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Homefront video game

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It looks like I'm going to be busy on March 8th...

YouTube - Homefront - Occupation Trailer


The year is 2027. The world as we know it is unraveling after fifteen years of economic meltdown and widespread global conflict over dwindling natural resources. A once proud America has fallen, her infrastructure shattered and military in disarray.

Crippled by a devastating EMP strike, the USA is powerless to resist the ever expanding occupation of a savage, nuclear armed Greater Korean Republic. Abandoned by her former allies, the United States is a bleak landscape of walled towns and abandoned suburbs. This is a police state where high school stadiums have become detention centers, and shopping malls shelter armored attack vehicles.

A once-free people are now prisoners... or collaborators... or revolutionaries. Join the Resistance, stand united and fight for freedom against an overwhelming military force in Homefront's gripping single player campaign penned by John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Red Dawn). Stand alongside a cast of memorable characters as an emotional plot unfolds in this terrifyingly plausible near-future world.

Experience visceral, cinematic first-person shooter action as you fight your way across Occupied USA using guerrilla tactics, and commandeer military vehicles and advanced drone technology to defeat the enemy. Multiplayer brings epic warfare to the online arena as infantry, tanks, attack helicopters and combat drones battle across huge, open battlefields.

A rich feature set offering layers of tactical depth combined with a game-changing innovation in the multiplayer space will set a new benchmark in online warfare.

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  • 1 month later...
Single and, apparently, no life to speak of either if you have time to play all those games. :)

Pretty close to one. :)

In all seriousness, it will take me the remainder of the year to finish those games. It took me 2 months to finish the COD: Black Ops campaign. Once spring gets here, a lot of my free time will be used up on my bicycle or on the golf course.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest coldblackwind

So did anyone actually pick this up? I was going to last night, but it got absolutely horrible reviews, and its never a good sign when the price drops $20 the day after is released...

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I have in on order (and there is another thread on this game right now by the way).

The consensus from those on TGO who have it as well as the general reviews seems to be that the single player game is Okay; not great but that the multiplayer (online) play is pretty good or even better than pretty good.

I suspect it will at least be entertaining and provide a break from Black Ops! ;)

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