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Anyone else not like target sights on pistols?

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I dont like the way they look, but function I have no problem with. Of course I wouldnt want them on my carry gun (too many sharp edges) and as much as you tell me they are solid, I dont want to risk them being "off" when I need them. hence the use of Combat sights :) I just like stating the obvious

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Are you talking about a Bomar rear blade with the Target profile? If so, I like them as they are accurate. I also have a Bomar rear with the edges rounded over and wouldn't hesitate at all to use it for a carry gun. But I shoot 3Gun, Steel, IPSC and IDPA and regular or "combat" style sights just don't cut it for a plate at 25 yds. You can buy different rear blades with varying widths for the notch. You just need to kinda match up the front sight width with the rear notch. I run a .090 fiber front with a .125 rear notch and for me it works out great. YMMV


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I prefer a groove in the topstrap of the frame, and a small front sight, provided the handgun hits to the point of aim. I can shoot more accurately with them, and they do not snag on things like the big, square target sights. I think the non ajustable sights look better too, as most target sights remind me of the giant crayons and pencils that kindergartners use.

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I like them on the front of my CC. We will shoot silhouette targets that are black. I have a hard time finding my target kill zone without them, especially when moving fast. I can see that being a problem if I need to shoot fast at night. So I like them, and the older I get the more I like them

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Guest Guy N. Cognito

The real issue seems to be a lack of strength, which may cause them to fail when practicing or performing one-handed malfunction clearances.

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