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Moved back to TN from AK

Guest El Kablooie

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Guest El Kablooie

I have just joined up with the TGO forum having moved back to Tennessee from an eleven year hiatus flying airplanes in Alaska. I am a newlywed who grew up in Nashville attending catholic schools at Saint Henry's in West Meade and Father Ryan High when it was located on Eliston Place. I earned the title of U.S. Marine at Parris Island and held it for four years active and four IRR. Not related to firearms, I love fishing, camping, canoeing, caving, etc. and in the field of firearms I am a very avid shooter, hunter, and reloader. My favorite long arms tend to be falling block, single shot, rifles. I do own several bolt actions and one lever action rifle. I am absolutely enchanted with Ruger single action revolvers and own quite a few. My favorite single action revolver is a Freedom Arms model 83. I shoot my 1911's quite a bit and also enjoy shooting a Beretta M-9 and a Browning high power. I look forward to getting to know this community. Thanks.

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Guest Appalachian

I've always wanted to make a trip up to Alaska and almost went a few years back, had a job lined up and just wait'n untill spring to go but wound up change'n my mind, should've went I guess.

A bit of a noob here myself but welcome to the tribe, ya sound like a interest'n guy to converse with, dig in.

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