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Guest coldblackwind

I dunno, I looked last night and it was a 10% chance of flurries for today, when I got up, there was an inch of snow on the road. Following that line of thinking, we should have at least 2 feet by monday morning! As for work, if we actually get something like 6", my work will likely be closed, if its open and we have 6"...well, I lived in NY for 20 years, and own a 4wd, I'll be there, after 36" overnight (we had a dodge ram pickup you literally couldn't tell existed come morning), 6" is nothing.

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I'll be at work...cause I'm the designated President of the four-wheel drive club...at my office...have to pick up the Directors Assistant and the head accountant...

The above statement can be read as follows....

My boss asked me to pick up his assistant....I said...Yes sir...

The Accountant...well...I have to get paid....

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We awoke this morning to 1"-2" inches of the fluffy white stuff. It's still hanging around...waiting on the next snow to arrive.

I may try to make it in to work, then again, I may not. Depends on what it looks like Monday morning.

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Guest Sgt. Joe
I lol'ed today at all the people at walmart today stocking up like a blizzard was on its way.

I dont know about Memphis but the weather guy here in Jackson has been right about this stuff exactly ZERO times in the 18 years that I have lived here. He said we would get 6-8 inches, so I figure one or two max but I guess there is always a first time for everything.;)

I have plenty milk and bread as grocery shopping was yesterday. Also have plenty batteries and candles but I may as well go out and get some more tomorrow just so I can feel like one of the crowd and to make sure those other people dont get it all.:tinfoil:

The one time Jackson got any snow of any count was last year at about a foot, weather guy had said 1-2 inches, that is about as close as he has ever been.:)

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  • Administrator

The weathermen are saying that the snow will start Sunday night and last through Tuesday; 3 to 5 inches.

Think it will happen? How many of you will go to work if that happens? :)

I live too close to work and my vehicle practically ruins my ability to call in for snow. I didn't really think either of those decisions through.

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I lol'ed today at all the people at walmart today stocking up like a blizzard was on its way.

People around here kill me. They all rush off to the store at the first mention of snow or ice and buy up every gallon of milk and loaf of bread they can find. Then, when (and if) the foot of snow actually arrives, what do they do? They all get out and drive around in it and run into every damn thing that can possibly be hit. Stay home and drink your milk and eat your freakin' bread! :)

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People around here kill me. They all rush off to the store at the first mention of snow or ice and buy up every gallon of milk and loaf of bread they can find. Then, when (and if) the foot of snow actually arrives, what do they do? They all get out and drive around in it and run into every damn thing that can possibly be hit. Stay home and drink your milk and eat your freakin' bread! :)


Twenty something years ago during my high school years I worked in a little hometown grocery store in Greenbrier Tn. At that time we would get some decent snows up there on top of the ridge. Just like you said, when snow was called for we would be swamped in the store. The next day, over half them goofballs would be back in the store and there would be 5 inches of snow on the ground.

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People around here kill me. They all rush off to the store at the first mention of snow or ice and buy up every gallon of milk and loaf of bread they can find. Then, when (and if) the foot of snow actually arrives, what do they do? They all get out and drive around in it and run into every damn thing that can possibly be hit. Stay home and drink your milk and eat your freakin' bread! :)

So true, and very funny.

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