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Let The Flaming Begin


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The **** has been getting deep around here past couple of weeks so I thought I would change it up a bit for us with a story of my day.... and ultimately the ridicule I'm opening myself upto...

This morning, the 14th :love:, and for much of the day, I was forced to stay home and just sit back in the bed and watch movies. I thought that today was gonna be a great day until I opened the Blockbuster bag and saw that the movies chosen for us were all three of the Twilight movies. :)

With much resistance, I agreed to watch them with the hopes of what would later come. :devil:

After watching all three, I must say, that they weren't as bad as I thought that they would be. I'll even go as far as saying that the third one was actually pretty good.

I just hope that this doesn't mean that I now have to get myself a pink carry gun like Dralarms! :dunno:

Yes, I enjoyed them and I'm man enough to admit it. That is all.

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I'm guessing you did indeed get laid but were probably on the bottom.... :dunno:


BTW... the third movie is the one that seems to get the worst reviews out of that series. That probably means it's the one that least appeals to the teeny-bopper feminine set... so there may be some hope for you yet. :D:P

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Guest mosinon

You know, be who you are and all. It is terrible when people feel pressured to fit in. Most people just want to be themselves and left alone.

So liking twilight is no big deal.

That said,if you are free next weekend my house needs some redecorating. My wife is having a hard time deciding between "pale moon" and "new moon" white.

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You know, be who you are and all. It is terrible when people feel pressured to fit in. Most people just want to be themselves and left alone.

So liking twilight is no big deal.

That said,if you are free next weekend my house needs some redecorating. My wife is having a hard time deciding between "pale moon" and "new moon" white.

Yes, we talked about the redecorating this morning before we watched the movies. :)

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I can't figure out why liking this story l makes you less of a man. I loved the books (which are always better than the movies). My wife REALLY loves the story. We watched all the movies in the theatre and many more times on bluray. Then again, I suppose being married to a gal who happens to be the best friend I have ever had, and have known since the second grade kinda makes me secure in my masculinity like that. Furthermore, when my age causes me lose my imagination and love for fiction I will greet death like an old friend. I would certainly take that as a merciful fate over aging into an unimaginative dried up old prune. :)

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I resisted watching the movies for a long time. But when I watched them I really enjoyed them and found that watching them brought me and my 15yo daugther closer. She has always been a daddys girl but by discussing the movies with her she begin to talk to me about other things that she might have reserved to discuss only with her clueless peers.

Proud Team Jacob Dad:drama:

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You must've had your asbestos Under-roos on there Strick...though you may be required to show us all your MAN CARD...for that gross violation

That won't be a problem. As soon as his wife gets it out of her purse he'll show you. :D

I can't figure out why liking this story l makes you less of a man. I loved the books (which are always better than the movies). My wife REALLY loves the story. We watched all the movies in the theatre and many more times on bluray. Then again, I suppose being married to a gal who happens to be the best friend I have ever had, and have known since the second grade kinda makes me secure in my masculinity like that. Furthermore, when my age causes me lose my imagination and love for fiction I will greet death like an old friend. I would certainly take that as a merciful fate over aging into an unimaginative dried up old prune. :D

Man, I think I just shed a tear. :D

Just kidding of course. It's all in good fun.

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Guest mustangdave
I can't figure out why liking this story l makes you less of a man. I loved the books (which are always better than the movies). My wife REALLY loves the story. We watched all the movies in the theatre and many more times on bluray. Then again, I suppose being married to a gal who happens to be the best friend I have ever had, and have known since the second grade kinda makes me secure in my masculinity like that. Furthermore, when my age causes me lose my imagination and love for fiction I will greet death like an old friend. I would certainly take that as a merciful fate over aging into an unimaginative dried up old prune. :D

WHEW...Caster...you're walking a high wire there...remember the FALLING...oops I mean The FLYING Walenda's....LOL

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Well what good is friendly flaming without opposition?

All in good fun? Of course! Just remember mine is as well. If I tripped over any of you old geezers walkers, I apologize. :D

I use a Hoverround but I change the electric motor for a small-black Chevy - you likely won't trip over it but you may get run over and wonder what happened. :D

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Well what good is friendly flaming without opposition?

All in good fun? Of course! Just remember mine is as well. If I tripped over any of you old geezers walkers, I apologize. :D

OH NO HE DIDN'T! That's it, the gloves come off now Whippersnapper.

I use a Hoverround but I change the electric motor for a small-black Chevy - you likely won't trip over it but you may get run over and wonder what happened. :D

Did Medicare pay for the upgrade too?

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Guest Broomhead

I didn't read the books, but my wife did and really enjoyed them. We have own all the movies, which bought for her as presents for various occasions throughout the years. She saw them all in the theater, the first with me and the rest with her cousin. When the 3rd came out on DVD she wanted to have a marathon of all three, so did my 6 year-old daughter who loves vampires, period. I digressed and we spent a Saturday afternoon immersed in them. I am man enough to say that I actually liked the last two, with the 3rd being my favorite. IIRC, the 3rd one had the big vampires/werewolves vs evil vampires battle. I thought it was pretty cool watching them train and prepare and then kicking the crap out of the evil ones. I also liked seeing the back stories of the Cullens.

I'm with ya Strick.

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