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Antioch area thugs on the move....

Guest 44M

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tonight around 11pm security offiver knocked on my door and told me my window was broken on my car...thugs stoled my GPS that was on my windshield (stupid me ..huh)...this happened at Overlook apartments where we already had carjacking at the gun point, thugs waiting on people in front of the door and as soon resident opens his door to leave the apartment they would push him in and rob everyone in the house...metro police officer told me thats what they do, they scaning vehicles at the apartments and as soon as they see something they can steal quickly they break in the car...everything is done in 10 sec... the good thing is my S&W 642 is safe...they didn't get that...since I bought this car I tought it has an alarm system, but it turned out, it doesn't





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Guest ArmyVeteran37214

That sucks man! When your lease is up, leave Antioch. Another thing, tint your windows some. I moved out of Antioch back in early 2009, because of increased crime rate. I was even stopped at my apartment door by two thugs pointing guns at me. Lucky me I got away and the thugs got nothing.

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Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I've never lived directly IN what I consider Antioch, but I lived off of Edmonson Pike towards Nolensville Road - which is just as bad, I believe. Have you thought about just finishing your lease and checking out of the area? Maybe more towards the city, or even further out?

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  • Administrator

Heh... I lived at the Overlook for a few months back in 1998. As soon as my lease expired, we bailed and bought a house in Rutherford Co. It wasn't so bad when we had two Metro officers living in the same bldg on opposite shifts from each other, as a squad car was always parked outside and must have acted as a good deterrent. As soon as one of them moved out, the thugs started in with the parties all night, every night, etc.

Antioch should be nuked from orbit. Just make sure you're out before they do it.

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I'm sorry to see that happen to you but honestly, leaving your GPS in plain sight is pure stupidity. I'm not trying to be rude but that's just asking to be robbed. You might as well have left cash sitting on the dash. Especially when you know you're in a bad neighborhood.

My dad leaves his up all the time and I try to tell him not to but he doesn't listen to me. I keep mine locked in the glove box. It could still be stolen but at least I'm not advertising that I have one by leaving it on my dash.


and please stop leaving your gun in your car unless it's locked up.

Edited by Erik88
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yes, you are right guys, I'm going to try to move out to Hermitage when my lease is up..this place is bad....car was locked... today I was at East Side Gun Shop and going back tomorrow to pick up a nice Mossberg pumpaction with a pistol grip.... forget this place....


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I'm sorry to see that happen to you but honestly, leaving your GPS in plain sight is pure stupidity. I'm not trying to be rude but that's just asking to be robbed. You might as well have left cash sitting on the dash. Especially when you know you're in a bad neighborhood.

My dad leaves his up all the time and I try to tell him not to but he doesn't listen to me. I keep mine locked in the glove box. It could still be stolen but at least I'm not advertising that I have one by leaving it on my dash.


and please stop leaving your gun in your car unless it's locked up.

yes, I'm thinking about tinting my windows,,but as far as GPS goes, I left it because it is an old piece of junk I bought 3 years ago, that dumb ass thug can't get 20 bucks for that thing..if that much...on top of tinting mt windows I will install alarm system too..working on it right now...

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Guest Russell

Sorry to hear.

I just dreamed up a fun project though... useless but fun.

I'd like to buy a junk car that looks decent, then reinforce the doors and replace all the windows with Lexan. Do all this where you can't tell any changes have been made... then leave a laptop and a $100 bill in plain sight in the car... then sit back and prepare to laugh.

Stupid idea? Probably but it sure does sound like fun. :shake:

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Living out in Hermitage my wife would always tell me to take the faceplate off the cheap-o stereo in the truck. Id always tell her nobodys going to steal that crap anyway. One night I forgot and left it on and found my truck like your car. The dashboard damage cost more than the stereo. They probably got $10 for it.

Makes me sick. Sorry for you!


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I live in the sticks and won't leave a GPS mounted in plain sight in my truck, which HAS tinted windows.

Maybe 33 years living in the Detroit area has something to do with that.

I detest thieves.

Gotta love Detroit thats where my GPS was stolen from. Of course I was the one that left it on the dash of the truck. Sometimes the best lesons in life are the ones you pay for :rofl:

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Two rules.

1) Never leave anything of value (or that you will miss) in your vehicle.

2) If your vehicle is parked somewhere out of sight, do not lock the doors. Thieves WILL get in regardless of the doors being locked or not.

You're much better off loosing a 40 dollar GPS then a 40 dollar GPS and a 200 dollar window...

Sounds bass ackwards.... but doing this is very common with used car lots and car stereo shops.

Edited by strickj
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yes, you are right guys, I'm going to try to move out to Hermitage when my lease is up..this place is bad....car was locked... today I was at East Side Gun Shop and going back tomorrow to pick up a nice Mossberg pumpaction with a pistol grip.... forget this place....


Living out in Hermitage my wife would always tell me to take the faceplate off the cheap-o stereo in the truck. Id always tell her nobodys going to steal that crap anyway. One night I forgot and left it on and found my truck like your car. The dashboard damage cost more than the stereo. They probably got $10 for it.

Makes me sick. Sorry for you!


Well Hermitage is somewhat of an improvement over Antioch, but it's gone downhill in the last 5-10 years IMO. I grew up there and it's not what it used to be. All the crap from Nashville and Antioch is slowly spreading outward. I call it thug sprawl..

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2) If your vehicle is parked somewhere out of sight, do not lock the doors. Thieves WILL get in regardless of the doors being locked or not.

You're much better off loosing a 40 dollar GPS then a 40 dollar GPS and a 200 dollar window...

When I was still in patrol and had to take auto burglary reports, it amazed me how many reports I took where cars with unlocked doors still had a window broken by the thieves. I guess some of them get into a routine and don't even check the doors. I did, however, take plenty of reports where windows were not broken. So, all in all, I agree with your advice. If you have nothing worth stealing in the car, you don't really have much to lose by leaving it unlocked.

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When I was still in patrol and had to take auto burglary reports, it amazed me how many reports I took where cars with unlocked doors still had a window broken by the thieves. I guess some of them get into a routine and don't even check the doors. I did, however, take plenty of reports where windows were not broken. So, all in all, I agree with your advice. If you have nothing worth stealing in the car, you don't really have much to lose by leaving it unlocked.

Used to see a lot of broken windows and broken dashes. Seems the preferred method is throwing a spark plug (the porcelain part to be specific) at the window from across a parking lot. That not only shatters the window quietly (even quieter with window tinting), but also provides a test for a car alarm.

Once inside, thieves will kick the dash to get the stereo out.

We're talking several hundred dollars worth of damage to a window and a dash to get a ~150 dollar cd player. Not to mention the time and cost it takes to rewire the car for audio after a thief ripping a cd player out with the wiring harness still attached.

Because of that, I've never locked the 'security tabs' of a cd player or fully connected the waring harness to them.

People would look at me like I was crazy for making it easier for a stereo to be stolen... until I explained to them the cost of a stereo that's difficult to steal.

On top of it all, it all comes down to how smart you are about things. Never leave a gps out in view. Nor leave it's suction cup attachment out in view.

Never pull into a parking lot with in view either. Thieves will sit and wait and watch for cars to pull in with them.

Similar precautions can be done for stereos, dvd players, whatever. Always turn those off before pulling into a paring lot. Always!

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

I would afraid to leave me door unlocked, my car gets stolen and is involved in an accident, and they say I was negligent in helping to contribute to the theft of my own car :D

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214
Well Hermitage is somewhat of an improvement over Antioch, but it's gone downhill in the last 5-10 years IMO. I grew up there and it's not what it used to be. All the crap from Nashville and Antioch is slowly spreading outward. I call it thug sprawl..

If Hermitage isn't enough of an improvement, how about Donelson? I've been in Donelson almost a year now. Its a huge improvement over Antioch and S. Nashville.

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Guest Longshot1

No way you are justified shooting someone over a GPS, but got to ask the question. When folks are being car-jacked, kidnapped, assaulted and robbed at gun point, why hasn' t somebody shot the bas$&$$ds?

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Seems the preferred method is throwing a spark plug (the porcelain part to be specific) at the window

This is an amazing trick. I wonder if it is something you should keep in the car? Put a string through it to be able to find it.

My friend had a passenger side window knocked out when his drivers side was down. LOL

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If Hermitage isn't enough of an improvement, how about Donelson? I've been in Donelson almost a year now. Its a huge improvement over Antioch and S. Nashville.

I don't know where you can go to escape the vandalism and theft, especially in this economy.

I've been in Hermitage for 25 years and have been hit twice, pretty good odds I guess but still unacceptable IMO. My radio was stolen last year with the car in the driveway and several neighbors in the area also got hit.

I grew up in Donelson and my parents are still there, they have also been hit twice and the last time was 4 years ago. Someone broke into their detached garage and stole a air-compressor and tools.

Last year their neighbor's house got broken into within a 1.5 hr window from the time she left.

Both areas still have their old fashion-down to earth areas but that makes them an easy target too, doesn't it?

On the bright side, many thugs have been busted and some have met their maker due to an armed citizen or the Law.:)

Something different happened just before Christmas. Someone raided the mailboxes along my street and scattered what they found down the road. Apparently looking for gift cards and or opportunities for identity theft. :)

Always be aware, observant and go with your gut feelings. :D

Edited by kieefer
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I lived in Antioch for better than 10 years in the mid 80's...seemed like always some kind of meaness going on.

Sold out, lock, stock and barrel in '96, and never looked back.

I imagine it's much worse now.

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My Aunt and Uncle live near Hickory Hollow mall in Antioch. They, along with my Aunt's parents own quite a bit of land out there. Their house got broken into a few months back and they've had other break-in's ect. in the past. No one has tried to break in while they were home thank goodness (for them...lol). It used to be a nice area out there...too bad the area has gone in the crapper.

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Guest Guy N. Cognito

I live in a neighborhood of expensive homes in Williamson County, and we still have vehicle break-ins. The story is always the same: "Well, it was parked in my driveway.......I never thought they would come up my drive. I feel so violated!" :D It happens anywhere.

To address the "keep your car unlocked" concept: Like others, I've heard of car windows being smashed, even when the door is unlocked. Personally, I can't fathom the concept of failing to protect your vehicle, simply because someone might smash a window. Rather than taking that questionable step, better to hide your valuables in the first place.

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Guest josh123

hate to hear it man...a few months ago i had my lock punched in with a screw driver and a hammer. cost me 600 bucks to have fixed....weird thing was it was the same day i was moving into my apartment so i have over $10,000 worth of crap on the back seat including 3 shotguns....the only darn thing they took was my girlfriends purse...safe to say i havent eaten at that subway since and i installed a $400 alarm with remote start... my alarm now goes off everytime it thunders ha

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