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Natchez State Park shooting range

Guest AF275

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I know before I saw a thread asking about this range, so I figured I post up some photos from a trip up there back in summer.





It's free, and A LOT of fun, beyond private land or the MSAA there isn't a good rifle range in Memphis. Once you pass Jackson, TN it is about 15 more minutes.

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Will they let you shoot AR15s (5.56) at the range there?

It's my understanding that they will. They call it a "pistol range", but somebody not long ago (I think it was Punisher84) called up there and asked and they said high power rifles are ok. I've been wanting to get up there sooner or later.

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Yea from inside the loop, I'd say about an hour and half to get there. When we went we shot 9mm and 45 on the pistol side (photo#1), and on the rifle side (photo #2 & #4) a Wetherby 270 and AR15. We had the whole place to ourselves and were there about 4 hours, got a late start getting there.

Basically you turn into the range and stop, fill out a postcard which acts as the safety waiver, and tear off a slip to keep on you, and put the large portion into the mail box, then you descend down the gravel road and park behind the rifle pavilion. Free range, pistol and rifle sides, how can you not love it?

We did the math, and with gas and even dinner after at Subway added in, we spent less driving and shooting here, then going to an indoor range and shooting pistol/rifle.

I plan to go within the next month and sight in my AR optics.

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I have visited this range several times over the years. It is a good range and never crowded. One word of caution... the pistol range is in front of the rifle range. Both ranges use the same backstop. AF275's first picture is from the pistol range looking at the targets. His second picture is from the pistol range looking back at the rifle benches. The way this range is set up, I have always viewed it as unsafe to use the pistol and rifle ranges at the same time. Enjoy, but be careful.

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Guest KimberChick
I have been thinking about having a TGO camping event here in the spring.

Ooh, I haven't camped Natchez since 2009 i think. It was below freezing then, lol. Cub Creek campground is nice for car camping(and bringing kids for those that have them.

The new rifle will be finished by then and if HP and I can make it...

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I have visited this range several times over the years. It is a good range and never crowded. One word of caution... the pistol range is in front of the rifle range. Both ranges use the same backstop. AF275's first picture is from the pistol range looking at the targets. His second picture is from the pistol range looking back at the rifle benches. The way this range is set up, I have always viewed it as unsafe to use the pistol and rifle ranges at the same time. Enjoy, but be careful.

Completely agree, that is the one down fall. Since we were the only ones there it wasn't a big deal, we shot pistols, then moved onto rifles. But if more then one group is there, I would take turns between the two sides shooting.

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I've been there a couple of times. My family usually goes to Natchez once or twice a year. As others have said, the range setup is not the best, but it does work. I've never seen anyone else there when I've been there, luck of the draw i guess.

KimberChick - did the campground you stayed have electric? There are 2 camping areas at Cub Lake, #1 has water/electric and "flattened" camping areas (usually for those with campers). #2 is the lower area and is more for tents. #2 used to have electric, until people started getting shock when touching the water spigots. Sucks we usually stay at campground #2, but with 2 little ones having the electric comes in quite handy. Guess this year i'll just have to bring the inverter and generator.

There is also an Archery range near the Pin Oak camping area.

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Guest KimberChick
I've been there a couple of times. My family usually goes to Natchez once or twice a year. As others have said, the range setup is not the best, but it does work. I've never seen anyone else there when I've been there, luck of the draw i guess.

KimberChick - did the campground you stayed have electric? There are 2 camping areas at Cub Lake, #1 has water/electric and "flattened" camping areas (usually for those with campers). #2 is the lower area and is more for tents. #2 used to have electric, until people started getting shock when touching the water spigots. Sucks we usually stay at campground #2, but with 2 little ones having the electric comes in quite handy. Guess this year i'll just have to bring the inverter and generator.

There is also an Archery range near the Pin Oak camping area.

We camped on #1. Area #2 was closed when we arrived, but the dude that collects the rent opened it the next day. Had water and power at each site on #1, dunno about the situation on #2. While most of the sites are geared towards camper-camping(places for Winnies and popups,) there are a several that were more or less geared for tents. We snagged one that wasn't a pull-through type spot. The bathroom facilities were down the hill...the other reason I'd say its a good site for camping with kids or people who've never camped before.

We ran the race on most of the Pin Oak grounds, I didn't see the archery range but we probably just didn't go over towards it. I'll bring my bows when we go if anyone else is interested in shooting. Is it pretty decent? 50 yards max I assume?

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