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Carry Permit After DUI

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Guest micahrussell

Yes that true but y would u go in a bar in the first place if u wasnt gonna drink that silly that just gonna cause someone to get killed for nutn cuz someone looked at his wife or gf it be on the news b4 long lol then one person mess it up for other people that way usually goes

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Yes that true but y would u go in a bar in the first place if u wasnt gonna drink that silly that just gonna cause someone to get killed for nutn cuz someone looked at his wife or gf it be on the news b4 long lol then one person mess it up for other people that way usually goes

Designated driver? I don't drink at all but I have been known to hang out at a bar with friends that do drink.

If you want to get real picky, there are almost no bars in Tennessee. What most people would consider a bar usually gets a restaurant liquor license. The recent law was not intended to allow people to drink and carry - its intent was to allow HCP holders to carry into restaurants.

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Guest micahrussell

That not the definition u see and hear on the news lol just gonna take 1 person to prove a point then be to late all heck break loose after that haslam was even talking about doin away wit permits all together like sum other states has theres a place in georgia that its a law to own a firearm theres few states that dont even have permits lol

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Ive had one in 03 and one in 08 it falls in that time period so i guess iim screwed i dont know y they would put that with a handgun category cuz that driver license stuff gun duis shouldnt have anything to do with getn a hcp unless u had a weapon on your person at the time of the traffic stop not if u just stopped

It's all about responsibility. And you appear not to have any.

If you're not responsible enough to be trusted with a vehicle in public, then you are not going to be trusted with a gun in public, either.

Stop complaining about the penalty of DUI. Just be thankful that you are not behind bars for killing someone while driving drunk.

PS, I would suggest loosing the txt talk. We are all adults here and your grammar is illegible.

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Guest micahrussell

Lol no its just the way its gonna be untill the right person steps in and takes control and do away with all the bs lobbyists trying to money market everything as usual but you see time guns and beer or liqor or whatever maybe not even in the same classification the 2nd amendment doent have stipulations its plain english not if u have this or u dont have that read but it all workout no biggie

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Lol no its just the way its gonna be untill the right person steps in and takes control and do away with all the bs lobbyists trying to money market everything as usual but you see time guns and beer or liqor or whatever maybe not even in the same classification the 2nd amendment doent have stipulations its plain english not if u have this or u dont have that read but it all workout no biggie

Yup, you're right! Those damn lobbyists are making millions off of you driving drunk :rock:

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It's all about responsibility. And you appear not to have any.

If you're not responsible enough to be trusted with a vehicle in public, then you are not going to be trusted with a gun in public, either.

Funny thing is, he has probably got his DL back.

PS, I would suggest loosing the txt talk. We are all adults here and your grammar is illegible.


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Guest micahrussell

Yep but but it will be taken care of at the end when people can actually read and know how to realize how the wont be able to manipulate to make it fit there wants it will just take time to do away with all the fantasizers and put realists in the right places instead all these bleedin heart wakos

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Guest friesepferd

Wow. I'm not even sure how to respond to your comments they are so ridiculous.

The law which was recently passed allowed those with permits to carry in an establishment which serves alcohol, but it does not allow them to drink while they carry. First, this includes restaurants such as Applebee’s. I go there a lot, I carry a gun, I never ever drink. Even with a ‘real bar’ (which TN does not define- thus the law worded as it is), there are plenty of reasons to go in other than drinking. Examples: your friends drink but you don’t, being a designated driver (obviously something you know nothing about), you work there, etc.

And PLEASE friend… attempt to use at least semi-correct English? I am not going to hound someone because of a misspelled word or some minor grammar problems, but as many here have already said… Your English is actually VERY difficult to read. It has nothing to do with us… we are speaking English. We know how to read and write. You seem to be the one having the problems.

Personally I am for constitutional carry… but sometimes people like you make me think otherwise.

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Guest micahrussell

A well regulated milita being necessary to the security of free state (tenn) the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed plain text plz dont tell me you cant read and understand that

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Guest micahrussell

How to respond to what all ive said is the truth look it up like i said it will come back and bitem on the butt like always

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Guest m&pc9
How to respond to what all ive said is the truth look it up like i said it will come back and bitem on the butt like always

Did you run for Governor, at the last elections?

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Guest friesepferd
A well regulated milita being necessary to the security of free state (tenn) the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed plain text plz dont tell me you cant read and understand that

I completely agree that we have the right to keep and bare arms (that means we should be able to own and carry firearms).

HOWEVER, as with ANY right, it CAN be taken away. When YOU break the law, you lose rights. Or when you practicing your rights infringes on the rights of others, that obviously is an issue.

If you murder an entire village, you lose the right to your own life.

In the state of TN, thankfully, you do indeed have the right to carry a firearm. HOWEVER, when you commit a crime, such as driving a vehicle while intoxicated- putting lots of peoples lives in danger, then you have forfeited the right to carry a firearm. That was your own doing.

Just as I am sure you dont believe that a convicted murderer should be allowed to walk the streets with a firearm, that state of TN (and pretty much any other state) agrees that those who put others in danger by drinking and driving also should not be walking the streets with a firearm.

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