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Palins show not renewed


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What a slap in the face for Alaskans if the reason the show was not renews is because of the hunting. Unreal...I can see the left wingers now sitting in their recliners eating a burger "hunting is just wrong...using guns to kill things is just bad!" meanwhile they scarf down the last of their angus burger and fries from hardee's. Then turn the tube over to some quality programming like The Real Houswives Of Atlanta.....great morally correct tv.

Sarah Palin's reality show Alaska axed after just one season | Mail Online

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I think I caught 2 episodes of that show one evening. Nothing really stellar there to watch, so I'm not surprised it didn't get renewed. I mean - seriously - what else are they supposed to cover in a second season?

2 things I did enjoy about the show:

1. Kate & Hate + 8 having a total meltdown on the camping trip and bailing out early, despite the fact that her kids were having a ball.

2. Sarah lounging around the house in some reeeeeeeeally short shorts :D

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It was ok, but what next? I did not even see all the episodes and it was starting to get that boring vibe. I cannot see it lasting another season, there is not much more to be said. Snow, trees, cold, wildlife, ocean, done.

Its all about the money -- and this show was not going to pull in a bigger audience each season, it really could/should have been a mini-series.

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Guest mustangdave

I think Sara and family made their point with the show...and made a BOAT LOAD of $$$$ in the process...no real need for a second season in the fish bowl...time for some new challenges. And Sara...you keep on shooting and being REAL screw the media...LOL

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I doubt she's losing any sleep over that.

"Target: Palin is currently under fire for listing shooting victim Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords

on her Crosshairs Map during the mid-term election campaign" When the left uses a map with

targets, or makes a statement about bringing a gun, it doesn't get reported.

I wonder how many will die because of her map. These people are stupid, and so are the people

who believe them.

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I read somewhere that the real reason it wasn't picked up for a second season is because of her political ambitions. She was worried that if she had the show going she would be less able to focus on her campaign, and TLC was worried that they would have to have a show for all candidates.

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Left... Right... I don't really care, the sentiments. It wasn't renewed, and I'm glad. That woman is a ****ing idiot, and this is coming from someone whom is aligned with her viewpoints.

The less *reality* TV that we have these days, the better... the entire country seems to be flooded with this garbage, from every major network. :P:D

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I doubt she's losing any sleep over that.

"Target: Palin is currently under fire for listing shooting victim Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords

on her Crosshairs Map during the mid-term election campaign" When the left uses a map with

targets, or makes a statement about bringing a gun, it doesn't get reported.

I wonder how many will die because of her map. These people are stupid, and so are the people

who believe them.

I think that anyone who believes any polititian is stupid. There is not a more self serving group of people in the world.

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Left... Right... I don't really care, the sentiments. It wasn't renewed, and I'm glad. That woman is a ****ing idiot, and this is coming from someone whom is aligned with her viewpoints.

The less *reality* TV that we have these days, the better... the entire country seems to be flooded with this garbage, from every major network. :D :D

I enjoyed seeing how she interacted with her family, but I agree with you for the most part.

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Guest Spurhunter

I like her, would not vote for her, watched some of the shows, bored and aggrivated to death how scripted it all was. Enjoyed the shorts, but cant stand how she talks. Yes I'm shallow, but I dont care, I have a great wife that is 12 steps above me and would never have a chance with Mrs Palin anyways...LOL

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Guest No-bark Noonan

You know, a molerat told me once that the show wouldnt be renewed because her cameras were haunted with ghost pirates.... from the Caribbean! Them's was the ones that got her daughter pregnant!

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Guest Spurhunter
You know, a molerat told me once that the show wouldnt be renewed because her cameras were haunted with ghost pirates.... from the Caribbean! Them's was the ones that got her daughter pregnant!

I am sure that is probably the answer.

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I Like her and her politics. Any negative view anybody has gotten of her was from CNN or MSNBC. Congrats to the liberal media for being able to impact some of the more inteligent people on the net. Her show was not renewed because she will most likely run for president. I'm glad she did the show to show people what she and her family are really like. I'm glad she let America see her from someone's eyes besides CNN. Palin is closer to my political views than anybody in recent years. I don't understand her being attacked from the right. It baffles me.

Edited by bigwakes
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I like her and if she was running I would vote for her. The show was a good glimpse into the life of a normal person who sometimes makes mistakes and will admit to those mistakes. She may be annoying but at least she seems like a real person. I would like to see pictures of Barbara Boxer or Nazi Pelozi climbing a rock or riding a atv. At least I would think maybe they do normal things and not just recite in the mirror....I'm good enough...I'm strong enough...and dogonnit people like me.

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I read somewhere that the real reason it wasn't picked up for a second season is because of her political ambitions. She was worried that if she had the show going she would be less able to focus on her campaign, and TLC was worried that they would have to have a show for all candidates.

This is probably closer to the truth. If she runs, she won't have time for distractions.

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Guest mustangdave

Perhaps...the "show" was a dry run to help prepared the Palin clan for the MEDIA intrusions that WILL be part of daily life on the campaign trail

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Guest mustangdave
Didn't she already get a healthy dose of that?

Oh for sure...they were DUMPED into the "hopper" with little to no preparation...but that was then. I personally think she would fare much better as a "power broker" in supporting other candidates...like she did in the 2010 mid terms. But what do I know about politics

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Murgatroy is CORRECT.

Palin being on a reality show AT THE TIME she was running, could be detrimental to her campaign.

And yes, IF she was an active candidate and still on the show, all the politicians running against her would ask for "equal time." The network would be FORCED to give the same amount of time to all those politicians running against her... How is that for nightmare television?

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