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Victim takes a beating in Richmond


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I don't know. I guess I'd take my chances with pulling my gun and shooting whoever keeps approaching. An outnumbered armed person vs multiple unarmed assailants. There are some past cases where individuals have successfully pleaded self-defense in these situations. Sucks when we live in an age where you are taking a risk of going to jail just to defend your life and health.

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if it was me there would be 4 dead gang bangers on the street. i would have not let that bunch of thugs get that close to me. you could hear them before they got to you. 5 of them beat by brother about 10 years ago on alcoa hwy and we did not know if he would live at the time. they beat him with a pipes .they needed drug money and the clerk locked the door so his wife could not get in the store. copes never did catch them.he had around $20 on him and spent 1 month in the hospital over it.

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Guest tnxdshooter

I think I would have unloaded the xd 12 rounder in em or the 45 whichever I was carrying at the time. I could whip one maybe even two dudes at once which I have done before but not five or six.

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on another forum a member says he knows the guy that was jumped and that he had a valid CCW. I bet he regrets not having it on him. Or at least a knife or spray of some sort.

One of the victims was a guy my wife grew up with in her home town, and moved out here go goto VCU. Last week he invited us to go and hang out with him, we declined (had things to do.)

I've seen his pictures on FB, he literally has shoe tread marks across his face.

The very block and part where the guy is pictured getting hit,and then falls to the street, is where I parked when I took my wife on our first date, and many dates after. I used to frequent that area alot in my spare time for many years, and still enjoy going out to the area.

For the record: The guy in the video DOES have a CCW permit, he knew he was going to have a couple drinks, and decided not to carry.

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on another forum a member says he knows the guy that was jumped and that he had a valid CCW. I bet he regrets not having it on him. Or at least a knife or spray of some sort.

Bet he has it from now on. See this is why when I do go out drinking I go with a large group. Plus my only friends are cops and combat vets so I don't exactly feel unsafe.

This is definitely a disparity of force case though. He would have easily been justified firing in that situation. I fear for his life watching that tape, I know I sure as hell would be afraid if they were kicking me in my damn head.

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These guys make their intent pretty clear and they give the person plenty of time to react. I would have pulled my weapon on the first guy coming at him waving his arms. If he continued I would have shot him. I would have been prepared to deal with the others but I doubt they would have done anything.

But you never know, they could have all pulled out guns. I hope I would have my 15 round M&P with me.

You should not have to justify killing those mf'ers.


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Guest clownsdd

No offense to anyone. It seems as if the victims are white and the perps of color, where is the out cry from the "rights organizations" about this incident?

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Guest rebeldrummer

isnt there a song that goes something like, "CLICK,CLICK BOOM"


if life was like a movie or tv show, that song one of those songs would come on, things would slow down and I would do some crazy John Wayne meets The American meets Machete moves!!! ha ha ha....

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Cut the head off the snake, an the body dies... shoot the preceived leader first (the first gang banger to jump thru the railing), then see whose got cojones enough to absorb the next round.

These gangs are out of control, and they will have to be dealt with, one way or another. Too bad dude didn't exercise his HCP rights...if he had one.

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Those kids are acting like animals, a pack of wild dogs. They should be treated as such. I had the same thing happened to me when I was a teenager. The only difference is I ran faster than they did. I'm too old to run now but I'm a lot smarter and better prepared. It's all about situational awareness. If you know you are being hunted and can't out run them, "then you gotta get plum maddog mean 'cuase if you give up, you niether win nor live." I would at least tried to pick an advantageous place to make a stand. If I had to pull on them I would have done my best to kill every one of them..............but that's just me.

"There is iron in your words of death............." :up:

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