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Long story short I was in a group buy for 6.8 magazines on anoter site back in october. We were told that the mags would arrive after Thanksgiving but before Christmas. As of today still no magazines. A company rep would come on from time to asking for patience saying that it would be another week, then vendor problems, then IT problems, finally no communication. The truth is that they were preparing to sell the company.

Meanwhile a company rep is on arfcom chatting it up about a pending sale of the company, but not responding to our members. A arfcom mod said that he would let the thread continue and even asked the rep when the mags would be shipped. The mod got the same reply "they should ship next week". I responded that the rep was "TACKY AND CLASSLESS and that KARMA AWAITS". The mod replies:

Originally Posted By LINKS2K:


Originally Posted By Aimless


I guess he and the guy were friends or something. Oh well.

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The one and only. I got banned once for bumping a thread. I am not a trouble maker. Maybe the mod was having a bad day. It happens. I had a mod here mistakenly ban me briefly because he thought that I was fighting with another mod when I was agreeing with him.

The big difference is that our mod here was very understanding and quickly reversed the ban.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

IMO Your beef was legit and your comment was not all that abrasive considering the run-around that yall have been given. Now is a darn long time from the promised date for anyone to be upset. I wouldnt want to be associated with a group ( at least that Mod ) that seems to be supporting.....well thieves and liars.

The Mod also showed no class with his comment about your ban, I just have to really now wonder if you ever will get your mags.

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IMO Your beef was legit and your comment was not all that abrasive considering the run-around that yall have been given. Now is a darn long time from the promised date for anyone to be upset. I wouldnt want to be associated with a group ( at least that Mod ) that seems to be supporting.....well thieves and liars.

The Mod also showed no class with his comment about your ban, I just have to really now wonder if you ever will get your mags.

I sent a email to the mod and the arfcom staff saying as much. The mod behaved as if I had taken money and was ignoring the the customer.

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Guest KimberChick
Send them pics of guns and food. Someone will let you back in.

especially food. I have a feeling that food porn is more appealing than pictures of naked women to a good bit of their member base. A grilled cheese made with tactical bacon and Krispy Kremes as the bread(or other memefood fad) on top of a computer with a decidedly tactical case design? Katie, bar the door! :D

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especially food. I have a feeling that food porn is more appealing than pictures of naked women to a good bit of their member base. A grilled cheese made with tactical bacon and Krispy Kremes as the bread(or other memefood fad) on top of a computer with a decidedly tactical case design? Katie, bar the door! :lol:

Now that's funny. :)

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I have been amember there for a very long time. I had changed names about 5 years to my current name. I can honestly say that it has went downhill over the last 3-4 years. It seems like they staff caters to the vendors now. Even when they knew there were problems they would lock, move or delete threads all the time. And along with any locks a few members wouyld get banned.

I suspect your magazines will never materialize. I bet they took the money knowing the company was going to be sold then after the sale wash their hands of the group buy.


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So, are you going to tell us who this company is?

I do hate scams, and been around a couple. I

hate giving away money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Something else that was odd now that you mention C Products.

I was talking to a vendor who had already ordered and paid for a bunch of their stainless mags. I was going to order based on them saying they were going to be in the next day. I called and called but well over a week later and still no magazines for the vendor as well. It almost sounds like some of this was planned, as in take as many paying orders as you can then sell the company but keep the pre order money.

If it is how it looks I hope they hang the person(s) responsible but in reality it would take a lot more money than the cost of the magazines people are out. It is a typical scammer move I have seen in the past, keep the individual's out lay of cash less than an attorney's fee and the scammers are probably safe. Any way you look at it, it is definitely not looking good.


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This was posted on 12-13-10

Guys, anyone who ordered black magazines, the orders will begin shipping tomorrow and should all ship within the next two weeks. Those who ordered tan magazines, it will be closer to 3-4 weeks before your order arrives. I apologize for the delay its just a long process to get them done as they have to be coated in black first. Anyone with questions do not hesitate to contact me direct.

12-28-10 from the guy that started the buy...he is a good guy

I would bet from the holidays and the weather has delayed the shipments some. Some have gotten them so far some havent. I know the money went through and the orders.

i would just be patient guys. I have been in group buys before that I forgot I was in. LOL!!! I dont think this will be that bad. It is just a bad time of year to be ordering things.

12-29-10 From company rep

Thanks for everyone's patience with these, those who ordered 5 and 10rd 6.8's only, your order should have shipped. USPS has been real slow with shipments recently, taking as much as 10 days to deliver some. The 25rd 6.8's are in production now, call me Scrooge but I hate the holiday season as many of my suppliers are not working full weeks or even full days around this time of year and it really delays things. You guys are 1st on the priority list and as soon as they are finished your orders will ship first. If anyone has any questions about their shipment, email me at
and I will check on it for you. If I don't get right back to you right away just be patient, I promise I will respond the same day.


1-7-11 from forum member

It's been almost a month since the '3-4 more weeks for tan mags' update.......any news?

1-10-11 forum member

Hey guys, I e-mailed Chad this past week and he said they had a problem with the 25 round mag stamping die.Being in manufacturing when a die breaks it either does minor damage or its fubared. He told me to contact him if I haven't received mine by the end of the week.

1-16-11 from a team member

I got this on the 29th.

"I am just waiting for the 25rd 6.8’s for your order, they should be ready by mid next week.

Panka/Sales Manager

Executive Director for International, Law Enforcement and Military Sales

C Products, LLC"

I guess it is money long gone. I am glad I only ordered 4 mags.

Last edited by Team Helotes; 01-16-2011 at
05:19 PM

1-17-11 Team member

Update today from Chad.

Rick I am sorry I am expecting the 25rd 6.8’s back today from coating, tomorrow worst case. I will make sure your order ships first.

Chad Panka/Sales Manager

My reply Back to Chad:

Thanks for the update Chad. Don’t ship mine first though. Go down the list as they came into James. All the other guys have waited too. Thanks for putting this together for us.

1-19-11 company rep

Guys, I am truly sorry for how long this has taken for those who either ordered the 25rd 6.8's in black or tan, it was really not intended to take this long. I have large OEM's who are waiting on orders for thousands of 25rd 6.8's but believe me when I tell you that your orders will go out first. To anyone who has ordered the magazines in tan and do not care about the color and would rather just have the black please email me and I will change your order, as the tan mags are going to be 2-3 weeks out as they have to be coated fully black before they can be sent for tan. Once again guys I am truly sorry for how long this has taken, my patience is growing very thin at this point with my coaters. (after a major issue with my tooling that cost me a couple weeks my coaters have delayed this project even more)


1-27-11 team member

Has anyone heard if the black 25 round magazines have shipped YET???? This is really getting a little long with all the excuses. I still want my 10 mags, but come on.

I own several businesses and know that crap happens. But, not like this.

1-27-11 team member


Hey guys, Just an update. I did not here back from Chad today. Hopefully tomorrow. I don't know if this is proper and the moderators can take this post down or just the link to what I'm posting. They may consider it "political" but I consider it paramount. With the problems C-prod has had fulfilling our orders I would like to Invite C-prod to stand by their customers in this group buy and offer us the same price on another group buy for high cap ONLY magazines to ONLY the people currently on the list. With the impending legislation coming down the tube,and being in a manufacturing engineering environment, they will have the die's running wide open to beat the deadline, as far as manufacturing date, to beat any impending legislation. If James doesn't want to handle the influx of orders, James, I will surely step up and take the torch. At this point it has become just a simple matter of principle. SM

1-30-11 team members

I emailed Chad 2X NO RESPONCE. Just a little ticked off over this

I emailed Chad a few weeks ago, changed my order to all black so as to get them quicker, and haven't seen or heard anything since. Starting to wonder if I will ever get the mags. Is there a means of getting a refund on this group buy?

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1-30-11 from me

I will never do another group buy. This was my first experience and it has left a bad taste in my mouth. I think paying a few more dollars will be worth it to avoid the aggravation.

When we were told that things were going slowly but some of us would see them before Christmas that was fine, but this has gotten to the point of being irresponsible.

I have yet to fire a round thru my rifle because I was waiting on these magazines. I will purchase some mags from Barrett, but I will not spend another penny on C-products.

1-30-11 team member

What bothers me is he was very prompt at returning my e-mails and even said I would get mine first. I said No, run down the list by who is next. He wrote back and said he had plenty coming in to suffice.Then I wrote one last time, I think Tuesday. and haven't heard from him since.

2-1-11 team members

Chad, would it help if I said forget the tan and just give me all in black?

no reply in weeks by now

Received from CProd 3 minutes ago:

This is Barry Bergen the Owner/Managing Member of C Products. Please let me assure you and everyone else in the group buy that this is totally legit. Yes we have run into a problem, however not with production as that is now proceeding full bore. Our problem is that our company server crashed and we are in a scramble to get back on line and recover our information. I am assured by our IT folks this will be completed by weeks end. Please do all you can to spread the word that this will be corrected and everyone who ordered will indeed get their order. We cant apologize enough to all out there that have gotten caught in this glitch. We will be contacting everyone by weeks end with a game plan to get caught up. Again please feel free to post this apology or spread the word as you feel fit to do. Thanks to all who might read this for your patience.

Its nice to have an update. The last time I heard from CProducts was 1/17/2011 and was told 1 week until I had them. Three emails after that (unanswered) no mags. Sorry they had problems with equipment, venders, and computers. But I am sure thier fingers were not broken they sould have responded back. Its the polite thing to do.

Let me say that I never thought it was not legit. I was just concerned over the lack of communication concerning the delay. I am a very patient person as long as I am kept informed as to why I need to be patient. I am glad to see that we have some communication from C-prod about what is happening. I am sorry to hear that their servers crashed it is a nightmare and I have been there a few times myself

2-6-11 team member

Honestly I am getting pretty fed up with C-Products... Nobody from C-products has taken the time to post here in over 3 weeks. The best we got was a generic mass email...I keep hearing excuse after excuse. I am expecting 15-25 round mags... If I don't have at the very least a tracking number saying they are on the way to me by the end of the month, I will be saying F**-it and take the steps necessary to get my money back.... If that happens C-products would be hard pressed to ever get any of my money again.

2-7-11 team member

I hope that I am wrong and that it will work out. But some signs I see like, off the Ar15 board, out of stock with vendors, Multi emails and phone calls to them and nothing. F on the Ct. BBB site. Multi excuses on different web sites. I know some here have recieved their mags however those were the 5, 10 round count mags. In my opion stock on the shelfs. I got a friend to get in on this group buy, its looking I am going to have to cover his loss. They would not return my messages from customer service, but if I order a new mag I got them. I was placed on hold and told that the 6.8 mags are being made and some will be done by next week. ( Shara I believe ) If this was the case why can't Larry or Chad post this here for us.

2-7-11 team member


Chad left his email as
in a previous post. With that, I left him an email, I left him a message on his phone line at the office... and then sent an email to Barry (assuming the same email format applied) and cc'd Chad. Those were done today. No reply before close of business.

I believe Chad has already proven to us that his word is worthless.At some point in time he knew the shop was closing or being sold,yet he continued too lead us on as though everything was fine,just some minor setbacks,soon to be rectified.....that is,if this part of the tangled tale is even true.the only thing I believe IS true is that Chad lied to us.

I would be happy with just a brief update. I realize, if they have changes going on, info might be short, but would be nice to hear something. This is my first 'Group Buy', so, I am not sure exactly what to expect. I am keeping an open mind about it, but will think a bit before joining another group buy. It has been almost 4 months since I sent the USPS MO. Again, I realize S happens. But dang, this 'buy' is getting a little long in the tooth.

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2-7-11 from the group leader

Thank you guys for the support. I have been racking my brain on how to get the money. But it was a lump sum sent to them.

I am just as sick as you guys are and to top it off. I am out over $200 in this. I had the biggest order along with two other people . Plus all the rest. Hopefully it will work out. I figure that the new company if they are bought out will honor the deal.

I am optimistically holding out for this.

I am glad I jumped in on a group buy for Magpuls last week as well.

I will also keep bugging them and see if I can get any answers.

2-8-11 team member

I think that was directed at CProducts based on their prior dealings, notably the absence of price gouging during the election year surge. Things do tend to be more civil here, even at its worse.

I hate to keep posting what is said in the other thread, but I know not everyone frequents that site and it isn't like we are getting the information direct from the source here. So...from ARFcom @ 8:02 (east) this morning

I understand the concerns. No one will be affected by the sale. The magazines ordered will be shipped as promised. The negoiations have been tough. The new owner is very passionate about the company and I believe he will make it better. Just give us alittle more time to finish this. I promise no one will be disappointed.


2-8-11 team member

They were "promised" last year.

Then came my comments and the ban.

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Don't forget Barretts.

I am still banned, but I was just checking the site and found this next to my name:

<Removed. Please keep all posts in the technical forums polite, businesslike, and on topic. ––tbk1>

The ugly comments from the mod were still visible. Really businesslike, polite and on topic .

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