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I finally decided to join.


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Well, I guess I am now a NRA member. I was contemplating on buying the life membership, but having spent so much on a recent impulsive gun purchase, I decided to hold off for now. Perhaps later. I did however purchase a 5 year membership.

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FAKE PHONE NUMBER! Why didn't I think of that! I am such a idiot.................

The NRA is one of our strongest allies. I give them money several times a years, but not from telephone calls. My Liberal friends love my NRA shirts and hat.

Edited by Will Carry
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I am paying on a life membership, so much every 3 months. Paying more than required and more often and almost paid off. I do not agree with everything the NRA does or does not do but it is a good organization, also a member of GOA.

Join something to push for the 2A rights or lose them.

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I've been a Life Member for a long time and the only time I hear from NRA is when I get the magazine in the mail. No letters, no emails, no phone calls.

I guess they've decided they can't get anything more out of me. :poop:

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Guest Guy N. Cognito

If you call the NRA and tell them to stop with the calls and direct mail, they will stop. I did it years ago and all I ever get is my magazine.

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Hi, my name is Dave, I'm your local NRA Membership rep, It's getting close to time to renew you 3-yr membership, for the low price of....

Just kidding. Congrats on joining, we are going to need the NRA even more in the near future.

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I also joined recently, and the NRA has since joined viagraRus, pillsnkanada.com, and a bunch of other sites on my spam filter. Someone needs to have a little chat with their folks about the junk mail and email. I thought it was bad BEFORE I joined, and now its 10x worse, funny in a not funny sort of way.

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I've been a Life Member for a long time and the only time I hear from NRA is when I get the magazine in the mail. No letters, no emails, no phone calls.

I guess they've decided they can't get anything more out of me. :)

When you get to the other side, you will have a bill waiting.

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Guest Jcochran88
I've never received a phone call, either.

I just got a life membership. Wonder how long it'll be before I get my first renewal reminder in the mail? :taunt:

Surprised you haven't got the upgrade to Endowment member yet!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TheMikeLurie

I'm a proud member and will likely continue to be a proud member for life. But I'll do it one year at a time.

I'm not much on commitment. I plan on being with my wife of ten years for the rest of my life and I have my house note... that's it. I don't even buy a new car until I can pay for it outright. Cell phone plan and gym membership on a month to month... My military service taught me to never lock myself into anything for more than a year at a time ever again.

The NRA is awesome. But you never know when they will change the way they do things. If and when that happens, it's nice to know I can make the decision to stop supporting them if I so choose.

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