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Parenting 101

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Guest mustangdave

LMAO...you know that IF that had been some pale ass white boy getting an ass whuppin from his uncle...DCS would be all over that...uncle would be in jail...Oh yeh...and UNK...PULL YO DANG TROUSERS UP...FOOL

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Guest mosinon

I suspect it is less about the beating, which didn't seem like much to me, and more about having an uncle who cares. Where the f is the dad?

Back in the day the schools could still paddle you. I got paddled plenty. It didn't do anything for me. I traded it gladly for being tardy and so forth. Disappointing this guy and having to post it on facebook? That actually seems like a decent punishment. A behavior modifying punishment,

Call me a crazy liberal or something but I am a lot less interested in the actual punishment than I am in the result.

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Pretty funny, but is it just me or did this kid roll over easy? Not like he was really getting his butt kicked, that generation really needs some character building and glad at least one man gets it.

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Pretty funny, but is it just me or did this kid roll over easy? Not like he was really getting his butt kicked, that generation really needs some character building and glad at least one man gets it.

I suspect the kid has already learned that if he tries to 'man up' to uncle, he really gets it...

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Guest strelcevina

that was bad parenting 101.

wail he was whuppin that 6foot baby ass, he was using foul and very offensive language . basically teaching a child that all you got to do is BE STRONGER than other and you can do anything you want .

and than forces a child to post that to the wall for all his friends to see. basically scaring a child for a life. child can be ashamed to do anything normal

except maybe become violent to keep friends mouth shut.

this is prime example how violence is learned behavior .

all he missed to do is ,with joint in the mouth whoop a child for smoking pot

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that was bad parenting 101.

wail he was whuppin that 6foot baby ass, he was using foul and very offensive language . basically teaching a child that all you got to do is BE STRONGER than other and you can do anything you want .

and than forces a child to post that to the wall for all his friends to see. basically scaring a child for a life. child can be ashamed to do anything normal

except maybe become violent to keep friends mouth shut.

this is prime example how violence is learned behavior .

all he missed to do is ,with joint in the mouth whoop a child for smoking pot

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  • Administrator
that was bad parenting 101.

wail he was whuppin that 6foot baby ass, he was using foul and very offensive language . basically teaching a child that all you got to do is BE STRONGER than other and you can do anything you want .

and than forces a child to post that to the wall for all his friends to see. basically scaring a child for a life. child can be ashamed to do anything normal

except maybe become violent to keep friends mouth shut.

this is prime example how violence is learned behavior .

all he missed to do is ,with joint in the mouth whoop a child for smoking pot

You're an idiot.

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Guest strelcevina
You're an idiot.

i cant wait to see your video doing a same thing. lucky children .

or you just supporting it so far it is happening to somebody else

btw it takes one to know one

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I suspect it is less about the beating, which didn't seem like much to me, and more about having an uncle who cares. Where the f is the dad?

Back in the day the schools could still paddle you. I got paddled plenty. It didn't do anything for me. I traded it gladly for being tardy and so forth. Disappointing this guy and having to post it on facebook? That actually seems like a decent punishment. A behavior modifying punishment,

Call me a crazy liberal or something but I am a lot less interested in the actual punishment than I am in the result.

I had some teachesr that could hit a golf ball 300 yards with a paddle. I was pretty tough in those days, but I still remember some of those licks.

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  • Administrator

btw it takes one to know one

Sorry, you must have taken my comment that you are an idiot as a personal attack. It's not and I don't have anything personal invested in the remark. It is just a common sense assessment of your mindset based off of a historical account of pretty much everything you've ever said on TGO from the first moment you posted until now. You seem to be well educated but lacking in any common sense, which is fairly common of many of the folks I've met from European countries so I don't fault you for it as much as I fault your environment and up-bringing.

I realize full well that it's too late to change you, so I honestly think that you should to wear a sign identifying you as an idiot so as to spare other people the frustration of having to figure this out on their own. In this way, everyone will be happier. Rational people will discount your operation at obtuse angles to reality as the actions of a person who has no f-king clue, and you won't have to argue your point with them because they simply won't care.

Win-Win? I think so.

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