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Glock mag release extension

Guest kirkosaurus

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Guest kirkosaurus

I love everything about my G26 except I find if difficult to push the mag release. I decided to get a mag release extension from Midway, which took a month get since they were on backorder. Finally installed it and love how it works. One problem though. I've discovered several times while carrying in my Crossbreed Supertuck holster that the mag has been released. The button sticks out so much the leather is pushing it in when I sit down. Not good!

I decided to go back to the stock mag release. Hopefully I'll never have to be in a situation where I need more than 11 rounds.

I guess the extended release would be great for a range gun but not for a carry gun.

Anyone else have this problem with the extended mag release and have worked out a resolution?

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Guest Bronker

I had a the same issue on a G22 that I carry. There was one installed on it when I bought it (from an individual). I also went back to stock, and really all that I do is to concentrate on my grip, and achieving consistency on where my index finger falls on the frame (I'm left-handed, so a unilateral mag release poses unique issues regardless) when doing quick mag drops and reloads. After a while, I became less reliant on feeling the release with my finger for a contact per se, and more reliant on where my muscle memory tells me to drop my finger on the frame as part of my grip.

In other words...PRACTICE! Just like everything else.:)

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Guest kirkosaurus

Yeah, it's a factory Glock extended mag release.

I'll check out the Tango Down one.

For now I think I'll practice with the stock one and just get used to it.

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  • Administrator
Tango Down makes a Vicker's Tactical mag release that is in between the stock and extended ones, and is also radiused on the edges. I have been thinking of picking one up, but have never had any trouble with the OEM extended.

This. I use the Vickers on my G19 and have had zero problems out of it.

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Guest DanE479

This is what happens when you try to fix a software (brain/training) issue with a hardware fix. THe problem with an extended maagazine release is that it will release your magazine at the worst time.

Train better, learn how to punch that sucker out better, and keep your Glock stock.

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Guest Guy N. Cognito
This is what happens when you try to fix a software (brain/training) issue with a hardware fix. THe problem with an extended maagazine release is that it will release your magazine at the worst time.

Train better, learn how to punch that sucker out better, and keep your Glock stock.

Glock 34 and 35 come stock with the extended mag release.......

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  • 9 months later...
Guest kirkosaurus

Well, I finally got around to getting the Tango Down mag release extension. I believe this is perfect! Thanks for the advice!

(Tango Down in the middle):


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...Did you get a Glock extended mag release? If so, you can use the infamous Glock tool, aka emery board, to re-shape your mag release. If you botch it, a new mag release is $4-$5, IIRC.....

Deerslayer has handed us a "pearl of wisdom" here. I had an extended release (...a glock, i think...) on my glock 27. My problem was that it was "sharp edged" and would poke me from time to time when shootin. I replaced mine with a stock glock just like kirk did. It solved my problem. I shoulda got out the "infamous Glock tool".


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