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Ever neglected or forgot about a pistol only to find out later......

Guest Xring04

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Guest Xring04

....You really like it?

After much neglect, I find that I really like my Ruger P89. I owned one years ago and never shot it much either, and sold it off.

I bought this p89 some time back for the heady sum of 225 dollars. I took it home,ran the full mag of ammo it came with through it, and abandoned it in the safe.

Fast forward to today and I was looking for some documents I needed when I spied the neglected pistol.

I thought to myself, "I really need to shot this gun", so I snagged a box of 9mm and headed out the door. Stepping outside I found the weather not to be too favorable for shooting, cold and raining. I decided against setting up proper targets and decided to use my "reactive targets". To clarify my reactive targets are a couple of old empty freon jugs, set out at around 110 yards. (They are about the same size as a 20lb propane bottle.)

I loaded the mags and proceeded to fire. Bang...clang bang...clang bang...clang and so it went for the rest of the mag save a miss or two.

Back to the garage to snag a few proper targets and some more ammo.

Needless to say the pistol functioned just fine and I was very surprised at just how pleasurable the gun was to fire. Accuracy was on par with every Glock or Sig I have ever shot, and the heavy pistol made for fast follow up shots. Standing in the rain, both me and the pistol soaked, I found I really like this homely workhorse of a handgun.

I'm debating on finding a set of night sights and letting the P89 earn it's keep as my nightstand gun.



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Guest bkelm18

The Ruger P series is just one of those guns that may look and feel like a brick, but they go bang every time. I had a P345, which was an excellent shooter.

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I have an old P85 MKII that I really like shooting. I didn't like it at first but decided to try a Hogue grip (which I see you have too) and that really transformed it. It's got eleventygillion rounds through it, gets properly cleaned maybe once a year, runs like a top and is plenty accurate.

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Nothing wrong with the p series never owned one but use to set on the tailgate of my truck with my ex wifes brother and shoot 300 rds or so through his. I miss my brother in law and his p89. Later AL

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I have a P90TH I bought new at one of the gun shows at the fairgrounds back Dec. 2001. It is a great .45 ACP. I bought my second Ruger in 2005. A P89. I will keep both of them. No complaints about either one of them. But I want to but a smaller handgun to carry. Been thinking about a Ruger SR9c. But Ruger had so much trouble with the SR9 when it first came out. Don't know what I will buy. gearyr

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Guest yzfMrLee

I used to own a p95. Sold it to a friend cheap just so he could afford a handgun. I don't regret selling it to help out a friend, but every time I see one for sale it kinda temps me. I honestly don't think there's a better DEAL out there than the p series. Lotta gun for the money.

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Guest Xring04

Never happened before, but being that the target is down in a valley, and considering how much energy has been lost due to the impact, and the amount of land I live on, I can live with the small risk.

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Guest Archminister01

My first handgun was a Ruger KP90. I loved that gun and it was as accurate as any that I have been fortunate enough to shoot since. I carried it as a duty weapon for almost 3 years. The P series are workhorses and will never let you down.

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I have a Colt Combat Elite that i bought in the 90s. Shot it a few times a year until a few years ago. Now there are two safes filled with guns and ammo and I try to shoot several times a month. I added a second reloader about a year and half ago for those weekends i can't get to the range. ten years ago I'd never thought I would become a gun nut. ;)

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Guest Sgt. Joe
I have a P90TH I bought new at one of the gun shows at the fairgrounds back Dec. 2001. It is a great .45 ACP. I bought my second Ruger in 2005. A P89. I will keep both of them. No complaints about either one of them. But I want to but a smaller handgun to carry. Been thinking about a Ruger SR9c. But Ruger had so much trouble with the SR9 when it first came out. Don't know what I will buy. gearyr

I am pretty sure Ruger has worked the bugs out of the original SR9's.

I have a newer SR9 and the "c" version and love them both. I have not heard any complaints from anyone about the "c" at all. FWIW.

I passed on an older P-89 (may have been a 99) a few months ago that was beaten and battered and scratched all to heck, I would hate to have seen the insides. But even so for 150 bucks I have been kicking myself since. It was an all black version and sure was ugly but I sure would have grabbed it up at more than that 150 asking price if it had looked anything like the one in the OP.

That one is a sharp looking shooter and everything I ever have heard about the P-99 (89's) is that they never stop going bang.

I still wish I had grabbed that old ugly one.

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The story goes that when Bill Ruger was designing and testing the P85 for the military trials that one test was to thread the barrel at the muzzle, screw a plug into it, and then fire it in a ransom rest in a safe room. All it did was break the extractor, so Bill beefed up those extractors. I actually read this report in Guns and Ammo back in the mid 80's so it is not hear say, they printed this as a factual event witnessed by the writer. I have owned and shot many of the p-series. Using Ruger mags I have never had a problem and I would rate their reliability right up there with the Glocks and Sigs. Only complaint I have with them, or Ruger handguns in general, is they should be sold by the pound.

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