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Fisher no longer a Titan!

Guest Jcochran88

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....I submit that if anyone here was qualified to judge a NFL coach or owner they would in fact be a NFL coach or owner.

Yes, that would include me. ...

I like it!! I aint much of an NFL owner or coach; but i like Fisher. Sad to see him go. Young will prove to be more trouble than he is worth in the longrun.


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Guest mustangdave

Hmmm...saw this all over the news ticker. Honestly...not surprised Coach Fisher and the TITAN'S parted company....anyone betting that Vinny will be back in the quarterback slot?

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His record coaching the Titans is 142-20. How the h3ll do you expect anyone to beat that?

Do they play to rack up winning records or to win championships?

I would hope the fans would have the same goal as the players - not just to win a number of games, but to win the championship now and then...

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Hmmm...saw this all over the news ticker. Honestly...not surprised Coach Fisher and the TITAN'S parted company....anyone betting that Vinny will be back in the quarterback slot?

It wouldn't surprise me now.

What I think about this whole thing as being chicken ***** is that they announced that they were keeping Fisher for next year until all the prime coaching jobs were filled, and then get rid of him.

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Guest uofmeet

All though I thought Fisher was a good coach, It would be interesting to see things with a different coach. Obviously the last few years have been a disappointment. Ever when they went 13-3 they couldn't win a single playoff game. No weather this was Fishers fault or not, I am not sure. But my hope is that Vince doesn't stay and maybe we have a better season next year.

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Bud Adams boy Vince Young is the worst excuse for a "professional" player that's come along recently. You have some rough problematic guys out there, like TO for example, but TO could back up a lot of his attitude. Vince Young is a premadonna that when things get tough, he shuts down and cowers away into a corner sucking his thumb and kicking his feet. He's a head case and some sports psychologist is going to make a fortune off this guy. Is he talented, very much so, is he going to ever do anything great in the NFL, it is yet to be seen, but I wouldn't bet on it. Bud Adams is close, might not be as bad, as Jerry Jones when it comes to dictating what happens with the coaching and players. The owners need to sit up in the box and smile and let the coaches coach, and worry about personnel.

Was it Fisher's time to go, apparantly so, can only hope that another good coach comes in, and me, I hope that Vince young stays gone.

Jon Gruden will be the next coach...Could be Bill Cowher. Either one of those would be great, everyone else, not so sure.

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Guest Drewsett

In all likelihood Fisher was the one who decided to leave.

As was mentioned here earlier, losing two of your assistants (and Fisher is loyal and loves his people) and being unable to offer a potential replacement only a one year contract must have really bothered him.

I don't think there is a better coach available right now, but agree somewhat with David's assessment of the situation. We'll likely end up with a Donovan McNabb level free agent QB who will be pretty decent for 4-5 years. The coach will likely be someone already within the organization or someone with ties to the organization. I don't know if they'll be "instantly better" as I think the departure of Washburn will hold back the development of our young D-line, we have issues with our LB's and DB's, particularly in coverage, and our interior OL (especially C) is weak. An older, immobile pocket passer will get picked apart back there. Defenses will not have to gameplan for the dual-threat QB anymore and you'll see DE's pinning their ears back and going for the QB every play.

We'll likely win the AFC South with a new, better QB, but I don't see us winning any playoff games anytime soon. Which is right about where we have been with Fisher...so why'd we make the change?

I went to HS with Bud Adam's grandson, the one who gets the team when Bud finally is gone. I think that he'll be able to bring the team to do well, but I was hoping that he'd have Fisher at the helm when the time came.

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