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Anyone here like Guns & Ammo magazine?


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I wasn't up for renewal, but I ran across a good deal. I just renewed over the phone for 2 more years (24 issues) for only $10. The same promo code will get you 1 year (12 issues) for only $6, if you have problems with commitment, LOL.

Here's the promo code: 4P0B254 (that 3rd character is a zero, in case you aren't using copy/paste).

Hope this helps somebody save a few bucks.

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Thanks for the heads up. I've suscribed to G&A for several years, but I"m going to let it run out this time. It's steadily went downhill to the point where I feel it is a waste of time to open a copy. For my money, I feel that Shooting Times is a far superior mag.

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The gun mags make me want to buy the latest and greatest. This past year I have had 6 different next guns, that i am going to purchase. But in the end I haven't purchased any of them. I keep waiting for the next "latest and greatest". Maybe this year there will not be anymore latest and greatest, but, then, there go the magazines. See my dilemma.

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I quit reading the gun mags awhile back, but shoot for 10 bucks...Thanks man!

Sorry, not even for $10. I let my last gun 'zine subscription expire back about '93, '94. This is just a portion of what I've still got packed up in boxes, starting about 1979 'til I quit. And now days, there's more free info on the 'net than you'll ever get from a paid subscription from any Peterson publication.


The worst part is, it's just money thrown away... nobody has much use for old back-issues of gun mags/rags.

Edited by Jamie
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