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Top Shot New Season

Guest TheMikeLurie

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Guest TheMikeLurie

Anybody watching?

Any thoughts on this season's crew?

Looks like it's going to be interesting to say the least. Looks like a very diverse group with some definite alpha males.

Sure wish we would have seen Hickok45 in there though.

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Guest TheMikeLurie

Yeah me too Robert. you won't be disappointed. I won't spoil it for you, but let's just say if you're anything like me, you'll have a good idea within the first few minutes about who you're going to like and who you're going to strongly dislike.

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Guest TheMikeLurie
I dvr just about everything. I can't stand commercials.

I hate commercials too... but the old lady laid down the law. It was either the DVR or the MLB Extra Innings... I wan't sacrificing the baseball.

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I also vote for dump the Survivor v2 drama. Shoot the challenges, the two that did the worst go to the elimination. You know, kinda like life, do well = get reward, do poor = go home.

But then it wouldn't pull in all the non-shooter "reality show" addicts that love good manipulated drama.


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I wouldn't mind if the "drama" wasn't there but I"m not so sure it's "fake" as was mentioned above. You've got 16 "A" types of various ages and backgrounds competing and living together for what, 2 or 3 weeks or so??? You ARE going to have drama and emotion and all that goes with it. Now, how much of what they let the audience see is another matter. :D

I like the show...a lot...been looking forward to the new season...while I have no illusions about my abilities I'd certainly love the chance to do what they make the contestants do in the show.

Best line so far is "Who doesn't want to see a little Asian chick kick butt" :D

And yeah; I already have some strong likes and dislikes among the group!

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I too would like to see, say Brian Flanigan, run through their shotgun course to show the best time.

I tried to count the misses on the pool ball challenge. I think 11 on the 6.?.

Like the guys at the IDPA meet last weekend said, "When the buzzer sounds you will go stupid." I said, "I don't need the buzzer for that." Got a good laugh.

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Guest josh123

this reminded me of last season when the one guy tried to back stab the two best competitors and the young kid told on him haha....i dont thing ive ever heard someone use the word rat fink..and the guy said it like 15 times ha

that being said i probably will pass on this season..

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Yes tonights show should be fun, Get shot at with paintballs while shooting the challenge. Sounds fun to me. LOL As far as the drama goes, so far this season they havent showed much of the in the house crap they aired last year. Lets hope the trend continues.

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I wish they would have put a shorter stock on there for Athena. She would have kicked dude's butt if the gun would have fit her...

They need to work on the camera angles, the paint balls were a dud b/c filming was so terrible. I also hated the way they showed a random target getting shot during the competition. It clearly was the same target used in the demo...

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I would suspect that those are just part of the problems with a reality show, at least one that involves shooting! You can re-film a lot of sequences when it comes to the extraneous stuff but when they get to the actually challenges they can't just keep running it over and over again until they get the footage they want. They could if it was all fake but I do think the competition part is "real".

As for Athena, yeah...it might have been better for her had they shortened the stock but I"m not sure that's even realistic/possible for a Tommy Gun (not that I'm expert with the weapon by any means). Even it that could be done, I'm not sure it's fair to give special accommodations to any one competitor...the whole point of the show is proficiency with weapons of all kinds and from different eras.

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