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My first western style holster

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I just finished my first western style holster to fit my 4 3/4" Beretta Stampede. I'm reasonably pleased with it, but I need to brush up on my tooling a bit (it's been a while since I have done any). It's made from 9 ounce saddle leather, I burnished it, slicked the edges, and wiped it down with some saddle oil to bring out the detail. I am waiting for a Christmas gift from my wife to arrive (the gun shop and/or the distributor screwed up the order) and I have another holster planned with a different style of tooling on it. I'll post some pics of that when I get it done. :)



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I mean it!!! Your tooling looks as good as any I've seen.

Thanks for the kind words. I've done quite a bit of it, but I haven't fooled with it for a while, especially the elaborate scroll work. I've also done quite a bit of figure carving for folks. My favorite was a guy who asked me to tool his 1965 Ford Mustang he restored on a knife sheath. I also did a custom sheath for a knife-maker that made the blade from the leaf spring of a 1932 Chevy, and I tooled the car on it. I enjoy doing it, but then I look at the pros and see how much more I need to improve!

I have the belt in the works and plans for another holster to fit a 4" birdshead that my wife got me for Christmas. :fingerright:

Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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Guest mosinon

I really like the idea of making a holster and leather work, seems like it would be fun to do.

With the holsters on TNG I've pretty much given up on that fantasy. How did you do so well on your first try?

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I really like the idea of making a holster and leather work, seems like it would be fun to do.

With the holsters on TNG I've pretty much given up on that fantasy. How did you do so well on your first try?

Well, it's not my first go with holster work or tooling leather; just my first cowboy holster. I've done holsters as a little side/hobby biz for several years. I started doing it when I started in law enforcement and couldn't stand to pay $100 for a holster. I saw one a co-worker had and I decided to give it a go. I've done them ever since. Basic construction is really not too difficult to get into and only requires a few basic tools and some know-how. I'm actually working on a how-to book for making modern leather holsters and hope to have it done in the next couple of months.

Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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