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Shooting in the rain

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Took my Sprongfield TRP with me to work (Forester) today with the hopes of shooting a few mags at lunch. Well it was raining pretty steady so I decided to pass, but it brought up a interesting question. Does anyone shoot or train in the rain? If so is there any perceived benefit, or any adverse wear on the weapon. Any safety concerns when dealing with a wet gun? My carry gun is a kimber eclipse pro and the TRP is armory kote so I wouldn't think there would be any weapon problems, but just thought I would ask for the sake of askin.

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If the gun can rust, there is an issue with that. If the ammo is steel, it may also rust. Damp holsters can retain water and that is bad for the gun if stored in them long term -- dry it out in the dryer or sit in the sun or something.

That is the bulk of it. The gun should shoot ok. I do not know what effect you might see from the water in a semi auto, you may see some things similar to overlube problems in some guns, if the water is getting into the chamber it may mix with smoke to make crud for example, just like too much oil will. I have never noticed anything significant, but I have only shot in light rain, never really heavy and not for extended periods.

Just make sure to clean, dry, and oil up when you get it home, dry out the holster, etc, and it should be OK.

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If you felt the need to prepare for a hostile and unpredictable environment, it might help, if only to get the experience in it. Of course that would necessitate a hell of a lot more the just shooting (PT, drills, etc.), but you know what I mean.

Since I don't imagine you want to do that, moot point. As long as you take care of your firearm, you'll be fine. As Vero said, "Little cleaning, little lube = good to go!"

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Training in the rain...

-Do you wear eyeglasses?

-Is your gun's grip rough enough to get a good purchase when wet/bloody?

-Do you practice your draw while wearing various clothing (rain coat, heavy jacket, etc.)?

Your gun getting wet? Who cares...it's a tool. Wash it. If your gun can't be completely submerged, pulled out, shook off, and shot...there's a problem.

Ammo that's going to be fired? It isn't going to rust during your range session.


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