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CoalCreek Armory Is being Trashedover on Yahoo! Answers

Guest milkman

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Well the way I read it was you were "standing up for" kwik. sorry for the misinterpitation.

As far as CCA, bought a couple of guns of them once but then tried to do business with them again and was met with RUDE and "holier than thou additude".

This place sounds like Guns and Ammo East.

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First if he got a conditional proceed then he DID appeal. Conditionals are a response to an appeal of a denial. Second no gun dealer in TN will do a conditional proceed, due to the fact that a conditional proceed means there is info there (or missing) indicating a dis-qualifier where the TBI cannot clear a person but also cannot straight out deny and so put all the liability on the gun store without any further details. Thirdly, on transfers even though the customer has paid for it if he is denied on the background check the firearm is legally the stores it was transferred to. The problem being is that most online stores have a no return policy or 3-10 day inspection period. Since appeals take 15 days by law, they usually miss this window meaning the only place that can keep the gun legally is the transferred to store, in this case Coal Creek.

This guy is an idiot who should have had his stuff in order before hand. Another good reason to deal locally unless you are really sure you are clear on the BG.


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