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I Think They Are Wrong(Trade Value That Is)


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So my son had my old Springfield Compact and has been pining for a different pistol,needless to say he went to Guns&Ammo on Summer Avenue and they quoted him $150.00 in a trade value for something else.Heres a picture of the pistol,I think they quoted just a tad bit low,opinions anyone.



Now I do realize that used guns never retrieve a decent price when trading,but I think this was a lowball quote.:rolleyes::cool:

Needless to say I traded him a Taurus .22 Mag back for my old .45ACP.

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I don't know....in the photos, it looks like the pistol was buried in a pond, exumed a year later, and dragged into town behind a truck, where it was cleaned with an air grinder and reblued. I hope it's just the lighting. Is that the factory finish? If not, is it badly pitted? If the bore looks like the slide and frame in the pics, I think he made you a very generous offer.

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Guest Lester Weevils

My eyes are not good, but it looks fine to me. If it runs solid, ought to be worth a lot more? I don't recall seeing many 1911's in the classified section selling much less than $500?

Chucktshoes probably has it right-- The dealer didn't figure he could move the gun fast enough for whatever reason?

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I don't know....in the photos, it looks like the pistol was buried in a pond, exumed a year later, and dragged into town behind a truck, where it was cleaned with an air grinder and reblued. I hope it's just the lighting. Is that the factory finish? If not, is it badly pitted? If the bore looks like the slide and frame in the pics, I think he made you a very generous offer.

Nope,nothing wrong with the metal,its Alumahyde,the frame was refinished in Teflon by a fellow here in the Memphis area.Nothing mechanically wrong with the pistol.I think the lighting also makes it look funny.The bore is clean without a trace of pitting.

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If you want to sell it, you'll be better off selling on TGO or to an individual. I bought one like this, but with black grips for $250 at a pawn shop in Knoxville. A few months later I had some emergency bills come up & sold it with a couple of spare mags for $450. A pistol is only worth what a person is willing to give, but I don't think you'll have a problem getting a lot more out of it.

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Guest TheMikeLurie

I have to agree with what the others have said... Always better to make a private sale than trade. If he would have sold the gun to them for $150, it would have been in their showcase a few hours later for $400 bucks. That's not turning a profit, that's fleecing people. If you walked into the Bill Goodman gun show or Mid TN Expo with that in your hand, you would get 10 offers of $300 bucks before you landed at the first table.

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