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Gun certification class? Is this necessary?

Guest PatriotCSA

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I don't really want to speak for anyone else, but I think he was saying it was that years ago when the Sheriff's Office was involved in issuing permits, there was a list of certain models that were allowed and you couldn't carry anything other than what was on that list, and then only if you had qualified with it.


It seems like when the permits first went state wide, that carried over, but I don't remember exactly. I first got my permit in mid-1996, and it was NOT like that at that time. They did list what gun you qualified with, but it was not required that you carry only that gun.

Me either, early 1997 for me.

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I got my permit in July of 1995, and at that time, you could use anything you wanted, but it went on the permit. Permits were going through the Sheriff's office here at that time, and maybe he just didn't care what model or type of gun you had... I dunno. :D

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If they even ask for it they are breaking the law, so I hope they don't ask for it or record it anywhere.

Where does it say that a handgun must be double action? I don't think it says that in the law or rules anywhere.

I was speaking about twenty years ago when the local sheriff issued the permits. You could only qualify with a double action pistol.

Don't see how now, since there is no record of the type gun you used to get your permit., But this has been discussed at length in other threads.

No, not just you does seem to be a hot topic at times...lol

I was speaking about twenty years ago when the local sheriff issued the permits. You could only qualify with a double action handgun.

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I don't really want to speak for anyone else, but I think he was saying it was that years ago when the Sheriff's Office was involved in issuing permits, there was a list of certain models that were allowed and you couldn't carry anything other than what was on that list, and then only if you had qualified with it.

It seems like when the permits first went state wide, that carried over, but I don't remember exactly. I first got my permit in mid-1996, and it was NOT like that at that time. They did list what gun you qualified with, but it was not required that you carry only that gun.

You are correct sir.

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The only time I have seen anything even remote to this is those qualifying for their armed guard license. For those you are only allowed to carry what caliber you have been qualified on. When I got my armed guard license I also got my HCP at the same time. All told it cost me over $400 to shoot with a pistol and shotgun using my ammo. I recently let mine expire because I will never use it and the discounts I got didn't make up for the cost of keeping it up.

As far as doing it for a HCP it sounds like they are fear mongering to make money. I will make sure I never have any dealings with them ever because of it. I hate those who use fear to profit off of those who don't know better. I see it at every show I go to and it drives me crazy.


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I was checking out RangeUSA's HCP class page and I see that it is $75 which is fine. But I also see an "Add-a-gun" class where you get "certified" on particular firearms.

RangeUSA has about 40 classes available. The courses recommended after the HCP class are Intermediate Handgun (to improve shot group), Advanced Handgun(improve gun handling skills) and Self-Defense Handgun (draw and fire 2 rounds in less than 2 seconds, clear jams, use cover and concealment).

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Guest rsgillmd

As far as doing it for a HCP it sounds like they are fear mongering to make money. I will make sure I never have any dealings with them ever because of it. I hate those who use fear to profit off of those who don't know better. I see it at every show I go to and it drives me crazy.


Dolomite, I don't think they necessarily push the class, rather something they offer. Nor do they say it is required. They are a business and probably put the pitch towards those who are nervous. In the end everyone has to make a decision for themselves.

I took my Intro to Shotguns class at Range USA. It is much cheaper at Range USA (and happened to fit my schedule) than at Rangemaster (where I took my handgun classes). Does this make Rangemaster greedy? Not necessarily. You could argue that Tom Givens is charging for his expertise.

The people at both Rangemaster and Range USA are good people. You would probably be fine going to either of them.

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Dolomite, I don't think they necessarily push the class, rather something they offer. Nor do they say it is required. They are a business and probably put the pitch towards those who are nervous. In the end everyone has to make a decision for themselves.

I tend to agree.

Until the law change Handgun info was recorded and the state did have rules in place for those that wanted to "qualify" with another handgun, so how else to do that but to offer it.

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Guest tnxdshooter
As has been stated, law changed.

I believe during the 2009 legislative year.

- OS

May have been after that because I took my permit class in august 2009 and got my permit in december 09 and on the carbon copy of the class certificate it did have on there what gun I used. My dad also took his in early 10 and it had it on the certificate as well.

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May have been after that because I took my permit class in august 2009 and got my permit in december 09 and on the carbon copy of the class certificate it did have on there what gun I used. My dad also took his in early 10 and it had it on the certificate as well.

If so it would seem the instructor either doesn't know the law and/or is violating it.

However I can believe that, when the law changed that allowed us to carry loaded (minus one in the chamber) long guns in private vehicles, I talked with an instructor that had no idea. I don't guess there is a means for the state to notify instructors of law changes and it is up to them to educate themselves like anyone else.

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Guest TnRebel

I took my class on Jul. 20, 2010, and on the carbine copy of the Certificate in the lower left corner in has the make , model, and cal. of the gun I took the class with .

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Guest TnRebel

Oh I didn't doubt you .. I just posted that to show some of the classes are still doing it .... if i had known then , I would of brought it up in class.

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