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Tactical! It's TACTICAL!

Will Carry

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"Is that your fishin' vest your wearing?" "No it's a TACTICAL vest." "Hunh?"

My shorts are TACTICAL shorts. I have a TACTICAL pocket knife, TACTICAL watch, TACTICAL boots. TACTICAL sunglasses. I even have TACTICAL underwear. Putting the word TACTICAL on something makes me want to buy it...............I'm such a nerd. I wonder if they have TACTICAL pocket protectors?

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My Springfield TRP says Tactical on the frame......thats the only thing I dont like about it :lol:

Yeah, laughably, my XD 5" is also designated as "Tactical" on slide. Takes a really skillful operative like me to handle that extra one inch of barrel.

- OS

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Guest bkelm18

Since "Tactical" is just a marketing ploy, I generally avoid anything labeled as such. As someone else said, if FancyNutterButter uses it in his videos, I avoid it like the plague. :P

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Even hardware stores sale tactical gear. Take an everyday item like black electricians tape. Isn't electrical tape just a - tactical black, adhesive, electronic repair device? Put that on the label and you can charge more for it. :P

In all fairness, I gotta admit, I have a pump shotgun with a black pistol grip stock, side saddle, and heat shield. Why? Cause it looks tacti...um...I mean cool. I like it, but I know it doesn't have a real practical everyday use. It's just a heck of a lot of fun to shoot. Now I'm off to fleabay to look for a tactical computer mouse so I can play some covert solitaire. :hiding:

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I have several things tactical. Everything has a real purpose for me though.

My tactical pants last for a couple of years vs a couple of months(if that-I'm rough on clothes) for jeans. My tactical heat shield keeps me from burning my knee(****ing ouch!:P). My tactical gloves are thinner, warmer, and much more durable then anything else available.

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Similar to everything that was "turbo" back in teh 80's and 90's. It seemed like everything was turbo charged, from cars to computers.


Or maybe how everything was 'extreme' back in the mid to late '90s. There were 'extreme sports' and so on. There was even a Knoxville radio station that called itself 'extreme radio'.

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I don't really see what the problem is. Personally, the only item I have that has the word "tactical" on it is my range bag I bought from OpticsPlanet on closeout. I also own a balaclava, which is used for running when it is less than 30 F outside. Now, are there some who take the tactical thing a little too far? Sure. However, I won't berate them (I'm might snicker a little internally), because in the end, they are helping provide jobs with their purchase.

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I think Strick kinda nailed it. Tactical gear is fine if you're gonna use it for a purpose. If you're wearing it just to look cool at the range or on YouTube...you just suck.

I have various items that are "tactical", but mostly I use them for either better gear at work or little additions to my AR. I don't have tac pants with a tactical pocket with it's own tactical pocket or anything.

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I'm usually way behind on the trendy phrases and words. Just yesterday I noticed my 15 year old son mention "tactical" this and "tactical" that. He and his buddies are all into air soft guns.

While there is a reality to it, the marketers have dumbed it down just like they do everything else.

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