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I renewed my NRA membership today


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I have been debating on whether or not to join. According to other threads I have read, some get inundated with NRA solicitations, which is what I do not want.
You can call 'em and they'll stop.

I was gonna say you could make a rule in your e-mail, but I guess that works too.

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There's legitimate complaints that can be made against the NRA (contests, insurance offers, LifeLock(!it's a scam!)), but they're the most successful pro-2A racket going right now. Other organizations may be more aggressive in their agendas, such as GOA, but Sarah Brady doesn't exactly wake up in a cold sweat when they come out with an official position. When the NRA speaks, legislators listen, and the gun-grabbers hit 11 on the pucker scale.

I would agree with many others that the NRA has not been as aggressive as I would like them to have been in the past (AWB, Class III, etc.), but look at the current political climate...the "war on guns" is over, and we've pretty much won - now it's about squeezing out all the possible spoils of victory, without reawakening the more indifferent members of the public. The tide against gun control has turned, and credit must be given when due. 20 years ago, "shall issue" was a battleground. Now, it's rapidly becoming the new normal, and since the 60's, the general public attitude re: gun control has greatly shifted towards the NRA's positions.

AK, AZ, and NH don't require carry permits for their residents - continued support for the NRA (and GOA, TFA, et. al) could make that the baseline in the future. I don't like the junk mail, but I'm confident that the NRA does enough good that I can deal with the annoyances.

MAV, join up. You've taken to the shooting sports like a duck to water (your posts since you joined up here are quite impressive), and are more active in them than 95% of gun owners. For the price of 2 boxes of .308 a year, you can do your part along with many other TGO members who are already active NRA members.

/No, I don't work for the NRA. If anything, I actually manage to work for a company more hated than them.

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I jus renewed for three years, $85. Not real worried about the "deal" I got, they need all the support they can get. And I got an awesome NRA pocket knife! Ok it's not that awesome, it will stay in my Jeep console.

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I was gonna say you could make a rule in your e-mail, but I guess that works too.

I think most folks' concern is with the actual junk mail, not e-mail. Of course, I have another email address set up just just to provide to the NRA and others who I know will solicit. I never check it. :)

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Guest Hillbilly Dan

Go and renew or join at a gun show. You can join, or renew for $25 at the show, and get an NRA Cap. Saves you $10. There will be an NRA Recruiter there somewhere, ask the promoter of the show.

After you get your membership card do not forget to call the number on the back of the card and tell them you want to get your insurance on your life and your gun activated. You have to do that to get it going. If you do not call then you have no insurance. IF you do you have $2000 on your guns.

We all need to be a part of the largest group fighting for our rights.

Hillbilly Dan

Life Member of the NRA

NRA Recruiter

Friends of NRA

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I paid for a NRA life membership a few years ago. The next year I did the same with TFA. The NRA keeps the post office in business with the volume of junk mail they send.

For years I kept renewing and just decided that my renewal fees could go towards a life membership, made more sense to me. Life member for 8 years now. The NRA is THE organization who is supporting your gun rights.

I don't get that much junk mail and opt-out of electronic mailings.

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