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Vermont/Alaska Conceal Carry for TN?

Guest El Kablooie

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Guest El Kablooie

Hello All, I just moved to TN from Alaska where we adopted regulations similar to Vermont which basically stated that if an individual could legally qualify to receive a conceal carry permit then no conceal carry permit was actually needed. One only needed the permit if you were going to carry out of state to a state that had a reciprocal agreement. Has any like legislation been suggested in the legislature by any lawmaker here in this fine state? It has worked well in Vermont and Alaska and scares the hell out of the bad guys.

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It's not like El Kablooie is gonna notice... He'll likely be some time getting through the other thread, before he gets back here. :D

And yes, it's all my fault. :D

But then, do we really wanna stir that other conversation back up any way? ;)

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None proposed so far, none expected from the TN legislature this year.

Welcome aboard TGO!

- OS

You need to read this thread: Make it legal to carry without permit: yes or no?

To directly answer your question, as far as I know, no legislation has been introduced, and many of us don't expect to see much if any gun legislation passed this year anyway.

Looks like OhShoot beat me by a few seconds...

He's quick, for an old fart. ;)

No need to leave this one open...

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