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Poolee with a High and Tight??

Guest Grudgie

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Get your head shaved before you report for training. Then you can get to know your drill instructor while everyone else stands in line getting a haircut. He'll remember your name and use it often. Be sure to proudly sound off and proclaim that you're from the Volunteer State!

Disclaimer: This was known to work well for recruits in the Army at Ft. Polk.

Edited by tnhawk
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You guys are so mean. Everyone knows the best way to impress someone on the first day on the job is to show up and look like you know what you're doing. That goes double for the Marines. So go get that high and tight, wear that "Marines" T-shirt that's 2 sizes too small, and pick up some of the latest digital camo pants and some combat boots for the ride on the bus. You'll be showing your DI that you're ready to go! Oh. I almost forgot. Be sure to get your eagle-globe-n-anchor tatoo before you go. Those ink shops just outside the gate will charge you a fortune. Best to get it done now on the cheap. :stare:

Nice. Your fresh EGA tat will let 'em know right up front you're no rock. Ooh Rah.

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Might I make a small real, no joke recommendation. Only take with you what you can fit in a shaving kit. Make sure that in that kit are two pairs of clean undies. When everyone gets off the bus, one of the first things they do is have you Pick em up. . . Put em down a bunch of times. When everyone else is picking up their large suit cases, you be picking up and putting down your shaving kit. :D worked for me when I went through Air Force Basic Training.

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