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Should I buy a Star BM 9mm?


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It's ugly. The blueing is long gone, the ramp has scratches. It looks as if it has been rode hard and put up wet. The action and trigger were smooth. the guy wouldn't budge at $200. I don't need many reasons to buy a gun. But it only came with 1 mag and there are very few replacement parts for it. That being said, I am a sucker for SA 9mm's. I would buy it at $150, but $200 seems high for a gun that I can't fix when it breaks. What do you think?

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Guest mikedwood

I use to have a Star .22 semi auto pistol. I loved that gun. Let a friend borrow it and he never returned it (he ain't a friend no more).

Wow there is a Star B 9mm on gunbroker atm and the bid is at $534 plus shipping. It doesn't look to be in mint condition either.

A real rough one with 3 days left for $264.

I think I'd jump on one for two bills and agree with Magic that parts would still be out there.

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I think the Star pistols always seemed to be one of the better low cost pistols made. They were built heavy and seemed of decent quality for the price. However, $200 seems high for the condition you describe. $200 would be a fair price for one in nice condition.

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I have 2 Star BMs and 1 Star BKM (aluminum frame) but same specs as the BM other wise. Mags are iffy on these too. You can get aftermarket from ammoclip I believe, but I am trying to do something with some Sig mags to see if I can get them to work.

DO NOT DRY FIRE A STAR BM!!!!! the old firing pins are brittle and you need to get aftermarket pins from I can't remember where I got mine, either Numrich (e-gunparts) or Jack First Gun Shop or Bobs Guns out of Royal, AR. Wolf has recoil springs.

Be careful that you fully engage the safety when carrying cocked and locked. The safety can seem like it is all the way up when it isn't.

A review:

A Critical Look at the Star Model BM

Everything Star: Star Firearms : Information on Finding Spares and Accessories

My 3 Stars and one odd duck that is now gone:


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