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Memphis City Schools no more?

Guest uofmeet

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This is the crux of the whole problem. You can throw millions of more dollars at MCS and it won't make a difference. As a child, if you have no support from parents at home you are screwed. This is a parenting problem! A bunch of worthless parents that want the nanny school system to raise their kids.

Yep, MCS already spends approximately 20% more per student than SCS (~$5,500 vs ~$4,500/student/annum)...

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Guest uofmeet

Maybe I will get lucky and if they do merge, Bartlett will just start their own system. If not, I will be trying to find a way up out this b$tch. I Don't have kids yet, but me and the wife plan on having them.

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Maybe I will get lucky and if they do merge, Bartlett will just start their own system. If not, I will be trying to find a way up out this b$tch. I Don't have kids yet, but me and the wife plan on having them.

Home school or sacrifice some comforts for a loooooooooong time and pay for private school.

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

I was home schooled and it is a very viable option if the kids and parents have the time. I am kinda hoping my girlfriend may get on with a private school like Briarcrest so our kids will get discounted tuition.

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

Yeah she did some of her field hours this past semester at Briarcrest. She really loved it and the people there seemed to like her so we will see :)

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Guest uofmeet
Home school or sacrifice some comforts for a loooooooooong time and pay for private school.

I am willing to sacrifice for a private school. I was in a private school up until HS then i went to an SCS school. But I am willing to pay for a private school. I know first hand the difference it can make.

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Guest Knightsr25

I did have a dog in that fight, but I sold out and moved to walland. Not only do we have a nice mountain view, but I can own things without having them stolen. The colored folk around here have all been nice and pleasant, even the so called hillbillies are nice. I never saw much difference between detroit and memphis other than the obvious prettier water in detroit. I feel we made the best decision to leave those people in the sewer pit they created. My only regret, and it is a big one, I sure do miss Guns&Ammo (on Summer ave). I went at least once every single day, and bought 80 guns there the last year I lived there. For the countries sake I hope you can do something for that town,I think annihilation might be the best you could do. Good luck.

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Guest Knightsr25

(Colored folk and hillbillies? I'll bet private conversations with you are interesting)

(Wow the only thing you miss about Memphis is Guns and Ammo (known for their legendary customer service) lol )

Allow me to reitterate, I was good friends with Burt (the owner). And how about American africans and appalachian mountain tradionalist. PC enough for you?? I will never support hyphenated Americans, unless of course we are referring to the huge amount of my tax dollars being spent on assistance programs there. Of course I had a few close friends, but they also had the foresight to leave the cesspool as well. Sadly, have heard that customer service has nosedived since the management change a few years ago. After a quick visit during Christmas I got a taste of the reduced customer service, I wasnt amused by it. Good luck to you all.

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The concern most of us have in the outlying towns in Shelby County is that the new school board (after board elections) will be made up of majority Memphis residents. This new school board will be no different than the old MCS school board. There will be the same poor stewardship that plagues MCS and it will now be spread to all the schools, not just MCS.

The Shelby County Commission is made up of mostly Memphis residents because Memphis makes up most of the population of the county. How would the new school board be any different? The commission, in my view, doesn't have the brightest lightbulbs on it because Memphis controls it by a majority.

The schools in my town are excellant. When the schools in my town go to pot, so does my town go as does my property values. I fear that will happen in time if Memphis controls my town's schools. People move to my town and others surrounding Memphis for the good schools. When the schools go what is there to keep many people there? What is there to attract people from out of town to move there for jobs if they can move to say the Nashville area where there are good school options outside Nashville Metro? This will badly hurt the area long term that is already not a very appealing place for outsiders who have choices.

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The schools in my town are excellant. When the schools in my town go to pot, so does my town go as does my property values. I fear that will happen in time if Memphis controls my town's schools. People move to my town and others surrounding Memphis for the good schools. When the schools go what is there to keep many people there? What is there to attract people from out of town to move there for jobs if they can move to say the Nashville area where there are good school options outside Nashville Metro? This will badly hurt the area long term that is already not a very appealing place for outsiders who have choices.

+1....no doubt.

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