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Why did you start carrying?

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We've worn out the pithy lines, such as, "When seconds count, the police are minutes away", or "I carry a pistol because a cop's too heavy." But I carry for two reasons: (1) Because I can; and (2) because both my father and father-in-law fought a hard war in the 40s and lost a lot of friends. If my wife and I ever came to harm because we were too stupid to defend ourselves with the rights we have, I could never forgive myself for dishonoring their sacrifices. My user name is simply my opinion that arming yourself in these perilous times is the most rational thing you can do.

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My wife and I came home one Sat. night about 8:30 and there were 2 guys in our house. They left as we were coming in so there was no confrontation thankfully. They had found my S&W 686 and must have expected me to also have another one with me and they left. I had been thinking about getting an HCP but this convinced me. Now I very rarely go anywhere without one.

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Guest Grubbah

I'm fortunate enough to be able to say I've never been a victim of a home invasion, armed robery, or any other life changing event. I hope I can continue to say that up until the day I die at a ripe old age. But even though its never happened to me, I do realize that it can at any point in time and I'll probably not even see it coming if it does. Even here in quiet little thompson's station, stuff happens. Not too long ago a man forced his way into a residence and raped a woman, that was just a couple miles away from me. To my knowledge, he was never caught....

There are some truly evil people out there, and they dont care who they hurt. Thats why I carry.

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I started carrying when I was 23 yearls old (coming up on 57 now) and living in Connecticut, where it took a year to get a permit. Didn't really need one, lived in a very safe small town, but growing. Used to shoot in the woods behind my parents house, then houses started sprouting up and I had to go to ranges or friend's property. I just decided it would be easier to get a permit and not sweat the particulars of loaded vs. unloaded. When I moved to TN in '94, there wasn't a permit requirement, so I let my CT permit lapse. A year later, I needed a permit. Finally got around to it 3 years ago because I sensed the nation taking a turn down a scary road, which we're still rolling down. I carry every time I leave the house and have hardware hidden and spread throughout the house within a few feet's reach. I feel fairly secure not carrying at home due to a fenced, gated yard and 5 big dogs.

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Guest Lowbuster

I started carrying before I had hcp. My instructor told us "we are all here to make legal what we have been doing for years anyway" as for why I was 26 and my sister was 31 when my dad decided when everybody in our family turns 21 this (hcp) is their present along with a new pistol and carry method. I'm now 41 and will continue this as birthday presents,When he can no longer,as it is the. Best way to make sure our family is safe. I had to travel several states when I was younger remodeling stores for family dollar and always carried cause FD store are usually not in best part of towns.

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I'm 21 and I have two kids, I know kinda early, anyway like most people I just want to protect my family. I've been in many situations that were kind of shady, and have wished so many times I had a gun. there is no way I would allow anyone to harm my family. Beggars are getting worse and worse and east Tennessee, and you never know if they will turn violent.

Had a run in with a man and a woman the other night leaving Walmart. The man crossed the road in front of me and the woman started walking up to the side of my vehicle while I was in motion. I blew the horn and kept going, but if something had happened its nice knowing I could have defended my family. Of course there was alot of yelling and cussing at me from them, people that think we owe them OUR money.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

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