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Surprise at work this morning. Carrying guns here is now legal.


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After the corporate conference call this am the home office has decided to allow us to carry (if we can legally do so). I have been pushing for this for almost a year to the day. This is awesome.....I didn't trust Barney Fife at the front office with is glock 22 to protect us so there is a new policy in effect now. Thanks me!!! I now have a permanent home for el cheapo awesome chrome .380 locked in my desk with my ppk concealed. Isn't it beautiful....muuhahahahahah


Edited by Krull
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Guest gw2and4
Man, that is a beautiful pic. If I didn't think some might consider me less manly I might admit it brought a tear to my eye.

And before you jump in here Glenn, I have no idea how someone could consider me less manly. Just thought I'd beat you to the punch.

Jump in with what? Nothing wrong with emoting every now and then. How'd I get this reputation for TGO smack talk all of a sudden? I set the record straight on one thread about IDPA @ MCTS and all of a sudden I'm expected to post in every thread how I speak in person... How utterly unfair. I'm much more reserved behind a keyboard than in real life. ;)

On the serious side to get back on topic, congrats to the OP for now being able to carry at work. Nicely done. I'm jealous, even...

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Great Job.I wish we (firefighters & medics) could carry....Some calls get a little rough..

I am an ER nurse and we get some crazy people in at times. It can be a violent place to work and the security guard armed with a radio doesn't make me feel very safe.

Back on topic, congrats man, I am very jealous.

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

Congrats. Being a student means much of time is spent gunless. However I have been carrying concealed to work recently and it is a good feeling.

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Any chance I can come work for your company?

O well, it must be nice, I am happy for you. Just having a conversation at my work place might get on a trip to HR. I was almost sent to HR talking about target practice in the break room when my boss walked in. A day later she ask me about it, I told her it had to do with my pending hunting trip. She admitted she used to shoot and how good she was. I told her she could probably out shoot me, trying to make her more comfortable, however it did not seem to have that effect.

Good for you. I'd settle for locked in car in company parking lot here. Carry on.

AMEN, I wanted that, just like they have it in KY, more so then the carry in Bars. The carry in bars seems to have made it easier for places to post and more places are posting. I think the carry is bars is back firing. It educated allot of people on how to post.

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I don't have very high hopes for gun rights legislation in Tennessee this year (although I hope I'm wrong) but I too hope that if not this year, perhaps sometime in the next two years we can get a "parking lot" bill that will ALWAYS allow a person, who can already legally "go armed" to be able to at least leave their loaded firearm locked in their vehicle in an employer's parking lot, shopping center, etc. regardless of the employer's/property owner's "policies".

A lot of my time "away from home" is spent traveling to/from work (and the need to run errands/stops in-between and really don't like that I have to be unarmed all that time.

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