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Guess which thread has magically disappeared over on Arfcom


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The thread where the weenie cursed me before the ban hammer is gone and another concerning C Products is locked. Go figure.

Better check to see if any of your posts still exist. Maybe you've been "erased". Who runs that forum? Joe Stalin...:P

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Guest Spurhunter

If your replys or threads are being deleted due to offensive and or prohibited content, calling out the admistration over it in a seperate thread aint kosher. Just my .02. FWIW

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We are blessed to have the moderators and "benelovent benefactors" we have here on TGO. I, like LINK, have noticed that several forums (...the one you mentioned and the 1911 forum...) are swallowed up with timidity and "political correctness" when "controversial" issues are discussed (...magazine ban, etc....). They seem to be obsessed with being like "Silent Sam the Service Man"; and jealously guard that anonymonity with an iron hand. I believe they have this strange idea that silence on "hot button" issues will somehow make them less of a target for the "anti-gun" crowd. I see this as incredibly naive thinking at best and downright stupidity at worst; but that's just me.

I was called down on the 1911 forum for using too big a font. The moderator said it was akin to "shouting". When i replied that i couldn't see the default one; he essentially repeated the "shouting" pronouncement. I dont post there anymore. I think they are childish; let them have their delusion.

Remember the famous words of Jesus; He said:"....Woe to you when all men speak well of you....". I'll close with the famous Churchill quote: "...You are known just as well by your detractors as you are your admirers...". There are simply some folks that you do not want to like you, and some forums you shouldn't be associated with if you are wise enough to have an opinion. Dont worry about the childish.

Keep up the good work.


(...currently serving out a self-imposed ban from the "childish" forums...)

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*EDIT*, I just realized your talking about a different forum, not TGO correct? That make a difference obviously if that is the case.

Yah, he's talking about arfcom - a ginormous ar15 forum quite literally dripping with tactical mall ninjas.

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Yah, he's talking about arfcom - a ginormous ar15 forum quite literally dripping with tactical mall ninjas.

Sounds like a total waste of time forum. Who needs to hear from tactical mall ninjas?

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Meh. There is some good info on AR15.com. Stay out of the General Discussion section (and a few other sections), and stick to the technical forums, and you will find some good info.

However, the Mods and Site Staff over there do seem to be (at times) protective of their site sponsors, even when stuff is going bad.

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