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Hell detroit electric made one in 1930 something so they are nothing new. neat cars and one running model is owned by my grandfather

Guest ArmyVeteran37214

I can see it now, the days are getting warmer. I'll be riding the motorcycle as my work commuter here real soon. I sure miss the 50+ MPG I get out of it.


Get This ...

One of my parents best friends used to be an aviation engineer. He is 92 years old, sharp as a tack, and richer than anyone I have ever known. He hasn't "worked" since he was in his early 40's. Back in the 60's, he developed a "transmission" that somehow allowed people to get 150-200 mpg. There was really no new technology to it, so he says. Instead of combustion (atleast as we know it motor wise), the roles of an engine & transmission were reversed. To this day, he isn't allowed to give details, but told us he presented his findings to several oil companies thinking this could really be huge... Instead of using the ideas he developed, they paid him (8 figure range) to buy the idea & bury it. I have no doubt what this old man has told me is true, seeing as he is like the granddad I never had .... I just pray he leaves me the design or renderings in his will to me :screwy:

Here's to hoping ....


I predict it will go back down after hitting $3.50-$4.00 per gallon. Remember in 2005 when everyone said it would hit $7.00/gallon and not long after it was back under $1.50.

Posted (edited)


We have hit what is called Peak Oil.

I just picked the date as it is everyone's favorite for the end. I really don't believe that is the end of the world date.

Edited by vontar
Get This ...

One of my parents best friends used to be an aviation engineer. He is 92 years old, sharp as a tack, and richer than anyone I have ever known. He hasn't "worked" since he was in his early 40's. Back in the 60's, he developed a "transmission" that somehow allowed people to get 150-200 mpg. There was really no new technology to it, so he says. Instead of combustion (atleast as we know it motor wise), the roles of an engine & transmission were reversed. To this day, he isn't allowed to give details, but told us he presented his findings to several oil companies thinking this could really be huge... Instead of using the ideas he developed, they paid him (8 figure range) to buy the idea & bury it. I have no doubt what this old man has told me is true, seeing as he is like the granddad I never had .... I just pray he leaves me the design or renderings in his will to me :)

Here's to hoping ....

Thanks for posting this. I have been hearing those stories since I was a kid. The oil companies have been suppressing these technologies forever.

Thanks for posting this. I have been hearing those stories since I was a kid. The oil companies have been suppressing these technologies forever.

You've been hearing those stories since you were a kid because they're all urban legend.

A breakthrough in cheap, compact, renewable, efficient, non-polluting energy could no more be "suppressed" than the invention of the wheel.

- OS

Once they go up they won't come back down until people start parking their cars again like they did a few years ago.

At some point, that won't much affect prices either, as long as there are enough new users per year worldwide.

That point may be now.

- OS

Guest TargetShooter84

November 2011 just in time for the holidays.

Posted (edited)
You've been hearing those stories since you were a kid because they're all urban legend.

A breakthrough in cheap, compact, renewable, efficient, non-polluting energy could no more be "suppressed" than the invention of the wheel.

- OS

I'm not too sure of that OS. Oil companies are not in the business of promoting, pursuing or even reseaching viable alternatives to OIL. In the big picture oil is cheap, but the ramifications of supply and demand are not. Businesses could care less about the long-term effects of their short-term profit margin.

I know for a fact the US oil/gasoline companies have been offered a proven technology to ENHANCE the cracking and refining process, increasing efficiency and reducing waste. They are not buying into it, but other are.

Edited by Garufa

Summer 2012

So when they start pumping out these electric cars, whats that going to do to the electric grid? Not to mention your electric bill. Most of the countries electric is produced by coal fire which will be regulated into oblivion before too long.

You've been hearing those stories since you were a kid because they're all urban legend.

A breakthrough in cheap, compact, renewable, efficient, non-polluting energy could no more be "suppressed" than the invention of the wheel.

- OS

I won't argue on the internet because it is a waste of time. However, I believe those stories. It is your right not to believe.


I say Urban legend! (sort of)

It was called the 200mpg carburetor and the rights to use it were purchased by Duesenburg, Pierce Arrow, Smith & Mabley Simplex and a few others. It received a US patent but was never renewed.

This was years ago, early 1900s. Back when gasoline was quite unstable, more volatile then the grades we have today. The fuel tank had a heating element in it to warm the fuel to a point that it would put out large amounts of vapor. The tank was very large and reenforced and kept at only 1/4 full. This was to allow plenty of room for the vapors to form. The carb did not feed raw fuel but only vapors and that is how you could get 200 mpg, so they claimed. Risk of explotion were never completely resolved so the idea was dropped.

Guest mosinon
I'm not too sure of that OS. Oil companies are not in the business of promoting, pursuing or even reseaching viable alternatives to OIL. In the big picture oil is cheap, but the ramifications of supply and demand are not. Businesses could care less about the long-term effects of their short-term profit margin.

I know for a fact the US oil/gasoline companies have been offered a proven technology to ENHANCE the cracking and refining process, increasing efficiency and reducing waste. They are not buying into it, but other are.

You have to remember that making a process more efficient does not always equal making a process more profitable. I think it costs about three bucks to get a barrel of oil out of the ground and only a few more to turn it into gas. The general rule of thumb is a two year payback so if it doesn't fall into that category it will be widely rejected.

As for the secret carburetor thing, pharma companies also have a pill that will make you healthy forever. It costs a nickel to make and the reason they don't sell it because it would make all their other drugs obsolete.

Don't believe me, believe the straight dope

Guest mikedwood
Posted (edited)

China! As much oil as we use and China has 3 times the people and they are starting to eye the Chevy and Mercedes over the ox cart. Peak oil isn't the problem, the problem is China peaking and they are making leaps and bounds of late.

China that has made everything cheap for so long will drive gold, copper, oil and more up through the roof in the next few years. Get a tatto made that says that cause I'm will be proven right on that.

That said July 3rd 2011 is my guess for the vasiline prize.

Edited by mikedwood
Posted (edited)

Okay, since 1850, all practical alternative energy science in the entire world has been successfully squelched by Big Oil's black ops.

Probably that's the only reason NASA can't get us out of the solar system, and our military keeps trotting around all that heavy diesel and kerosene, 'cause Vinny and the boys keep making them offers they can't refuse to stay with that archaic petroleum based technology.

Got it.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
Okay, since 1850, all practical alternative energy science in the entire world has been successfully squelched by Big Oil's black ops.

Probably that's the only reason NASA can't get us out of the solar system, and our military keeps trotting around all that heavy diesel and kerosene, 'cause Vinny and the boys keep making them offers they can't refuse to stay with that archaic petroleum based technology.

Got it.

- OS

Make light of it if you will, but I never underestimate the power of greed.

Posted (edited)
Make light of it if you will, but I never underestimate the power of greed.

Greedier greed would indeed have already won out, if there were anything to foment it.

Hell, the largest multi-trillion dollar IPO in all of history would immediately follow a demonstration of a practical closed system fuel cell array that could just light a single home or putt a Honda to work and back.

And really, assuming something similar does eventually happen, it might well be an ExxonMobil which unveils it, as the oil companies DO indeed spend big bucks on alternative energy research.

But actually, it's probably already been discovered, I keep forgetting about the combined BP OPEC Ninja Lawyer Strike Force that comes in the night to all these individual inventors "everyone" has heard about. :D

- OS

Edited by OhShoot

Dear God in Heaven...WE are supposed to the ones who will preserve liberty, justice and American exceptionalism for future generations?

Not going to happen as long as we remain ignorant enough about science, economics and world events, that we believe in 200-mpg carbuerators, magical transmissions, the efficiency of electric vehicles, the exaggerated greed (and conspiracy theories rooted therein) of the oil companies, the beneficence of Hugo Chavez, and overlook the fact that Obama has shut down offshore drilling, sharply increased volatility in the Middle East, and the new supremacy of the Chinese auto market as factors in the rising prices at the pump.

It's only 6AM, and already my head hurts...

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

I cannot even find non ethanol fuel here anymore.

The Sunoco down the street no longer has it, and the Weigels up the street no longer has it. Though the Weigles still claims it on the pumps but not on the marquee sign board. My MPG's are telling me it has ethanol too.

Over five bucks by Labor Day 2011

I've been noticing the opposite around Chattanooga. More and more places with banners advertising Ethanol-free gasoline. Saw a new one in Cleveland just this week.

Ethanol is, I think, on its way out. I've heard that government subsidies for it have been cut, the environmentalists are quietly pretending they never demanded it, and consumers hate it.

Oh...if I have to pick date for $5 gas...I'll guess July 4, 2011.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)
...Ethanol is, I think, on its way out. I've heard that government subsidies for it have been cut, the environmentalists are quietly pretending they never demanded it, and consumers hate it....

Impending sign 'o the times in more ways than one perhaps -- when push comes to shove, you (and livestock) can eat corn but not gasoline.

Then again, we can drink the ethanol; maybe we'll just turn into a nation of non-driving poor Russian style drunks, "shine" instead of vodka.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
Guest josh123
Get This ...

One of my parents best friends used to be an aviation engineer. He is 92 years old, sharp as a tack, and richer than anyone I have ever known. He hasn't "worked" since he was in his early 40's. Back in the 60's, he developed a "transmission" that somehow allowed people to get 150-200 mpg. There was really no new technology to it, so he says. Instead of combustion (atleast as we know it motor wise), the roles of an engine & transmission were reversed. To this day, he isn't allowed to give details, but told us he presented his findings to several oil companies thinking this could really be huge... Instead of using the ideas he developed, they paid him (8 figure range) to buy the idea & bury it. I have no doubt what this old man has told me is true, seeing as he is like the granddad I never had .... I just pray he leaves me the design or renderings in his will to me :)

Here's to hoping ....

perfect example of what i was talking about


Rest assured, if some magical carb or tranny was invented, the money from an oil company offering to buy the rights would only be a drop in the bucket compared to the millions upon millions of dollars the inventor could make from it from other avenues. Just imagine what would happen if put up to auction between just the big 5.

Such a device would essentially create a monopoly for the winning bidder. Who on earth would want a 20-30MPG Chevy xzy when it's Nissan equivalent gets 200+MPG!.

As for ethanol, like Sheep, I have noticed more and more stations carrying non-ethanol gas around here. Just a year ago, only select Exons carried it and it would cost a bit more per gal. Now, it seems that more stations carry the non-ethanol then ethanol gas and it's the same price.

My truck has never been able to tell a big difference in the MPG between the two, though. I see a larger jump in my real time MPG when I get stuck in Friday evening traffic after 5 minutes.

Edit; World News this morning ran a story predicting gas to hit 3.75 before spring :)

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