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Kudos Clarksville PD in handling a scary situation.

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I had a really crappy day yesterday. I'm not going to give too many details because I like my privacy.:)

For the first time in over ten years of carrying I felt the need to put my hand on my gun, my last step before drawing, which is my last step before firing. I was scared for my life and the life of my wife. We were able to back away from the threat and call police. Meanwhile the other guy decides to call the police as well and tells them I had threatened him with a gun which he never saw as I didn't pull it out or mention it in any way.

Dispatcher has us wait in car until police arrive. It was fast but felt like an eternity. Before they arrive I reach for my wallet to get my DL and HCP and my wallet is not there. I don't ever remember leaving my house without my wallet ever! Murphey's law. I was polite as were the police. They disarmed me and took my info and called it in. Both officers were very professional and I didn't have to lay on the ground which I was prepared to do. Everyone made it home alive and I haven't stopped thinking about the whole situation since then. The officers allowed my wife to take my guns since she had here permit with her and let me ride home with her. I think that's all I'm willing to share at this point other than to say after going over it again and again in my head I don't think there's a lot I could have done differently other than the obvious wallet thing. The other thing I was a little fixated on the weapon in this case a hammer.

Again the police were very professional and polite as possible in this situation. The officer who disarmed me came back after hearing from dispatch saying he was glad I had my HCP and the situation wasn't as bad as he first thought. He also spoke with my wife and is HCP friendly mentioning his wife has one and reminding my wife to allow 3 months to renew as hers expires in Sept.

I hated the whole experience but it could have been much worse. I left out a lot of details but that's the bulk of it.


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I have to say that as a resident of Clarksville, I'm VERY proud of the police department here. They have never failed to act in a professional, polite manner, no matter the circumstance. And bless their hearts, with the University and the Army base here, they have their hands full at times.

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I'd recommend getting a couple of extra copies of the HCP for incidents such as this... I'm never without one now :)

I did this the firs several years and kept them in both vehicles. After a while I just decided I didn't need them. Glad I didn't do that with my gun! From now on I may just staple my wallet to my @$$!

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Glad all turned out well....

Even without more details I think many can take away a few things from this...

1) Call the Police!! Even you don't think you were the aggressor, report the incident. Nothing may come of it, but then again it might. If you don't call they only have one side of the story before they arrive.

2) Always good for your significant other to have a HCP, even if they don't regularly carry.

3) Duplicates of your HCP to be left in your car etc... really aren't a bad idea.


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Glad all turned out well....

Even without more details I think many can take away a few things from this...

1) Call the Police!! Even you don't think you were the aggressor, report the incident. Nothing may come of it, but then again it might. If you don't call they only have one side of the story before they arrive.

2) Always good for your significant other to have a HCP, even if they don't regularly carry.

3) Duplicates of your HCP to be left in your car etc... really aren't a bad idea.


I agree on all points. If we hadn't called the police I'm pretty sure I would be sitting in jail trying to sort things out.

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Though you have to send a copy of your birth certificate AGAIN.

But yah, I bought an extra and keep it tucked away in my truck...

That is not true anymore....there was a short time they required Birth Certificates to renew, but the AG issued an opinion that nothing in the law required them to renew, only to get one in the first place. http://tennessee.gov/attorneygeneral/op/2009/op/op106.pdf

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Though you have to send a copy of your birth certificate AGAIN.

But yah, I bought an extra and keep it tucked away in my truck...

I recently got a duplicate and I did not have to send in a copy of my birth certificate. They had it on file from when I originally got my HCP. Actually, I may have used a passport to prove citizenship - I can't remember. I **think** that once they have proof of citizenship on file, you don't have to provide it again. This is one of the problems created when they started giving out drivers licenses to anyone a few years ago.

Edit: or what Fallguy said. He got his post in while I was typing mine. Remind me not to get in a dual with Fallguy - he's a quicker draw.

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