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not good news for Kimber

Guest mosinon

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Guest The Highlander

I have several Kimbers, the only malfunctions I've ever had were with very suspect ammo, and I knew it when I was shooting up old junk that I found in my ammo box. I'd buy another Kimber tomorrow if I needed one. We are seeing one side of a suspicious story.

Think about it. Kimber and SIG are two of the most respected names in the industry and this one agency has worn out all their guns in 4 years!!!

I doubt the USAMU shooting team goes through enough ammo to accomplish that feat.

I call bull.

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Guest TNTgill

My 3" Kimber has only had one hiccup. She FTF'ed after shooting ~200 rounds of WWB with the factory mag. This was the first day I shot it and it was dirty as heck. Got the KimPro Tac Mags and not a single problem since. I have put 6-700 bullets downrange, the vast majority WWB and some reloads. Never had any other problem. I would trust any kimber gun with my life....just not a kimber factory mag. They should really get rid of the basic mag and ship every new gun with the KimPro Tacs

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Bootleggers!!!! Background Checks!!!! OH MY!!!!!

The very least of public concerns. I have no problems with giving($1) retiring agents their duty weapons. But this ain't the roaring 20's, and those good ol' boys need to spend that FREE Federal Moolah on protecting their communities from dangerous criminals. Been drinking a kittle so gonna stop fo I fall offem my soapbox:)

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I've shot two. Both had FTFs. Constantly. This is typical for them, and I wouldn't my life to one of them, either. There are better firearms, for less (and more), but Kimber makes *pretty* guns, so people purchase them. I'd rather have a beat-to-death Springfield than a brand new Kimber...

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I've shot two. Both had FTFs. Constantly. This is typical for them, and I wouldn't my life to one of them, either. There are better firearms, for less (and more), but Kimber makes *pretty* guns, so people purchase them. I'd rather have a beat-to-death Springfield than a brand new Kimber...


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I've shot two. Both had FTFs. Constantly. This is typical for them, and I wouldn't my life to one of them, either. There are better firearms, for less (and more), but Kimber makes *pretty* guns, so people purchase them. I'd rather have a beat-to-death Springfield than a brand new Kimber...

Certainly you are entitled to your opinion but I doubt that there is a autoloader on the planet from any manufacturer of any design that hasn't had a FTF problem at one time or another...that's probably why one of the basics of pistol fighting taught at most ranges is to learn how to clear such problems.

I'm not discounting personal experience here but 2 experiences seems a little thin to me, especially given the number of things that can cause such problems.

Just my $0.02

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Certainly you are entitled to your opinion but I doubt that there is a autoloader on the planet from any manufacturer of any design that hasn't had a FTF problem at one time or another...that's probably why one of the basics of pistol fighting taught at most ranges is to learn how to clear such problems.

I'm not discounting personal experience here but 2 experiences seems a little thin to me, especially given the number of things that can cause such problems.

Just my $0.02

Well said

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