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Memphis City Schools no more?

Guest uofmeet

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se
So you just give up on the city kids simply because they had the misfortune of being born to ignorant/clueless parents? They same people that are against this are the same purple that complain about the crime rate and the poor educational system.

How will combining the systems help them though? Again it appears all that will happen is that it will bring down the county system.

Its not as simple as: smaller successful school system + larger unsuccessful school system = larger successful school system.

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I am not going to defend the surrender of the charter because I really don't have a dog in the fight. I do believe the SCS to be a better system so why not give all of the children in the area the benefit of being educated by the better educators. MCS is a failure. Would you continue to use the same broker if all he did was lose your money?

Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

I agree if this was a case of MCS and Memphis residents turning over the reigns to SCS and letting them run things then I would say there is a chance of some improvement. However it is my understanding that this is not how it will workout but rather that a whole new system will arise in which Memphis voters will have the largest say in the matter.

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I agree if this was a case of MCS and Memphis residents turning over the reigns to SCS and letting them run things then I would say there is a chance of some improvement. However it is my understanding that this is not how it will workout but rather that a whole new system will arise in which Memphis voters will have the largest say in the matter.

And all Memphis voters are bad parents who don't care about their kids education?

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So you just give up on the city kids simply because they had the misfortune of being born to ignorant/clueless parents? The same people that are against this are the same people that complain about the crime rate and the poor educational system.

Who said give up on them?

I've outlined exactly what I believe will happen and why. Tell me exactly what the benefit is to this merger and I'll listen, I'm all ears...

And for the record, I'm not going to toot my own horn here, but I am actively involved in helping these kids via the Greenlaw CC - so instead of essentially dooming the entire system by merging them, why not promote people actually getting involved and teaching these kids to read, being a good role model, helping them better themselves - instead of expecting the government to fix a societal problem that WILL NOT get fixed by changing merely for the sake of changing.

We tried that (collectively) in the 2008 presidential election - that's really worked out, hasn't it?

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However it is my understanding that this is not how it will workout but rather that a whole new system will arise in which Memphis voters will have the largest say in the matter.

Truth. City residents outnumber county residents handily, so in the resulting elections will be very tough to keep the good members on the board.

I mean, how much proof do you need that the residents of Memphis CANNOT elect decent leadership? In the 15 years I've lived here virtually every election has been a joke - elect the worst candidate, as long as he's the right color...

The answer would be to allow the systems to stay separate but utilize the county board, but that won't ever happen, the city people would freak out about 'not having a say' in the officials running things, despite the fact that they've shot themselves in the foot so many times there's nothing left below the knee.

We already home school, no it's not going to affect us directly, but I GUARANTEE the testing scores will drop in the county within five years of this happening. It's the worst answer to a good question.

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And all Memphis voters are bad parents who don't care about their kids education?

Really? All you have is a straw man?

How about adding something of substance? Explain why your position is anything but burdening folks with Memphis' problems...

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Really? All you have is a straw man?

How about adding something of substance? Explain why your position is anything but burdening folks with Memphis' problems...

I am not as worked up about this situation as you guys. As I stated before I don't have a dog in this fight. My opinion won't change a thing with anyone here, but I will keep watching this thread for its entertainment value. I hope that those trully concerned have lots of blood pressure pills and antidepressants.

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Guest Old goat

I don't have a dog in the hunt either, just after working on two new school projects for MCS, I feel sorry for the kids and the parents for that matter that will swallowed up.

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se
And all Memphis voters are bad parents who don't care about their kids education?

No I wouldnt say that. However the current majority would appear to be so. So unless your thought is that there are enough good parents in Memphis that can combine with the good parents in Shelby County to take a new majority it appears we will just have a bigger mess. However overall system ranking will go down as the current A school ranking that SCS holds cannot be maintained with a combined system. At least for the foreseeable future.

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I am not as worked up about this situation as you guys. As I stated before I don't have a dog in this fight. My opinion won't change a thing with anyone here, but I will keep watching this thread for its entertainment value. I hope that those trully concerned have lots of blood pressure pills and antidepressants.

Oh, I'm not worked up at all, just seems odd you would cast aspersions toward those posting valid reasons they are against while offering no reasons to be for except for some unrealistic ideal you can't even tell why you support.

You sound like a member of the Brady bunch - talk about humorous!

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

I am not as much concerned for my children (not planning on having any of those anytime soon) as much as my girlfriend who will be graduating from U of M to teach elementary education in Shelby County schools. She isnt looking forward to a mega system where she may get placed in Whitehaven lol

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Oh, I'm not worked up at all, just seems odd you would cast aspersions toward those posting valid reasons they are against while offering no reasons to be for except for some unrealistic ideal you can't even tell why you support.

You sound like a member of the Brady bunch - talk about humorous!

Most of the objections don't appear to be valid. They just happen to be fearful views that you agree with. I hope that you and the people that think like you get everything that you want. Just remember that karma is a bitch. Have a good evening sir.

Edited by LINKS2K
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I concede that I am outnumbered here. What I would like to know is what are the other options to get those kids educated? MCS has shown that it can't get the job done. I really don't think that they care to educate the children. The administrators remind me of people that I work with only concerned about titles and job descriptions.

I would be content with any positive outcome regardless which side wins. POSITIVE OUTCOME! To me that means a outcome were all the area kids have the opportunity to be educated in a safe environment. I would think that more parents would see it this way. Then we would not feel compelled to home school or pay outrageous tuition for private schools in my case.

Edited by LINKS2K
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Most of the objections don't appear to be valid. They just happen to be fearful views that you agree with. I hope that you and the people that think like you get everything that you want. Just remember that karma is a bitch. Have a good evening sir.

What on earth does this even mean? I'm not scared of anything, though I am weary of politicians and their sheep acting as if any action is a good thing.

Of course my objections are valid - be specific - which ones are not? Give me any proof, any thoughts as to HOW merging the systems will improve MCS. Not just 'it's for the kids', but some concrete ideas as to HOW it will improve, when you have the same voters voting for the school board?

Just one, please. If you can.

And if you are implying this is a racial or class issue, then you could not be more wrong.

I concede that I am outnumbered here. What I would like to know is what are the other options to get those kids educated? MCS has shown that it can't get the job done. I really don't think that they care to educate the children. The administrators remind me of people that I work with only concerned about titles and job descriptions.

End the current school board and have another election.

If you assume it would result in similar circumstances, why do you think adding a small additional voting base will change anything from the city's perspective? It will only extend these Memphis City School-board buffoons' power.

I would be content with any positive outcome regardless which side wins. POSITIVE OUTCOME! To me that means a outcome were all the area kids have the opportunity to be educated in a safe environment. I would think that more parents would see it this way. Then we would no compelled to home school or pay outrageous tuition for private schools in my case.

You keep acting as if those of us who are against merging are somehow against those kids getting an education - nowhere have I said anything like that. In fact, I've pointed out that my wife and I dedicate our time to go to these folks and help the kids learn - do you even do that? Easy for you to say you have their best interests in mind, but I'm betting you've done nothing about it other than post on this thread. I'd be thrilled if you proved me wrong, but won't hold my breath...

Fact is, change for the sake of change isn't the answer - there are a variety of things that can go catastrophically wrong with a merger, and a few that can go right. Facts we know:

- a majority of Memphis residents / parents don't care enough to vote for school board members who have their children's best interests in mind. The evidence is everywhere.

- no school system can be successful without parental involvement - parents who rely solely on the schools to educate and motivate their kids fail every time. Again, the evidence is everywhere.

- merging them systems does nothing to address either of the above - it simply adds more children to the risk. You think merging the systems will magically make parents who aren't responsible responsible, or those that don't care, care? You think the Memphis voters will suddenly change decades of voting and start voting for board members who actually have the children's best interests in mind? If you believe this, please explain why...

Again, I care for the inner city, undereducated kids of Memphis as much as anyone - I think it's terrible that due to the fact they were born to who they were and where they were, their chances are so limited / nonexistent. But offering up the county schools as a sacrifice does nothing to address the actual issues as to why the MCS system performs so poorly - unless / until you can give some logical reason as to why it will benefit those kids and not harm the education of the current county students, well, frankly, you're just blowing a lot of hot air...

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Crimsonaudio you obviously have a brilliant mind based upon the fact that we normally share similar views. :rolleyes: No amount of debate will change how either of us feel about this matter so I will respectfully disagree with you and apologize for being a bit harsh earlier.

I hope that whatever the outcome is that it will be good for all of the children while requiring more parental involvement from the parents of the city kids.

Off subject a bit, but I like what Kenneth Whalum said a while back about tying city school kids attendance and performance to the amount of government assistance that a family receives. I know that it won't/can't be done, but I think that it would provide some incentive.

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se
Most of the objections don't appear to be valid. They just happen to be fearful views that you agree with. I hope that you and the people that think like you get everything that you want. Just remember that karma is a bitch. Have a good evening sir.

Was that really necessary?

I concede that I am outnumbered here. What I would like to know is what are the other options to get those kids educated? MCS has shown that it can't get the job done. I really don't think that they care to educate the children. The administrators remind me of people that I work with only concerned about titles and job descriptions.

I would be content with any positive outcome regardless which side wins. POSITIVE OUTCOME! To me that means a outcome were all the area kids have the opportunity to be educated in a safe environment. I would think that more parents would see it this way. Then we would not feel compelled to home school or pay outrageous tuition for private schools in my case.

I am all for positive outcome too. However I cannot see a positive outcome from the current proposed merger. If you have some insight I am more than open to hear it.

As far as a solution for MCS's woes I am unsure. A lot of the problem comes down to parental involvement and the quality of the educational leadership in Memphis. No matter how many good teachers you have if the administration fails to provide them with the tools to do their job and the parents refuse to support the teachers nothing can be done. Like I have said before a system in which SCS retained its current leadership would have a chance of improvement (though the parental involvement of SCS parents is a major factor that would be missing), however that does not appear to be the situation that would remain a few years after the merger.

Concerned parents moved out of MCS territory to obtain a better education for their children. Now they are faced with their children falling back under essentially the same leadership they tried to escape. The likely result is more people will consider moving out of the county if taxes go up and the education system goes down. This will decrease the tax base leading to potentially higher taxes for remaining residents or funding cuts which often lead to more problems.

Could there be a positive outcome? While I sincerely hope one will result I do not see it happening.

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Crimsonaudio you obviously have a brilliant mind based upon the fact that we normally share similar views. :rolleyes: No amount of debate will change how either of us feel about this matter so I will respectfully disagree with you and apologize for being a bit harsh earlier.

Haha, fair enough.

I hope that whatever the outcome is that it will be good for all of the children while requiring more parental involvement from the parents of the city kids.

Bingo. But we need positives that don't require hurting other kids' education.

The solutions exist, but they aren't simple, and they (honestly) won't come from the government...

Off subject a bit, but I like what Kenneth Whalum said awhile back about tying city school kids attendance and performance to the amount of government assistance that a family receives.

Ahh, it's a great idea, but we both know that would be 'racist'...

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

Off subject a bit, but I like what Kenneth Whalum said awhile back about tying city school kids attendance and performance to the amount of government assistance that a family receives.

Now that is not a bad idea. I also support mandatory drug testing for people on governmental assistance and also the requirement that families who rely on government handouts be placed on birth control until such time they can sustain themselves :rolleyes:

Sadly I doubt any of these plans will be come to fruition any time soon.

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Now that is not a bad idea. I also support mandatory drug testing for people on governmental assistance and also the requirement that families who rely on government handouts be placed on birth control until such time they can sustain themselves :rolleyes:

Sadly I doubt any of these plans will be come to fruition any time soon.

I agree.

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- no school system can be successful without parental involvement - parents who rely solely on the schools to educate and motivate their kids fail every time.

This is the crux of the whole problem. You can throw millions of more dollars at MCS and it won't make a difference. As a child, if you have no support from parents at home you are screwed. This is a parenting problem! A bunch of worthless parents that want the nanny school system to raise their kids.

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