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MSSA Members...What should I expect?


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I intended to go by MSSA for a tour on monday after I left Classic Arms, but the money in my pocket told me to keep looking for a replacement for my Les Baer TRS.

If I join I plan to become proficient with my R700 out to several hundred yards, shoot a variety of AR rifles and shotguns and work on defensive shooting with my pistols.

Can I accomplish all of these things in a good environment without a lot of hassle from range monitors who take themselves too seriously?



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Guest josh123

im not a member but i have been with friends and IMO yes its a tad bit pricey but its worth it theres a ton of different things to do at mssa it wont get old i promise..and they have a perfect range for your 700.. they pretty have everything you could ever want in a range...

they even have a knife/hatchet throwing area so that should tell you something haha

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

I've been thinking about checking this place out, too. Once you get past the first year costs, it's really quite reasonable. But that initiation fee, plus the membership fee, plus background check, etc. etc. makes pulling the trigger on it pretty tough. Pun all kinds of intended.

I would love to hear any more information anyone has about it, including if it's tough to work around all the events they hold there.

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Everyone I know that is a member there likes it. I've been a couple times as a guest and never had any issues. Everyone I met was very friendly. I'm gonna preface this statement by saying I worked at a range for almost 3 years and I saw alot of stupid ****. I'm sure there is a story about how I was an ******* to someone on the range and they weren't "doing anything wrong". After the 2nd time I almost got shot on the range I got to be pretty quick to correct people for even minor mistakes. The thing you have to take in to account about RSOs is that, while some do just take it WAY too seriously, they don't know you or anything about you and the easiest way to keep everyone and themselves safe is to assume you're an idiot. Point being I always wonder about the "range nazi" stories and how one sided it is on the storyteller's behalf.

I say go for it man. Enjoy it.

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