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HAWAII GROUND REPORT: Could Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie not be as incompetent and foolish as he appears, but orchestrating a deliberate birth certificate recovery dead end to cover his own papakole? UPDATED: Mystery solved! Reason Obama will not release birth certificate is because his name is legally written “Barry Soetoro†on it.

Posted by kevindujan01 under HillBuzz, Kevin DuJan | Tags: Barry Soetoro, Lolo Soetoro adoption of Barack Obama, Obama birth certificate, Why won't Obama release his birth certificate? |

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barry-soetoro.jpg?w=320&h=205The reason Obama will not willingly ever release his birth certificate? Because he is legally listed as "Barry Soetoro" on it

Here’s an interesting Ground Report from Hawaii that contains an ingenious theory about Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie’s bizarre backtrack on releasing Obama’s birth certificate.

Remember, Abercrombie promised that once he was elected Governor he would prove Obama’s birth certificate existed because he would march down to the Hall of Records and demand its production from the archives…and he would then hold it aloft in the gentle Hawaiian breeze, high above his balding pate, for all the world to see, thereby producing the document Obama has spent millions to keep hidden.

Well, after he was elected, Abercrombie strangely acknowledged no original birth certificate could be found for Obama in Hawaii, but that there were “handwritten notes†that he was born on the island of Oahu in 1961. Abercrombie did not claim he saw the actual birth certificate.

But, now he’s claiming it’s illegal to produce the birth certificate even if he did find it, because Obama refuses to let the public see this document.

None of this makes any sense until you read the Ground Report below, and get a new take on what’s going on in Hawaii regarding the single greatest current mystery of the 21st Century (“Why Won’t Obama Just Release His Birth Certificate?â€â€¦which is also a question the lamestream national media refuses to ask):

Dear HillBuzz,

Regarding the whole Obama birth certificate controversy, I believe Hawaii has a big problem.

Recently, when asked about the subject, newly-minted Speaker of the House John Boehner replied “The State of Hawaii says he was born there and that’s good enough for me.†His reply was brilliant.

It reminded everyone that it’s not the Speaker’s job to sort out the mess (it should have been addressed by the Dems, the election officials, and the media during the campaign), but it also, clearly, put the onus on the State of Hawaii. Around the same time Neil Abercrombie, the new governor of Hawaii, waded into the mess wanting to clear everything up for the president. Instead, he has only added to the confusion by admitting there doesn’t seem to be a birth certificate only a handwritten notation in the archives. (Which could quite possibly have been generated by Obama’s grandparents as a way to register the birth if Obama was born somewhere else.)

Personally, I believe the governor is an intelligent well-intentioned man who acted without thinking it through. Rush Limbaugh believes there may be some angle to what the governor did. If there is, then I believe it was a “cover your papakole†move on the part of the governor. He doesn’t want to be the one left holding the blame when, finally, the American public says “Enough! Just show the damn birth certificate already!â€.

He can honestly claim the deception and obstruction happened before he took office and when he tried to find the truth he was told he didn’t have legal access to the birth records. So he’s off the hook, but the incumbent state officials may not get off so easily. Lastly, there is information on several blogs about a court case that may have been filed in New York State Court called
Strunk v. Paterson
. I’ve heard that a state judge recently ruled — based on evidence — that Obama is NOT a natural born citizen. The court documents go into all of the birth certificate topics, including the Indonesian adoption.

The fact that Obama was adopted by Indonesian Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s, and his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro at that time, is most likely the reason he is spending millions of dollars to hide his birth certificate. He never filed the papers to change his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.â€, so any birth certificate produced by the state of Hawaii would list him as “Barry Soetoroâ€.

It’s easy to see why he never wants this to come to light. Aside from the legal ramifications of this, how would the American people feel about Obama lying to them about his NAME all this time? And if he lied about something as simple as that, what else has he lied about? It would open a whole host of new questions for most people about this man of deliberate mystery.

Just wondered if you knew anything about any of this. I find the court documents hard to read and I have no way of checking their authenticity. People need to stop claiming Obama was not born in Hawaii and start focusing on that adoption name change. That’s probably what Neil Abercrombie ultimately encountered that’s made him backtrack on all this.

Think about it: when the adoption went through, the law required Obama’s birth certificate to be changed to reflect his new name, which became, and remains, Barry Soetoro. So if Abercrombie went looking for anything in the Hall of Records with “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.†on it, he wouldn’t find anything besides those scribbled, handwritten notations in the archives (since those would not have been changed with the adoption, as who would have thought to do that?). The actual birth certificate says “Barry Soetoro†on it.

That’s why Abercrombie couldn’t locate it.

And why Obama won’t release it.

Mystery solved.

Tag in Kanapali, Maui

I honestly and truly believe this solves the entire mystery.

It is seriously this straightforward.

* Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in 1961

* Obama was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s name was indeed changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s birth certificate was altered per Hawaiian law to reflect his new name in the 1970s

* Obama never changed his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.†— most likely because he used “Barry Soetoro†on all of his student aid applications for college, and probably received foreign student grants and admissions assistance playing off his years living in Indonesia

* All the records, transcripts, documents, and paperwork Obama continues to hide from the public is all hidden because it lists his name as “Barry Soetoro†on all of it.

* Obama will not allow his birth certificate to be released because it lists the “wrong†name on it: Barry Soetoro

It is as simple as this, folks.


UPDATE: You know what, I really and truly do think we just solved the greatest mystery of the 21st Century so far.

I honestly and truly do.

When I read that Ground Report from Tag, all the pieces just fit together.

It makes total sense — and Abercrombie’s behavior is rational only when you see it through the lens we’ve filtered all this through.

Abercrombie heads into this believing there is indeed a birth certificate from 1961 in the Hall of Records with the name “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.†on it. That’s why he was so full of bluster when speaking about all this originally. Obama has been lying about this for his entire adult life, so of course Abercombie was lied to as well. Obama knew Hawaii’s laws would prevent Abercrombie from releasing the birth certificate, and also from telling anyone that his name is not legally “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.â€. Anyone who sees the birth certificate is prohibited by law from talking about it…and no one wants to be the person who comes forward and admits the document says “Barry Soetoro†on it.

No one wants to be Salman Rushdie, with a fatwa declared on his head by Obama cultists who will do everything they can to destroy the person who brought their Lightbringer down. No one wants the violent thugs at Daily Kos coming after him…or the White House abusing its power to destroy that person in other ways, using the government against him.

Abercrombie goes about on his search and only comes up with some handwritten notes that say “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.†on them. That’s because when his adoption paperwork was filed, and his birth certificate was changed to say “Barry Soetoro†on it, the clerks in the Hall of Records didn’t think to change all those notations as well. It was not a computerized system. Everything was written in CURSIVE in most cases. Not even typed. When the records were computerized in the 80s or 90s, those handwritten notes were logged somewhere, and when Abercrombie searched for Obama’s name, those were the only documents that ever turned up.

Because those notations are the last time he was ever legally named “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.†on anything. His legal, real name is in fact “Barry Soetoroâ€.

Knowing him, I can also imagine Obama putting “Barry Soetoro†on all of his college application paperwork, because it’s exotic sounding and Indonesian and he wanted foreign student grants and admissions preference. When he got to campus, he quickly saw that it would be more politically advantageous for him to coopt a black, not Indonesian, identity, so the chameleon in the White House started listening to Jeremiah Wright’s speeches to pickup the black preachers affected speech…and started having everyone call him by his original name again, “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.â€, because it sounded blacker than Barry Soetoro, and to get ahead in the niche he was carving for himself, Obama needed to be blacker than a Barry Soetoro ever could be.

That’s why no paperwork has ever been released for him.

No transcripts from college, because those all say Barry Soetoro on them (his legal name).

No records from when he was a lawyer, because those all say Barry Soetoro on them (his legal name).

No documentation of any kind, because those all say Barry Soetoro on them (his legal name).

Behind closed doors, I imagine he has shown all these documents to people at various times in his life, where he’s stood before them and explained his name change in the 70s and said something to the effect of, “But my real name is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. That is my identityâ€. I bet he then launched into accusations of racism against anyone who challenged that, in the slightest. The officials would be satisfied with his explanation and let him do whatever he wanted, because they didn’t want him to call them racists.

This seems to be how he’s operated his entire life.

And it would all come crashing down, permanently, if ever anyone came forward and admitted his name was legally written as Barry Soetoro on his birth certificate because he stupidly never legally petitioned to have it changed back to Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. once he was an adult, and no longer found it advantageous to be Barry Soetoro any more.

The mystery is really solved.

The answer really is this simple.

That’s why Abercrombie has backed off. He’s using the “Obama doesn’t give permission for it to be released†excuse to protect himself, but the fact is that there IS NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE for Barack Hussein Obama, Jr…but there is one for Barry Soetoro, the person he became when Lolo Soetoro adopted him in the 70s.

When this all ultimately does come out — in our lifetimes — just imagine the nightmare that’s going to unfold. Would everything Obama did as president be nullified, because there is no such person, legally, as “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.� Or, would records just be retroactively changed to record him as “Barry Soetoro†in everything.

Can “Obama†legally use his stage name on official documents like this?

What think you?


UPDATE: 610am CST 1/23/11

Okay, I really think I’m right about this now.

Not even five minutes after filing this story, Lucianne.com cross-published it on their site, too.

It’s like “The Peacock Brief†here in Boystown at Buzzquarters this morning — the little gay political website in Chicago the Left and Cocktail Party GOP establishment hates so much has come up with a theory the MSM either couldn’t put together or deliberately wants to ignore…like John Grisham’s Darby Shaw in “The Pelican Brief†book (or, the rather entertaining movie with still-top-of-their-games Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington).

My friends and I here in Boystown have been going around and around on the Mystery of the Hidden Birth Certificate for months, over rounds of rainbow-colored frozen drinks at Sidetrack here in Boystown, texting and emailing our friends all across the country constantly about this. For the longest time we thought the reason Obama didn’t want his birth certificate shown was because maybe his father was listed as Muslim on it…but that was shot down when we learned that Hawaii didn’t list parents’ religions in 1961 on their birth certificates.

Then, I thought maybe his father was listed as Arab, and not black, on the birth certificate, since polygamist Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was only 1/4 black and 3/4 African Arab…possibly making the birth certificate list Obama as a “Caucasian Arabâ€, because his mother was 100% Caucasian and his father was an African Arab. But, my friend Tag in Hawaii has a boyfriend who was born in 1960, and that guy swears child’s race is not recorded on birth certificates.

So, that just left time to think about what could be on that document that Obama does not want revealed.

I’ve known since the very beginning that David Axelrod astroturfed the whole “Birther†movement as an excuse for the media to ignore calls for Obama to produce his birth certificate. This is the oldest trick in the political book: if you don’t want your critics to ask about something, set the stage so that if they try to, you can used Alinsky polarizing/name-calling tactics against them.

As in, start asking WHY Obama won’t show his birth certificate — which is a ridiculous thing to refuse to show — and instantly the media calls you a “Birther!†and accuses you of buying into the conspiracy that Obama was born in Africa or maybe Vancouver. It was a great strategy on Axelrod’s part that kept the truth from being revealed for over three years now.

All of those conspiracy theories about Obama not being naturally born were ginned up to keep people from ever focusing on the more mundane, less sexy truth: that Obama failed to change his name BACK to Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. after it was changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s.

He tried gaming the system by applying for college and all of his financial aid and special treatment with an Indonesian name, but then also wanted to use the blacker sounding “Barack Hussein Obama†name when that suited him to.

And look where it got him.

The whole house of cards is just built on Obama’s birth certificate never seeing the light of day and revealing his actual name to be BARRY SOETORO.

There’s a whole RumpledSnakeOilSalesman Rumpelstilkskin vibe to all of this.

Shouting Obama’s real name from every rooftop you can might just magically make this entire presidency go away.

It’s 630am now here in Chicago, so I will leave you to ponder the legal ramifications of what happens to the nation when it’s proven the man who took the Oath of Office on January 20th, 2009 is not legally named “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.â€, the way he’s been claiming he is.

Maybe if John Grisham is up at this early hour he can chime in a little on that.


UPDATE: 702am CST 1/23/11

If no one can find a birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama, JR. in the Hall of Records in Hawaii — not even the Governor — then can anyone find the following, or determine definitively that they do not exist:

(1) Paperwork related to Obama’s name change to “Barry Soetoro†in the 1970s when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro.

(2) Exact date of Obama’s adoption by Lolo Soetoro, which would be the date he became “Barry Soetoro†legally

(3) Exact date adoption was recorded by State of Hawaii

(4) Duration of time “Barry Soetoro†was used as Obama’s name, which we know includes the entirety of his life in Indonesia after the adoption was finalized, until he mysteriously was shipped back to Hawaii to ostensibly live with his grandparents, but was more or less raised by Frank Marshall Davis.

(5) Timeframe where “Barry Soetoro†started using the name “Barack Hussein Obama, JR.†again officially.

(6) Date of legal name change back to “Barack Hussein Obama, JR†from “Barry Soetoro†— if indeed he ever filed to have this done

(7) Date the required legal announcements were posted in newspapers announcing the name change from “Barry Soetoro†to Barack Hussein Obama, JR — if indeed Obama actually changed his name back, and fulfilled the requirement to place these notices in the paper

All the newspapers in Chicago have these legal notices in the back. Foreclosures, name changes, notices of this or that or the other, bankruptcy filings. As far as I know, every state requires notices to be filed in a set number of newspapers when certain legal proceedings happen. I can’t imagine Hawaii didn’t have this requirement too, in the 1980s and beyond whenever Obama would have changed his name back from “Barry Soetoroâ€, if indeed he did that. Pick up even the Gay Chicago Magazine here in Boystown and on the last few pages, there are tons of these legally required announcements.

If Obama did indeed change his name back from Barry Soetoro, then why can’t anyone produce one of the legally required announcements from a Hawaiian paper noting this court proceeding?

Hey LexisNexis users and lawyers…can any of you research name changes in Hawaii and track down a record of Barry Soetoro changing his name to Barack Hussein Obama, JR.? If indeed this happened, there should be a record of it, right?

Can anyone find SOMEONE in Hawaii in the 1980s who changed his or her name legally in the state…and see if that person filed any sort of notice in the newspapers back then announcing that change? Is there a court record of that person’s name change?

Because if we can establish this is the PROCEDURE for changing names, then we can ask lots of questions about why there’s no record of Obama ever having done this.

To my knowledge, changing his name back to BHO after the BS adoption name change is never mentioned…in a narcissistic tome chock full of loads of other BS though

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My birth certificate looks just like Obama's pulished one. I bought it for 50 bucks from the State of Missouri. In reality, I was born on the planet Zeton. I always display my human form, except for one night when I drank too much Jagermeister. Fortunately, nobody noticed my big green head, because they were all drinking too.

Anyway, the State of Tennessee bought it hook, line, and sinker. So, I am able to carry your low technology weapons in public. I still have the advanced weapons, for when the zombies come.

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My birth certificate looks just like Obama's pulished one. I bought it for 50 bucks from the State of Missouri. In reality, I was born on the planet Zeton. I always display my human form, except for one night when I drank too much Jagermeister. Fortunately, nobody noticed my big green head, because they were all drinking too.

Anyway, the State of Tennessee bought it hook, line, and sinker. So, I am able to carry your low technology weapons in public. I still have the advanced weapons, for when the zombies come.

Best post in some time, Mikey. And I believe it. :biglol:

- OS

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I still think, given the timeframe he was born in, to a white mother, they entered his race as white.

That would sink his support with the black voter base, who are pretty much the only people who support him as a whole...but that's not racist...from what they've said. It's not racist to vote for him only because he's supposed to be black, it's only racist to vote AGAINST him.

That is why I beleive he has spent millions of dollars, and stopped every attempt to verify his citizenship.

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I still think, given the timeframe he was born in, to a white mother, they entered his race as white.

That would sink his support with the black voter base, who are pretty much the only people who support him as a whole...but that's not racist...from what they've said. It's not racist to vote for him only because he's supposed to be black, it's only racist to vote AGAINST him.

That is why I beleive he has spent millions of dollars, and stopped every attempt to verify his citizenship.

That is as wrong as it gets. I know LOT's of white liberals, and they all love Obama. It's safe to say that his support in the black community is probably in the high 90's. But, how did 12.9% of the population give McCain one of the most serious ass whippin's in the history of presidential elections?

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

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I don't give a rat's ass what color his skin is. What I don't understand is, why not do what the law provides

as a requirement for eligibility for the presidency? It will always be a controversy until it is proven one

way or another. I'd love to know the country of origin of this fool leading us down the path of destruction.

There is some reason for his covering up grades, scholarships and citizenship.

He's just way too manchurian for me.

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I don't give a rat's ass what color his skin is. What I don't understand is, why not do what the law provides

as a requirement for eligibility for the presidency? It will always be a controversy until it is proven one

way or another. I'd love to know the country of origin of this fool leading us down the path of destruction.

There is some reason for his covering up grades, scholarships and citizenship.

He's just way too manchurian for me.

Maybe he's just paranoid. ;) Can't hold that against him.

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That is as wrong as it gets. I know LOT's of white liberals, and they all love Obama. It's safe to say that his support in the black community is probably in the high 90's. But, how did 12.9% of the population give McCain one of the most serious ass whippin's in the history of presidential elections?

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Damn! I love it when someone displays some common sense.

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My birth certificate looks just like Obama's pulished one. I bought it for 50 bucks from the State of Missouri. In reality, I was born on the planet Zeton. I always display my human form, except for one night when I drank too much Jagermeister. Fortunately, nobody noticed my big green head, because they were all drinking too.

Anyway, the State of Tennessee bought it hook, line, and sinker. So, I am able to carry your low technology weapons in public. I still have the advanced weapons, for when the zombies come.

Too funny!;)

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