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Memphis City Schools no more?

Guest uofmeet

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Basically, Shelby Co voted against a Metro guvment because they did not want to get stuck with the Memphis school system. Now they have no choice.

Actually, under the metro plan that was voted on, the school system was specifically excluded - we voted it down because we don't want to pay for the city of Memphis's issues.

If the city does indeed vote to surrender the charter (and why wouldn't they? it's typical of the city of Memphis to try to pass the buck), I suspect you'll see even more folks doing what my wife and I have done for several years now - home school.

Edited by crimsonaudio
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Guest uofmeet

I will do either home school, priivate school, or move......so far, moving sounds like the best option. I want to get out of shelby county anyways......move somewhere else completely really....

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I don't think it will pass the vote, but if it does, we may very well home school or move out of the county.

I would disagree with that assessment. This vote will be decided by voters inside the city of Memphis, don't look for Shelby county outside of the city limits to get a vote. I expect this to pass. In fact, I have to update my voter registration so that I can help ensure it passes.

And if anyone wants to lay blame, they can look no further than David Pickler. His efforts to permanently sever the city from the county district have directly led to consolidation. See dictionary under "irony".

Edited by Chucktshoes
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I pay for private schools, but I hope that it passes. If SCS has the best plan why not let all of the kids benefit from having the best educators available? They should get rid of everyone in MCS that have held a leadership position in the last twenty years.

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I pay for private schools, but I hope that it passes. If SCS has the best plan why not let all of the kids benefit from having the best educators available? They should get rid of everyone in MCS that have held a leadership position in the last twenty years.

The problem is a new consolidated school board will be elected and with a majority of voters now being the same ones who have continuously re-elected the idiots who drove MCS off the cliff, what do you think will likely happen?

"It's for the kids" is weak here - it's simply going to drag the SCS down to the level of the MCS, watch and see. This is a power play by the MCS board officials, plain and simple.

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I would disagree with that assessment. This vote will be decided by voters inside the city of Memphis, don't look for Shelby county outside of the city limits to get a vote. I expect this to pass. In fact, I have to update my voter registration so that I can help ensure it passes.

And if anyone wants to lay blame, they can look no further than David Pickler. His efforts to permanently sever the city from the county district have directly led to consolidation. See dictionary under "irony".

I agree that Mr Pickler is fully to blame for the situation. He forced a non issue, MCS called his bluff, and is now he is trying to backtrack. I am sure it will cost me money but if the powers to be can do this right it may help Memphis and the County. Time will tell.

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

My question is: Are they going to pay Shelby County teachers as much as current MCS teachers? And are they going to have to fund all the students in the consolidated system at the current Memphis rate? If so we are all screwed.

As far as blaming Pickler you all are starting to sound like Wendy Thomas of the CA.

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The problem is a new consolidated school board will be elected and with a majority of voters now being the same ones who have continuously re-elected the idiots who drove MCS off the cliff, what do you think will likely happen?

"It's for the kids" is weak here - it's simply going to drag the SCS down to the level of the MCS, watch and see. This is a power play by the MCS board officials, plain and simple.

That is what I am afraid of also.

My little girl starts kindergarten this fall, and we moved into Macon Hall Elem. district this past summer so that we wouldn't have to send her to a Memphis City School.

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Guest 270win

I am afraid of a majority Memphis run school board (Memphis makes up most of the population) after the merger with the county, which will lead to the same problems. There will be school board elections and I bet most will come from Memphis. Memphis City Schools with a different name.

I hope my town's people are smart enough to pull out of this consolidated district, if it passes, and form its own school system some how. If the town is not smart enough to pull out, I will look into selling and relocating. I'm afraid of my house taking a big hit if my town's schools become Memphis majority school board run schools.

The problem with the Memphis area is that the Fayette County public schools are not that great. It is growing like crazy out there though and property values are pretty good in Oakland and Piperton. DeSoto County, MS is crowded and unplanned. Shelby County Schools are the best public schools what makes people move to my town at least and keeps property values up. Crittenden County, Arkansas where West Memphis and Marion are I would never live. I am from AR and West Memphis is the ARMPIT of the state.

I've pondered relocating to Middle TN all together at times to get away from all the race baiting junk in Memphis. Wife and I like Williamson County a lot. Clean, safe, we enjoy going to Franklin and Brentwood when I have to go to Nashville for seminars and I take her there. Nashville city limits doesn't have that 'hood/ghetto feel like Memphis. Reminds me a lot of Little Rock where I am originally from.

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I pay for private schools, but I hope that it passes. If SCS has the best plan why not let all of the kids benefit from having the best educators available? They should get rid of everyone in MCS that have held a leadership position in the last twenty years.

Mixing a rotten egg in a boel with a good egg results in 2 rotten eggs. Memphis schools need to have the State or Federal government take control and clean up their mess.

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Mixing a rotten egg in a boel with a good egg results in 2 rotten eggs.


Memphis schools need to have the State or Federal government take control and clean up their mess.

State, maybe, but unless you can show me somewhere in the US Constitution where the federal gov't has the right to take over a school system, I'll pass on that idea...

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...State, maybe, but unless you can show me somewhere in the US Constitution where the federal gov't has the right to take over a school system, I'll pass on that idea...

US Dept of Education is merely another unconstitutional entity. Moreover, it is another example of doing badly what need not be done at all. It is a major factor in why our educational standards have averaged down rather than up, and why we're now way down on any list of worldwide scholastic measurement.

Beyond perhaps public health standards, the feds should have absolutely ZERO to do with education in this country.

- OS

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US Dept of Education is merely another unconstitutional entity. Moreover, it is another example of doing badly what need not be done at all. It is a major factor in why our educational standards have averaged down rather than up, and why we're now way down on any list of worldwide scholastic measurement.

Beyond perhaps public health standards, the feds should have absolutely ZERO to do with education in this country.

- OS

Yah, agree 1005 (hence my comment...)...

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So is SCS not up to the job? If and when Memphis becomes Detroit the entire area will suffer. If those kids in the city system are not properly educated soon the city will die and crime will sky rocket.

People talk about leaving and they may have to when all the companies leave because of the lack of a educated workforce. I know that the city schools are full of heathens. Hell I was one of them, but us old guys have to get over the race mixing fears and stereotypes.


I am a firm believer that nothing will change if there is no parental involvement, but I don't agree with the status quo. The preachers and black politicians only care about power and money while the suburbanites are simply paranoid.

Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

Honestly I dont see a combined system improving the educational experience for all students but rather bringing the quality down to the MCS levels for all. The problem is that the City of Memphis voters will have the majority of the weight to elect the new school board and what will make the odds of them electing better quality board members increase after a merger?

I mean if SCS and non-Memphis voters were the ones in charge of the new system I think we would have a better chance but obviously that will not happen.

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Honestly I dont see a combined system improving the educational experience for all students but rather bringing the quality down to the MCS levels for all. The problem is that the City of Memphis voters will have the majority of the weight to elect the new school board and what will make the odds of them electing better quality board members after a merger?

This is precisely what will happen. The entire combined city/county school system will become a new version of MCS with the same "quality of leadership" that has lead to MCS giving up.

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So is SCS not up to the job? If and when Memphis becomes Detroit the entire area will suffer. If those kids in the city system are not properly educated soon the city will die and crime will sky rocket.

People talk about leaving and they may have to when all the companies leave because of the lack of a educated workforce. I know that the city schools are full of heathens. Hell I was one of them, but us old guys have to get over the race mixing fears and stereotypes.


I am a firm believer that nothing will change if there is no parental involvement, but I don't agree with the status quo. The preachers and black politicians only care about power and money while the suburbanites are simply paranoid.

So, change for the sake of change?


Explain how merging the two will do ANYTHING other than hurt the county schools, please - I'm all ears.

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So you just give up on the city kids simply because they had the misfortune of being born to ignorant/clueless parents? The same people that are against this are the same people that complain about the crime rate and the poor educational system.

Edited by LINKS2K
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