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Organizing a "TN Open Carry Day"


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It's not worth it. It OK for us to disagree. We ARE on the same side.

I guess actually supporting your claims is a foreign concept lately here on TGO... If you can't back up what you say - just admit it, nit don't insult by trying to act like that falls on anyone's shoulders but yours.

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Like I asked the other pessimist - what idea of mine wasn't "thought out"? What exactly is the "this" that has been suggested before?

The only results I see that are the same are defeatists shooting down the ideas before anything actually happens. Were there mass riots in public? Did people get shot? Were people *not* informed when the encountered someone carrying during their daily walk of life?

Am I supposed to be insulted because you are calling these ideas bad? So far - I've seen no facts as to why this is a bad idea, just opinions. Where are the facts to support your position?

The other pessimist??? :death:

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I guess actually supporting your claims is a foreign concept lately here on TGO... If you can't back up what you say - just admit it, nit don't insult by trying to act like that falls on anyone's shoulders but yours.

I already agreed to disagree. I don't feel like debating somebody that's so convinced that my point of view doesn't matter. Go for it, and try to enjoy the experience.

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I already agreed to disagree. I don't feel like debating somebody that's so convinced that my point of view doesn't matter. Go for it, and try to enjoy the experience.

Actually, you made specific claims about "my plan", which I am asking you to back up.

And let's be clear - I'm the one asking for opinions and the open sharing of ideas, you're the one trying to tell me you have it all figured out already.

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Actually, you made specific claims about "my plan", which I am asking you to back up.

And let's be clear - I'm the one asking for opinions and the open sharing of ideas, you're the one trying to tell me you have it all figured out already.

Just DO IT then. I have it figured out for me.

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Would the public practice of sodomy help or hinder a gay rights rally? It certianly wouldn't presuade me. Kind of the same thing to people who don't like guns. Things like the adopt a highway program, and the Christmas pay it forward thing we do here are examples of good ways to shine a positive light on gunowners. I'm a gun nut to the highest extreme, but I wouldn't be impressed by seeing a bunch of fools parading around with guns on their belts trying to be seen. I assure you, that's what you'll look like if you succeed in getting any news coverage.

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but I wouldn't be impressed by seeing a bunch of fools parading around with guns on their belts trying to be seen.

Good thing nobody suggested that.

I assure you, that's what you'll look like if you succeed in getting any news coverage.

Good thing nobody suggested this was about "news coverage".

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Churches have layed down in hiding for a long time (except those Westboro fruit loops) they didn't stand up for Christ and what they were founded on. Now it's almost a crime to be a Christian....but your a hero if you are a sand eating Muslim.

Now don't get me wrong, there is a right way and a wrong way to do something. Parading around the Capitol with Kwik and the boys may be the wrong way.

Edited by Krull
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This is where we always wind up with this thread. Bottom line I guess is that there are those that prefer to be discreet and there are those that feel the need to make a statement. Neither are wrong, It is interesting how a fairly single minded group like gun owners can devolve into rancor over this.

I guess it's no wonder political discourse is the way it is.

My .02 is I prefer concealed but I do occasionally OC. I feel that I personally am better at trying to win people over to our side individually.

You start getting opposed groups and you wind up like it is on this thread;)

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I don't think this is or needs to be about open carry vs. concealed carry and/or which one is "better"; those arguments have been made over and over again (usually with people getting mad at each other).

For me, as I think of this idea and read through the thread, I simply see little to be gained by an "open carry day" or any sort of "organized protest".

I like the fact that, in Tennessee, if I inadvertently show my otherwise concealed weapon I haven't automatically broken the law (as it would be in some states)..beyond that, I guess I really don't care if we can or can't open carry - I'm not trying to be selfish here; just relating my viewpoint. Also, I'd likely have a very different view if we couldn't open carry at all. However, regardless of my personal view or whether I "care" really only mattes to me...it doesn't impact or matter otherwise because, as we know, we already CAN open carry if we want to do so (that said, based on what I've learned of Tennessee's law regarding open carry, I would certainly like to see the law slanted a little more in favor of the person carrying but at least we can and I don't think we should lose sight of that).

Getting people more "accustomed" to open carry sounds like a good cause but to what end, really? Are some saying that they want to open carry but don't now because of how they know people react? I guess I can understand that but at the same time I wonder about how serious the conviction about open carry really is.

I don't think I'm just "giving up" but I do have strong doubts that this country will ever again see the day that open carry will be either widely done or widely accepted. We are a long, long way, both in terms of time and in attitude, when people did open carry and it was accepted to be as normal as walking down the street. In other words, I've think we've traveled too far down the road in the opposite direction and because of that, I don't know that "open carry" is where "activists" should spend their time and resources...I think there are other issues that are both more important and in more jeopardy that need our attention.

Edited by RobertNashville
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I am not going to draw unnecessary attention to myself and throw it in their faces at the same time.

We have our rights and they also have their rights.

We shouldn't give them ammo and reasons to worry about us.

I am also among those that believe just because something is legal does not mean it is right. I am not saying OC is wrong. I am not saying we should never OC. I just believe CC is better for many reasons, although I have OC a few times when clothing or the gun combo dictated that was the only option.

I am not going to get a black power pistol and go to Knoxville.

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Guest NashvegasMatt
If this is what you take away from the concept of a state or nation wide OC day, you missed the point.

Again - the point of an organized day is that people across the state can see that a whole lot of their coworkers, neighbors, and other people are carrying every day and just going about life. The point is education that there are people all around them, every day, who are armed, and those people aren't hurting anybody by just exercising that right.

taking a small part of my post and formatting it into the idea that you want it to be, is just you ignoring what I said and reading what you want to read.. bottom line.. good day.

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Wow! I'm just going to skip over the 128743163 post since my last login. I think I already know what everyone said anyway ;)

Out there in the real world, no one cares if you choose to OC or CC. No one. Anywhere.

No negative affects have ever arisen (kwik's AK aside) from OC . None.

Each year in the state of TN, guns laws get passed (or at least introduced) to the contrary. Where are all of these ill affects of OC?

Now, if you choose to CC and your gun becomes exposed....that is a whole 'nother issue..

In the mean time, I'll continue to carry how I choose. If I choose OC for that day, then I will educate at least one person after they strike up a conversation with me about it.

People are quite surprised when they see me carrying and are always intrigued as to how they can as well...

The first time I saw a citizen open-carrying - in Georgia in 1972 - my first reaction was shock. My second reaction was "I want to do that". I did.
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Once you get rid of one Kwik another comes along. ;)

And this is the kind of ignorance that makes a discussion almost impossible. Did you even read the thread, or do you just want to try and be one of the cool kids?

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Guest Guy N. Cognito
And this is the kind of ignorance that makes a discussion almost impossible. Did you even read the thread, or do you just want to try and be one of the cool kids?

Why is this ignorant? Kwik, following the law, carried around a weapon in plain sight in order to draw attention to his cause. Sound familiar? :up:

You keep trying to avoid the obvious comparison, but it's there and it proves that little displays like the one you intend don't have a positive effect for our cause.

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Out there in the real world, no one cares if you choose to OC or CC. No one. Anywhere.

No negative affects have ever arisen (kwik's AK aside) from OC . None.

Not true...



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And this is the kind of ignorance that makes a discussion almost impossible. Did you even read the thread, or do you just want to try and be one of the cool kids?

I didn't think it was so ignorant. You posted an idea, some disagreed, and you handled it exactly like Lenny. I thought you WERE Lenny for a little while.

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Wow! I'm just going to skip over the 128743163 post since my last login. I think I already know what everyone said anyway :up:

People who think they "already know" often don't.

Out there in the real world, no one cares if you choose to OC or CC. No one. Anywhere. No negative affects have ever arisen (kwik's AK aside) from OC . None.

Maybe your "real world" isn't where most of the population lives? I just personally saw, less than two weeks ago, a guy call the police because he saw people openly carrying their firearms...maybe you consider that a positive effect but I don't...I'm sure this guy would have been more than willing to go about his business had it not been an open carry situation. As it is, he is likely more convinced than ever that armed, law-abiding citizens are just a brief angry moment away from becoming a murderer.

Perhaps you should avoid blanket statements that include phrases like "No one. Anywhere. No negative affects have ever arisen" because that's just completely untrue (as blanket statements always...I mean usually are).

Each year in the state of TN, guns laws get passed (or at least introduced) to the contrary. Where are all of these ill affects of OC?

I think this issue/thread has more to do with public perception than legislative bills. In any case, why should people who carry organize a day to openly carry and likely, give more fodder to those who want to introduce more bills? Those who want to restrict gun rights only have to win now and then; those of us who don't want to see what we've gained become loss have to win every time...more bills give the anti-gun crowd more chances to get what they want.

Now, if you choose to CC and your gun becomes exposed....that is a whole 'nother issue..

Yes; which happens but not all that often and in any case, openly carrying is more likely to bother someone than a once in a while accidental exposure of a concealed weapon.

In the mean time, I'll continue to carry how I choose. If I choose OC for that day, then I will educate at least one person after they strike up a conversation with me about it.

People are quite surprised when they see me carrying and are always intrigued as to how they can as well...

I don't think anyone here has a problem with that....I don't recall that anyone here said you or anyone else shoudln't carry in whatever manner you feel is appropriate for you and for your circumstances....the issue is whether openly carrying as some sort of organized protest is truly a good idea or not (and think most here are saying that it probably isn't a good idea).

Edited by RobertNashville
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And this is the kind of ignorance that makes a discussion almost impossible. Did you even read the thread, or do you just want to try and be one of the cool kids?

Just because people don't agree with you doesn't mean that ignorance is being displayed or that discussion is impossible.

Perhaps Garfu's statement wasn't the most productive in this thread but Leonard's antics (and their far less than positive results for our gun rights) are fresh in people's minds; it shouldn't' surprise anyone that some would see a similarity.

Edited by RobertNashville
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