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Guest dkharp

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Guest dkharp

My name is Dave,

I'm the sixth great grandson of Davey Crockett (Don't laugh) from my fathers side of the family. I live in Missouri and got on the craze of purchasing firearms when our current administration came into office. Spent a lot of money on overpriced firearms and ammo but you learn and your learn hard sometimes.

About a year ago I started a forum up in Missouri called MOgunowners.com if any of you fine folks come our way hope to hear from ya!

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Guest Sgt. Joe

Welcome to TGO dkharp, this is one fine group of folks.

I really doubt anyone will laugh at a connection to Davey Crockett as that is some fine heritage. Crockett County TN is very close to me here in W. TN.

It has nothing to do with me but my wife's family is related to Daniel Boone by marriage to his sister Sarah. It does cause a lot of laughs from time to time as most folks dont believe her, my research has confirmed as much. It is kinda funny to me that people these days dont think that anyone can have any connections to folks in our country's history.:up:

I have a few gun toting friends in MO and will let them know of your site, but do hang around here and have some fun with us.B)

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Guest dkharp

Most folks don't believe me when I say I'm related to Davey either. I have an old family tree book with his signature and who his wife was (at the time)

Your right seems now a days most folks think it's funny or can't believe being related to some one other than. I think it's a big deal but that just me.

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