they work. My current caloric intake is around 3,800 to 4,000 calories per day. My protein intake is around 120 grams per day, which isn't especially high. Depending on the results I achieve over the next couple of weeks, I may or may not alter the calorie intake and protein consumption.

Now for the workout routine. Back when I was in college, I used to work out every body part twice a week. My workout routine looked like the following:

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

Day 2: Back and Biceps

Day 3: Legs

Day 4: Rest

Days 5 -7: Repeat of Days 1 - 3

The problem with the above routine was that I was spending between 1.5 - 2 hours a day in the gym, which is fine if you are young and juicing. I have since gotten older and have had ever increasing responsibilities as I progress through my chosen profession. I had to alter my routine several years ago to accommodate these changes. I now work out twice a day for periods of 30 - 40 minutes. The first workout is performed during my lunch time. During this workout I focus solely on one major body part. The evening workout is focused on a minor body part, abs or calves. I have had tremendous success with this routine over the years. I will change things up from time to time depending on what my current goal is and whether or not I am incorporating cardio (running or cycling) into my daily activities.

My current workout routine looks like the following:

Mon AM: Legs; PM: Calves

Tues AM: Chest; PM: Abs

Wed AM: Back; PM: Calves

Thurs AM: Shoulders; PM: Abs

Fri AM: Arms; PM: Calves

Sat: Cardio or rest

Sun: Cardio and/or abs

My bulking routine involves medium-heavy to heavy weights. Except on warm-ups, I try not to exceed 10 reps to failure nor go less than 6 reps to failure. Most sets are performed to failure. There are three body parts where I do not apply the above conditions. They are legs, calves, and abs. I have found that my legs respond best with medium-heavy weights with the reps between 15 - 25. I work out each major body part for 16 - 20 sets, and minor body parts (calves and abs) for 20 - 25 sets.

If you would like for me to be more specific as to what exercises I do for each individual body part and the weight, I can do that. However, it will make an already long post, very long.

My cutting routine is similar to my bulking routine, except the poundage is dropped and the intensity is taken up quite a few notches. Basically, I go bat sh*t crazy. P-90X, meh :)

I'm 6'1" and about 165lbs and want to put on some weight and muscle mass but I have a health condition called autoimmune hepatitis (immune system attacks my liver) and I have stage 4 cirrhosis which had pretty much shut down my liver entirely and had I waited another month to go to the doctor I would have needed a liver transplant 3 years ago. Since I've been on the meds, I haven't had any real serious problems and getting better as time goes on. I was talking to my doctor about lifting weights and she didn't want me doing any strenuous exercising because I had varicose veins in my esophagus, she didn't even want me to go back to working at my job (Memphis FedEx Hub) because of lifting heavy (anything over 25lbs she considers heavy) packages but I had to have the health insurance so she said ok. I know I can handle lifting over 25lbs regularly without it hurting me any as I used to do it all the time when I was working nights but I switched to a different area now and I just drive freight around.

Well, first off, I am very sorry to hear about your condition. I am glad to hear that it is getting better. 165 lbs is by no stretch of the imagination big at 6'1", nor is it necessarily small. If you are a small frame and have the right body composition, 165 lbs can be made to look like you are 180 - 185.

I have heard for years that if you want to get big that you have to train big (heavy). There is truth to that statement. However, it isn't the only way to increase muscle. I know for a fact, since I have done it in the past, that with a proper diet and using only medium-light to medium weight you can put on muscle and increase strength. It takes a little while longer, but it can most certainly be done.

I am a little hesitant to provide more specifics as to what you should or shouldn't do. I am not a doctor, and the last thing I would want to do is cause you to get injured. The best advice I can give you is work with your doctor and start out slow and really concentrate on good form, which the majority of lifters do not have. One of the nice things about lifting weights is that if you stick with it you will notice some gains quite fast.

As a final note, I just wanted to comment on steroids. I had mentioned earlier that I had taken several cycles years ago (> 16 years) when I was young and foolish. While I do not think they are the evil that the media and the government portray them to be, I do think that unless you want to become an elite professional bodybuilder they simply aren't worth it. There are just too many risks involved, and it is contradictory to what we are promoting, which is a healthy and active lifestyle.

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Guest Broomhead
I'm a fatty though, damn you and your genetics:lol:

Agreed, 100%.

My story...

I have always been overweight, obese, or morbidly obese, each at different times throughout my life. When I graduated from high school, '99, I weighed well over 350lbs at 6'3". The New Year before graduation I made a resolution to change, not just weight, but change entirely. I ended up losing over 100lbs by the next New Year. I was 230lbs and muscular, from working at a furniture store, when I married my wife in 2001. I could pick up and carry sleeper sofas by myself, over my head, safely. Various jobs came and went and I slowly gained the weight back. In July, 2007, I was still only around 260-270lbs.

On 07/07/07 I injuried myself at work, come to find out, pretty badly. I fractured a vertebrae, L5, on both sides of the rear, center bony process, the Lamina. On top of, and due to, that the disc between L5 and S1 rapidly started to disintegrate. Surgeon sent me for two sets of epidural steroids to no avail. He said I needed a fusion or I wouldn't be walking to good in 6-8 months. I had a discectomy, laminectomy, with a fusion at L5-S1, all in one surgery. After a 4 week recovery, I was feeling pretty good, progressing in physical therapy.

Then it all started going downhill. Pain increased, movement decreased. Went for a CT and an MRI, the results were that scar tissue had begun to develop and was putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. Surgeon said that the majority of the time, if they remove the scar tissue, it will reform, and generally worse than before. A year later, a different surgeon, first one was despicable, and I have a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted, basically a TENS unit with leads implanted in the epidural space of my spine, in hopes of lessening the extreme pain in my back and the pain and numbness in my left leg. The doctor who did the trial assured me the full implant would be better than the trial and would definitely help my back. He lied. Thank God he wasn't my surgeon. The SCS does nothing for my back pain, which is 90% of my total pain.

Fast forward to last year, at 355lbs, all of my doctors agreed that if I could lose weight, it would help my back, not cure it but at least help it. One problem, My pain is so much that a walk around Wal-Mart for groceries and I was toast for a day or two. They recommend Gastric Bypass or Lap Band surgery. I consult with a few other doctors that I trust, like my oldest brother, and they all agree. On December 27th, 2010, my life drastically, and somewhat wonderfully, changed; I had Gastric Bypass.

I have had a great deal of difficulty dealing with solid foods again. However, I am doing better now. I can only eat 2-3 ounces of food at a time, and it has to be all protein. I stay under 500 calories a day with 64+ grams of protein per day. I have to drink at least 64ozs of fluid every day or I get dehydrated, and it is nearly impossible to catch back up on fluids. It's difficult to say the least, but i am striving and thriving. The back hasn't shown any signs of being better...yet. I started at 346lbs two days before my surgery. Last night I weighed 269lbs. That's 77 pounds in roughly nine weeks! All of my clothes are too big, especially my pants. I feel better, and I'm excited about my progress.

In a few weeks, the exercise physiologist will start increasing my activity to include light weights. She has had back problems as well and is going to tailor a workout program to my specific needs and limitations. At that time, my family and I are going to join the YMCA and workout/get healthier together, as a family. I am stoked. So I will be keeping y'all updated with my progress. My ideal weight, for my body structures, wide hips, broad shoulders and chest, long legs and arms, is right around 200. I can't wait.

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I started at 346lbs two days before my surgery. Last night I weighed 269lbs. That's 77 pounds in roughly nine weeks! All of my clothes are too big, especially my pants. I feel better, and I'm excited about my progress.

That's flippin awesome, congrats!

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That's 77 pounds in roughly nine weeks! All of my clothes are too big, especially my pants. I feel better, and I'm excited about my progress.

In a few weeks, the exercise physiologist will start increasing my activity to include light weights. She has had back problems as well and is going to tailor a workout program to my specific needs and limitations. At that time, my family and I are going to join the YMCA and workout/get healthier together, as a family. I am stoked. So I will be keeping y'all updated with my progress. My ideal weight, for my body structures, wide hips, broad shoulders and chest, long legs and arms, is right around 200. I can't wait.

That is great to hear. You are losing over 8 pounds a week. That is incredible.

I see one downside from your story. At the rate you are going, you are going to hold back on some of that firearm and ammo money and buy some new clothes. :)

Thanks for sharing.

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Ok I'll play. Last year I had swollen to 216 lbs, I'm 5'10". My dad who was 61 and in better shape than most 20 year olds dropped dead from a heart attack. To say this was a major wake up call is an understatement. Last september I started going to the gym three days a week, training Jiu Jitsu two days a week, eating better and running. I am now 200 lbs and have much more lean body mass. I still need to loose 25 lbs but im cool with the slow and steady course that I am on.

Last Summer I was a fat sloth, today I am 3 months from my 40th birthday and in better shape than when I was in high school. This Sunday all my training will be put to the test when I compete in the Tough Mudder race near Atlanta. For those who don't know, the Tough Mudder is a 11 mile course with 20 obsticles designed by the British Special Forces. It is billed as the toughest one day event on the planet. If I survive I'll post up a pic or two. If this goes well I plan on doing the Warrior Dash this September near Nashville.

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Guest db99wj
Ok I'll play. Last year I had swollen to 216 lbs, I'm 5'10". My dad who was 61 and in better shape than most 20 year olds dropped dead from a heart attack. To say this was a major wake up call is an understatement. Last september I started going to the gym three days a week, training Jiu Jitsu two days a week, eating better and running. I am now 200 lbs and have much more lean body mass. I still need to loose 25 lbs but im cool with the slow and steady course that I am on.

Last Summer I was a fat sloth, today I am 3 months from my 40th birthday and in better shape than when I was in high school. This Sunday all my training will be put to the test when I compete in the Tough Mudder race near Atlanta. For those who don't know, the Tough Mudder is a 11 mile course with 20 obsticles designed by the British Special Forces. It is billed as the toughest one day event on the planet. If I survive I'll post up a pic or two. If this goes well I plan on doing the Warrior Dash this September near Nashville.

Nice! That Warrior Dash is something else! I have been getting some emails from that deal. Here in Memphis, they started a Luvmud 5K race this past October at Shelby Farms, I didn't run it due to not know about it until the day before, right after I ran about 5-6 miles and time restraints, but I will this year. It is a short version of these races, including the finish line mud pit!

I kicked off my season a few weeks ago with a 6.25 mile trail run but haven't done anything since, due to schedule, and some other family issues along with weather. I'm about to catch up at work, and get my butt moving! Gotta get moving!

I like this thread.

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Guest WyattEarp

I quit smoking August 23rd of 2010, came down with a bad case of bronchitis, so decided to give it up for good, never felt better!

and I've recently cut my caffeine intake from 7-9 cans of coke/dr.pepper per day down to 5. monday starts another reduction to 4 per day and I'll continue on that for 3 or 4 weeks, then reduce again to 3 cans per day. I hope to get it down to 1 or 2 a day.

I really need to start working out, but I despise working out, maybe I'm just lazy, i don't know, but I hated working out even when I was in the Army several years ago (running is the worst). But I need to start doing some hiking and walking at least, starting to get a small gut, if I don't tackle it now, it'll turn into a dickey doo later down the road lol and I don't want that.

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Guest db99wj

Little sore today so went for a run on the greenline, that my hood is one of the entrance points to, to help the soreness, went an easy/slow pace 3 miles, in 34 minutes. gotta stretch, hopefully I will have eliminated some of the lactic acid that has built up.

I did just read an article that says a build up of lactic acid might be good for endurance, which contradicts most schools of thought!

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Guest db99wj

With Lent starting last week, I have moved my fitness program forward. I gave up desserts. No cookies, candybars, cake, brownies, ice cream, etc that would constitute dessert. I did not give up artificial sweetener, or or "sweet" foods, such as fruits, or sweetened cereal, I eat a bowl of Total Raisin Bran every morning, it is sweetened a bit. I ran, as mentioned above, 5 miles Sat, then 3 miles Sun, took Monday off, couldn't run Tuesday due to schedule, will be running today 3-5 miles, haven't decided yet. I'm not real worried about my weight, so my eating habits are just healthy, but I am watching it. My wife is trying to eat better, exercise more, with the benefit of losing weight, but our main goal is better overall health and fitness. Weight is not our primary concern, but it is fun to watch. I use the iPhone app MyFitnessPal, which tracks what I eat, daily count of calories, vitamins/minerals, etc, weight, fitness, etc.

So my starting weight was 174.5 on Tuesday March 8th. Weighed in this morning at 171.5. I'm not eating diet food, or weird things, just eating things I have been eating in normal portions, and not eating the crap afterwards. I would be cleaning up after dinner and getting kids lunches together, and would eat half a box of girl scout cookies, or some other type of cookies, or something. I won't deprive myself of a dessert after lent, but I've got to get better at moderation.

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Guest Broomhead

I am down to 260lbs now, 346lbs at the start. Still just walking up to 30mins a day. I haven't been released to do any more than that yet. I go in 2 weeks to see my bariatric surgeon, dietician, and excercise physiologist. I will update after that appointment.

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Since we're confessing...

I've tried a dozen times to lose weight. All the programs I started didn't fit my lifestyle or budget. The budget part was usually the worse. Fresh fruit/veggies are expensive and double cheeseburgers are only a buck, know what I mean. Plus, I sit at a desk all day and ate dinner in front of the TV every night. You know that ain't a good plan. I've always been way too lazy to exercise, so wasting money on a gym I won't go to never worked either.

I finally decided try again, shooting for a 2-3 pound loss per week. So far, so good...I'm down 65 pounds since around Halloween and haven't done one minute of exercise. My pants size is down 6" and I've dropped one "X" off my shirt size. I'll eventually have to start exercising to keep the progress going, but at least now it will be easier to with less weight to carry.

Edited by BigK
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Guest Broomhead

Excellent job on the weight loss guys. Very good indeed.

They say, the experts that is, that slower weight loss, except in my case, is better because the lifestyle changes you made during the loss are more likely to help you keep it off. Whereas rapid weight loss is less healthy and you will be more likely to put the weight back on without the lifestyle changes in place. That's what I have heard anyway.

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Guest Rando
Excellent job on the weight loss guys. Very good indeed.

They say, the experts that is, that slower weight loss, except in my case, is better because the lifestyle changes you made during the loss are more likely to help you keep it off. Whereas rapid weight loss is less healthy and you will be more likely to put the weight back on without the lifestyle changes in place. That's what I have heard anyway.

You heard right, I did a few of the super crash diets( Atkins inc. ) and dropped 52 pounds the last time but like you have to many health problems to really hit the exercise good. I have three bad discs in my back that I did shots for, helped good first time but last set of 3 didnt do much for it. I started walking a few miles a day to get back in but have torn a muscle in my hip and do good to go at all now. I could still do a lot of the P90X stuff and need to badly but worry to much about my back. I guess I will have to suck it up and get on the wagon or everyone will leave me setting. I would like to wish you lots of luck with the docs and all thats going on and hope you hang in and keep fighting sounds like you are doing great so far.

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Guest db99wj

The crash diets work.....sort of. They are a good way to get some weight off quickly, which can be beneficial in jumpstarting your way to when you start your normal lifestyle change, especially if the weight is hurting you like in ankles, knees, back, etc. Losing weight is easy, keeping it off is not. Lifestyle change is key. I'm not a fan of depravation either, if you have a craving. Do it. Just in moderation. I see people who won't eat a cookie for example, then they can't stand it an eat a whole box!

I weighed after my run and I was down 1.5lbs! Water I know!

I ran 3.8 miles today. My weight that I have on me is my winter weight!

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Looks like you guys are still going strong. Good job. I wanted to post an update on some of the results I have achieved over the last couple of weeks.

First off, I didn't change anything on my diet the last two weeks. My body has now adjusted to the new diet and my weight gain has slowed down, which is actually a good thing. Gaining too quickly puts on too much fat. I am looking for quality gains, not just poundage.

Body weight on 3-7-11: 183 lbs.

Body weight on 3-21-11: 188 lbs.

Increases over the last 2 weeks:

Biceps (flexed): 0.25"

Forearms (flexed): 0.25"

Chest: 1.50" (Huge jump)

Waist: No change

Shoulders: 1.00"

Legs: 0.50"

Calves: 0.50"

Total increase since 2-21-11

Body weight: 15 lbs.

Biceps: 0.75"

Forearms: 1.00"

Chest: 2.50"

Waist: No change

Shoulders: 3.00"

Legs: 1.25"

Calves: 0.75"

Overall, I think the results have been excellent. I am anticipating achieveing my body weight goal within the next month or two. I will post my results again in a couple of weeks.

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