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Guest TargetShooter84

Well, I'll have to side with Strickj because over the holidays last Christmas, my good friend from Florida was up here visiting her dad and we spent like everyday together for those 2 1/2 weeks and she made me watch all three of those twilight zone....I actually fell asleep on the second movie LOL.

But it was alright but definitely something I wouldn't watch again, that's for sure.

Oh, since I had to watch those three movies with her, I made her watch "KICKASS" movie with me :D

Payback's a biatch! LOL

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I tried to watch them. I saw most of the first and got suckered in to taking my wife to the 2nd one. I think the only one who can even half way act is Jacob and that's being gracious. The sparkling vampire and the emo chick's incessant moaning is just too much.

I think the whole damn thing is unhealthy anyway. These damn girls are OBSESSED with this ****. I saw a girl SOB, I mean ****ing wail at the theater during the 2nd one. My wife read the books in one week. She didn't speak to me. Barely even ate. Then I heard about how awesome they were for months. So yea. **** Twlight.

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I tried to watch them. I saw most of the first and got suckered in to taking my wife to the 2nd one. I think the only one who can even half way act is Jacob and that's being gracious. The sparkling vampire and the emo chick's incessant moaning is just too much.

I think the whole damn thing is unhealthy anyway. These damn girls are OBSESSED with this ****. I saw a girl SOB, I mean ****ing wail at the theater during the 2nd one. My wife read the books in one week. She didn't speak to me. Barely even ate. Then I heard about how awesome they were for months. So yea. **** Twlight.

Agreed about the annoying chick. I got over that teen angst crap with those brat pack movies in the 80's. I'm all grown up now and Robert Downey Jr. didn't become cool to me until he was Iron Man.

And how am I supposed to take a bedazzled vampire seriously? Last time I saw Blade with diamonds, he was in New Jack City.

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Guest mustangdave
OH man...............

My wife watched the outdoor channel with me!

Whitetail properties, hunting, oh ya.

Who is the MAN!!!!:tough:

Report to the nearest CPO MESS...but first "allow" your spouse to drive your...OLD SCHOOL GTO is it?

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I refuse to watch those movies for a few reasons.


vampires dont sparkle

Even my wife does not want to watch them.

I saw an interview with a person on the daily show a few months back, I forget who the author is now but coming out with an new book, maybe a movie bringing back the scarely vampires. He said something about the modern day vampires are more likely to break up with a person over email then to kill a person. He wants to get back to the real myths and stories.

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My wife and sister like Twilight. One day my sister had the newest movie on and my wife wanted to watch it. Luckily, I had brought some of my guns and can plink in my sister's back yard. That meant I only saw the last few minutes of the movie - mostly the fight scene - and you know what? It still blew.

Although 'Interview with a Vampire' and 'The Vampire Lestat' were okay books, I blame Anne Rice for the current trend of whiney-assed vampires. "Oh, even though I don't have to kill to feed, I just don't want to drink blood. Waah, I don't want to live forever. Boo hoo, I just want to see the sun, " (although that whole aversion to the sun thing seems to have been forgotten.) Maybe they annoy me so much because vampires are my favorite of all mythical/horror creatures and I hate seeing them castrated that way. I don't mind when a vampire is the protagonist of a story - in fact those are some of my favorite. I don't even mind if they want a cure for vampirism - just don't make them whiny.

Jonathan Frid as Barnabus Collins - now there was a television/movie vampire. He was cursed by a scorned woman (witch) and ended up a vampire. Sure, he didn't want to be a vampire but his approach was, "This is a curse. I want a cure and I will kill whoever I have to in order to get it," not "I'm going to whine until the mean, old vampirism goes away."

The best series of which I am aware in which a vamp is the protagonist? Fred Saberhagen's series with Dracula as the main character/protagonist. He enjoys being a vampire, uses it to help those he considers to be under his protection (and mercilessly destroy those who would harm them) with zero whining.

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